Glamthaus's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, it'd be nice to import objs and textures

    Just wanted to say, I'm already doing this within the cap I've been working on.

    If I get time I might be able to strip out the transformation side of the code and turn it into a plugin that will allow everyone to use low-poly objects if they so desire.

    Thanks for giving me the idea .

  • Evented, for now at least. Still has a fair way to go until I'm happy with it.

    Would be nice to turn it into a plugin though.

  • Oh ok. Well that is good to know.

    It isn't really that it is the wrong tool for the job. I'm not expecting Crysis type performance, I was just using that for hyperbolic contrast . I'm mainly trying to establish what our limit is for a 3D engine in Construct.

    As it stands, based on my testing so far, you can definitely pull off ps1 or n64 graphics with decent frame rates, which is cool.

    I'll keep looking into it, anyway. Thank you for your responses, made me more at ease knowing that it is more the nature of Construct and less the ineptitude in my programming that keeping the frame rates at what they are.

    Thanks again.



    I'm doing this because I enjoy the learning experience. Reading about and then coming to understand in depth the different concepts involved in 3D programming has been well worth the effort.

  • Thanks Ashley.

    In response to your, well, responses:

    1. I see. I had assumed that the sprite distortion must be doing some indirect overhead (well, a lot of indirect overhead). In my testing I could reach about 15,000 1x1 meshes with a 1x1 texture before getting subpar framerates. This is with an 8800 GTX, a decent computer, and a cap that does nothing after generating the meshes.

    Apparently Crysis uses 20,000 tris for a single vehicle, with 1024x1024 textures.

    I know I cannot do direct comparisons here, but there must be something I can do to increase the framerate. Are you implying that a 1x1 sprite mesh is more than 2 tris or a single quad (would explain a lot)?

    Just to clarify, the method I'm using currently is creating 1x1 meshes as faux polygons (tri or quad). You would know better than I what kind of overhead that might create.

    2. True. Thanks for your honest answer.

    3. So essentially I should only really be getting bottle necked by what I display at runtime (barring exceptionally sloppy programming on my part, of course)?

    Thanks again.

    Edit: Extra clarification in 1.

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  • I would usually refrain from calling out a particular group, but I don't think this question can really be aimed at anyone else. Unless some of the plugin programming regulars can answer for them.

    Is it possible (meaning, I would be doing the work, just need to know if it is feasible), to make a plugin using the SDK that can:

    1. Display UV textured polygons (tri, quad) directly instead of via the roundabout Sprite Distortion method?

    2. Thus allow for the use of vertex shaders?

    3. Access Direct X's inbuilt Rotation Matrix (and other 3D functionality) instead of having to utilize an event based solution?


  • A reboot of my old 3D proof of concept with all the new features available to Sprite displacement since then (Z axis, Z buffer, etc).

    I'll upload an exe once I get a bit further and make things more efficient (Backface culling, etc).

    Model borrowed from ... tures.html.

  • Absolute ace plugin man. I have a lot of potential uses for this.

  • I would certainly use it.

    I'm still trying to learn more C++ so I can have a crack at turning RakNet into one, but it'll be a while before I can have a serious go at it.

  • Sounds great. Can't wait to give it a whirl.

  • I have two things to say about that program.

    "LOL" and "Awesome" .

    That is all.

  • Awesome. Glad to see someone else still interested in seeing Construct embrace the third dimension a bit more.

    Very cool.

  • I thought it was up, down, left, right, A+START? Up C down C left C right C A+START for pros.

    Yeah, that'll be the one I always remember. Never got to use the Konami code personally. Good old Sonic. Well... good old Sonic at least.

    Oh, and welcome back Deadeye!

  • I think that sounds pretty terrible ($5000) if you actually do make something that makes money and still would prefer a free alternative... What if you managed to make something that some day reaches $250,000 and you've already invested some of that? Because of the slow and steady climb you're suddenly slapped with a $5000 price. The premise of that is much worse than paying $50 once at the start, I think.

    Yeah I see what you're saying. I guess it would depend on the person if they consider it acceptable to pay 2% of their product's revenue (5,000 out of 250,000) when/if they reach that point. In my own thinking this seems acceptable, providing it works as well as you need it to (and as far as I've been hearing in the indie circuit, RakNet is considered to be of the highest quality). Not everyone is going to see it that way, I admit.

    Just so we're on the same page I'm not suggesting that a RakNet plugin would completely replace the need for a free (presumably lesser featured) alternative either. As you said, if you only want to use the networking features in a limited fashion, $5,000 is uh... pretty steep. Rich has been working on such a plugin for quite a while now though, so we'll be seeing that free alternative at some point at least.

    In the mean time, we could have a powerful full-featured network plugin that is free for non-commercial use, and free for indie use up until your game has generated some significant revenue (again, $250,000). I'd prefer this over no network functionality at all.

    Is there a way in Construct to do stuff like uploading scores to databases yet? If I'd need this plugin for that, it would be even more annoying with such a fee looming! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

    The only method I'm aware of so far is using the HTTP object. Though admittedly I haven't personally used it as of yet, so I can't really comment on it's level of functionality.

  • Well that has some pretty damn amazing potential.

  • Raknet looks good and is free for non-commercial use, which means I could make a plugin using it and distribute it for free. However anyone wanting to sell their online game needs a license, which is only about £50 ($100) per application. This is okay I guess, a commercial game would probably make that back if they just have a handful of sales. But it's still a bit of a barrier to small time indie devs. What do you reckon?

    I understand this is one hell of a gravedig, however, it has come to my attention that Raknet is now FREE for independent commercial use providing gross revenue does not exceed $250,000 (at which point you have to pay RakNet $5000 for a normal Commercial license it seems).

    So, the barrier for small time indie devs is now gone. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Anyone here fluent enough with Visual C++ to turn this sucker into a plugin? Or do I have to start learning it myself (which would be like attempt 12 or so)?

    EDIT: Link.