Yeah sorry about that, error on my part, should be:
Particles set position to
((Sprite.X - DisplayWidth*0.5) * 100 / (100 - Sprite.ZElevation)) + DisplayWidth*0.5
((Sprite.Y - DisplayHeight*0.5) * 100 / (100 - Sprite.ZElevation)) + DisplayHeight*0.5
By 'Where Object.Value('X') is Object.X before any Z emulation', what I'm really trying to say is don't do the following.
Particles set position to
((Particles.X - DisplayWidth*0.5) * 100 / (100 - Particles.Value('Z'))) + DisplayWidth*0.5
((Particles.Y - DisplayHeight*0.5) * 100 / (100 - Particles.Value('Z'))) + DisplayHeight*0.5
The 'Particles.X' would need to be what value X you want it to be pre-Z emulation, whereas here after a single tick it would be Z emulated, then Z emulated again, and again, exponentially, making it a complete mess. I hope that makes sense.