Either my understanding of how U, and V work, or how to implement a tiled texture on a distort map, using either a loop, or array is wrong.
In the cap here:
perlin noise plug here:
I've tried to set the u and v coords with the thinking they are either one of two, then the rows are even or odd.
In a distort map set 4 columns/ rows it would start like this:
0,0 |1,0 |0,0 |1,0 for the first row
0,1 |1,1 |0,1 |1,1 for the second.
And then making a bigger map should be fairly straight forward following the formula:
(y is even or odd, then a variable is either 1 or 2)
Well apparently not, in the cap I've tried it in a loop, and an array with limited success, but it's far from being right.
If any one would like to take a look at it and see if they can figure out what I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate it.
Keep in mind you need the perlin plug to open the cap.