Glamthaus's Forum Posts

  • Good luck with the exams mate.

    Hope the motherboard comes sooner rather than later.

  • [quote:bezgv7yh]I'm actually implementing some kind of basic protocol to make things transparent for the user. Joining, Leaving and Sending strings to the server is already working and i'm looking forward other basic functions like changing nickname, changing room name, sending colors or object coords and values, all things that can be done using basic string sending and string manipulation but that will make life much easier for all and i think are more in line with the philosophy of a tool like Construct.

    This sounds absolutely awesome MK ... Bring it on!

    Agreed, sounds absolutely brilliant. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • After reviewing the above diagram... I realise it doesn't exactly give you a good idea of what I mean.

    So, having said that, I decided to throw together these two exes to show you exactly what the problem is.


    These two tests highlight the problem with the current 3DBox orientations, and their inconsistent relativity, as detailed in the above post. Due to this, I decided to focus on rotating two orientations, rather that three in the following tests (Two can be a mess as it is, which you will see).

    Test 1:

    For the first test, I decided it would be best to show you what it looks like when it is working correctly. To do this, I have started off with a Pitch of 90, so I can use a Roll to simulate what a Yaw SHOULD be doing. ... nTest1.exe

    Note: Ignore the textures, an origin pitch of 90 causes them to be in an incorrect position.

    Test 2:

    This is using Pitch as Pitch, and Yaw as Yaw. You will find when you try to combine a Pitch and a Yaw... well... you'll see. ... nTest2.exe

  • Try Construct 3

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  • My apologies, I didn't see the new information about submitting bugs to the 'bug tracker' before making this post.

    Regardless, it is now submitted.

  • After some extensive work with the 3DBox I have noticed an issue with it's orientation values (yaw, pitch, and roll).

    The problem, quite simply, is that the orientations for the 3D box are not consistently relative. That is to say, they are relative in some situations, and not relative in others, causing inconsistency.

    This diagram will hopefully help you understand what I mean.

    <img src="">

    The things I notice immediately are:

    • Yaw is acting independently of Pitch and Roll.
    • The relativity between Pitch and Roll seems inconsistent.

    This inconsistency is bound to cause problems whenever someone tries to alter two or all three of the Orientations.

    • Glamthaus

    Edit: Here is the .cap I was using the test this, if it helps any. ... onTest.cap

    Edit: Edited for clarification.

  • Raknet looks good and is free for non-commercial use, which means I could make a plugin using it and distribute it for free. However anyone wanting to sell their online game needs a license, which is only about �50 ($100) per application. This is okay I guess, a commercial game would probably make that back if they just have a handful of sales. But it's still a bit of a barrier to small time indie devs. What do you reckon?

    Very interesting. Not sure what everyone else thinks, but in my opinion thats an excellent idea.

  • I agree <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />. If you're already spending that much you may as well go all the way.

    Hope the new computer works out well.

  • Honestly, the 8800GT is basically THE best GPU price/performance wise at the moment. If you can afford it, I would definitely pick one up.

    AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ is generally better price/performance than the X2 6000 (roughly 40~% price increase for 10~% performance increase) as far as CPUs go.

    Also, do check how generic RAM compares to the 'Crucial' brand price wise. I have always used generic RAM and have never had a problem. (Every benchmark I've ever seen only shows 'high performance' RAM beating generic by 2 - 3~% at most.)

    Beside that however, if you can afford the parts you've already listed, I'd say go for it. Would be a top machine.

  • I think I may just be having a mind blank, but I can't for the life of me work out how to get the parameter values of my Function I'm working on.

    Eg. Function.Atan2(1,2)

    I know the parameters are there, using Function.NumParams results in '2'. But I just can't seem to figure out how to get to them.

    Excuse the foolishness, and thanks in advance for your reply. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

    EDIT: I think its more a matter of not knowing how to use Function.Param. Thanks again.

  • Note if you want a 3D box with private variables before 0.84 you can get it off the CVS, you'll need to download both 3DBox.csx and the one under Runtime.

    Hmm, I seem to be getting an error with the new 3DBox object. I will test further, but it seems that whenever I am altering a 3dbox private variable through an event it causes the application to crash.

    Is anyone else able to replicate this?

    EDIT: I tried dumbing it down, just to be sure. Even something as simple as "Set 'X' to 1" is causing a crash.

  • Note if you want a 3D box with private variables before 0.84 you can get it off the CVS, you'll need to download both 3DBox.csx and the one under Runtime.

    Awesome, thanks for the speedy update <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">.

  • Makes you wonder what it could be if it was working fine on a previous install.

    My only guess is maybe check to make sure your video card drivers are up to date.

    Actually... if it at all possible, install one of the old beta versions of Construct that you know worked on your last install, and check if it indeed does work. If it does, then the problem is in Construct. If it doesn't, well, I'll leave what that means up to your interpretation <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" />.

    EDIT: Unless of course you mean you did an OS reinstall between your original post and your latest one. If so, ignore me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />.

  • Just in regards to whether it is a bug or not. It seems as though, whether by design or not, using the 'Compare' condition under the system object to compare two values doesn't allow for an action relative to a specific object.

    In other words, if there are multiple instances of an object, and you wish to compare say, their UID, or their X position, using the 'Compare' condition will only ever return said values for the first instance of that object. (Or at least, my testing leads me to believe this is true)

  • I got it to work, without using UIDs though.

    I'm unsure whether this solution is helpful to you at all (not sure where exactly you intend to take this), but regardless.

    ***File Removed***

    EDIT: I had another look. Try this one, it uses UIDs and should be what you're after. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ... arrow2.cap

  • Does saving the .cap, closing construct and opening it again display a 3D box properly?

    Not for me either. Re-opening the file causes the black screen to occur again.

    Its like the initial render for the 3DBox is bugged. If I change my resolution\refresh rate\colour depth (as mentioned in my previous post) to something then change it back (to 'fix', well... work around the issue) then any 3DBoxes placed thereafter appear 100% fine (that is, until I save and re-open the file, then its black screen again).