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  • Device name: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX

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  • > [quote:1frbw1op]- Sorted Z order depending on Y position


    I would like to request Z sorting based upon a variable, not just Y position.

    Perhaps you mean "Sort by value"

    So you could perhaps say "Sort Z by ".X", descending" (of course, descending/ascending would basically mean higher value means lower Z-order or higher order).

    Excuse the terminology in my original post. That is exactly what I mean.

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  • I know there's parallax effects via layers, but with a lot of objects on screen at different distances, it doesn't work well. It would be much more elegant to move them in 3d space - which would also sort them correctly (z order) and accurately resize them according to distance as well.

    Example: ... 43437.html

    I've been doing quite a bit of work (albiet on and off, and I haven't made any strides with the 3dbox being bugged atm) with 3D Boxes and 'fake' emulated 3D for sprites (or at least emulated Z).

    The following cap shows that this can be done with relative ease. The code that really matters is only 4 lines (under the 'every 10 milliseconds' part). ... tual+Z.cap

    Controls are W,A,S,D for X and Y, and arrow Up and Down for Z.

    Z ordering is currently impossible with this method of implementation though (well, probably not impossible, but I can't get it to work for me yet), so it does limit it's uses. I'm hoping at some point in the near future we can get Z ordering based on a variable, which would make this method work extremely well.

    Looking at it as a whole, though, its really such a simple solution, coding wise, that having it implemented directly into the sprite object itself, simply as 'Z' or 'Emulated Z', would be the ideal solution looking toward the future.

  • [quote:13dyycx4]- Sorted Z order depending on Y position

    I would like to request Z sorting based upon a variable, not just Y position.

  • Just so you know, OriginalWidth and OriginalHeight are already available. For example, if you want to scale to 50%, you can simply do the following:

    (Your Event) - Object: Set Width to Object.OriginalWidth * 0.50
                   Object: Set Height to Object.OriginalHeight * 0.50[/code:1xuyzra0]
    If you want to scale dynamically, you just change the '0.50' in the code to a variable.
  • Just requesting 'Change Mouse X' and 'Change Mouse Y', which I have mentioned before in passing, but never made an official request for. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • I thought the only use for atan2 was in calculating angles... it's used in the code behind the angle(x1,y1,x2,y2) expression, is it necessary to have a separate atan2 expression?

    I actually didn't think of that, to be completely honest. Shows what happens to your mind when you start trying to work with 3D, lol.

    For anyone that might need to actually use atan2, the conversion is as below.

    Atan2(y, x) = Angle(0, 0, x, y)

  • I would like to see an Atan2 function, under System > Math, as per

    Admittedly, this isn't, and shouldn't, be a top priority, only something to be added eventually. It's uses are fairly rare, from what I've seen.

    The Wiki article states, "A principal use is in computer graphics rotations, for converting rotation matrix representations into Euler angles", which happens to be exactly what I need it for. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    EDIT: Maybe I should try to help further the 3D side of Construct by doing some actual coding myself. Stuff like this I could easily add by myself if I had a copy of Visual C++. Might try to get my hands on a copy and see if I can't help out at all.

  • Hmm... I looked for a different style, this is the closest to the old design:

    But they don't have it in green for phpbb3... thoughts?

    Or you could have a browse through there and see if you can find a style you like!

    Well, out of the ones I looked at...

    ...Those three I find to be the most pleasant on the eyes, whilst still retaining the green colouring.

    I'm interested to see what else we can come up with though.

  • Very nice.

  • That's really wacky... the texture even changes frames to match the Mario sprite in the center. 3D Boxes aren't even supposed to be able to have animated textures

    When you rotate the Mario sprite off-screen, the texture corrects itself. And aren't your boxes supposed to be green on top?

    Sorry, the boxes are supposed to be green on top, and darker brown on the bottom. I should've explained that a bit better.

    From what I've tested, whatever texture you have as the 'Right' side of the box, covers all sides instead. ... oncept.exe

    Theres the original compiled .exe of my proof of concept, if you want to see the difference.

  • Something seems to have broken the 3DBox. Which is interesting, because it doesn't seem to be the 3dbox plugin itself (I'd been using the newest one on 0.93 for a few days).

    My old 3D Proof of Concept .cap (this is the original upload link): ... oncept.cap

    Might just be my video card, but this is what I'm getting.

  • I'm Nathan, living in NSW Australia. I too, am a grumpy old man (sans the grumpy and the old parts).

    I currently spend the majority of my time doing study, and hobbies that include programming of various natures and music. I got my programming (well, programming of a gaming nature) start using TGF, which was a blast for a good many years. Logical progression to Construct, and here I am .

  • I cannot believe I didn't notice this earlier. I have discovered exactly what the problem is. (EDIT: Then again, it could just be the result of a different problem, but it at least confirms that there is an issue.)

    Gimbal Lock.

    (Explanation of Gimbal lock:

    This can be observed using my original example above. All you need to do is, quite simply, rotate Pitch to 90 degrees. At this point, Yaw and Roll achieve the exact same motion on the 3D Box. This means you have lost one degree of movement, and have achieved Gimbal Lock.

    While this may not seem a big deal at first glance, this causes major issues when you start doing anything of complexity using the 3D Boxes. It is also a well known issue that extends beyond just 3d programming (Apollo 11 anyone?).

    In case anyone is interested as to my 3D Rotation implementation, I have used the Axis Angle method (in a Matrix), courtesy of the following website: ... /index.htm

    Axis angle and Quaternions both, technically, avoid Gimbal Lock. Whereas Euler Angles are known to be plagued by it (though I make no assumptions that is the cause in this case).

  • EDIT: Removed. Jumping to conclusions is a bad habit.