Glamthaus's Forum Posts

  • I realise I don't post here all that much as I tend to mostly lurk, however, for me personally, a networking plugin (as in, allowing LAN or Internet games and whatnot) is the number one thing I have been waiting for in Construct.

    Every worthwhile game concept I have hinges on the availability and usage of a network plugin.

  • You could copy/paste the old array.csx from a previous install into your plugins dir; you don't have to use the new one.

    Yeah, I actually thought of that after posting.

    As I said though, I'll deal with it either way. I've always been a big advocate of consistency in programs/programming so I believe it is a welcome change overall.

  • Would just like to point out that 99% of my caps use the Array Object. I have 267 caps in total. 99% of 267 rounds out to 264 caps.

    Assuming it takes an average of about a minute per cap, I am looking at 4 hours, 24 minutes of time wasted fixing my files.

    Can we at least have this as an option within the object itself rather than a permanent change? Or at the bare minimum still supply a 0 indexed array object as well as a new 1 indexed version?


    EDIT: The above post was made due to frustration with a change that seemed unnecessary and has subsequently broken the majority of my cap files. I'll deal with it, even if no changes are made. But I'm letting it be known that I don't exactly approve.

    To understand the scope of my annoyance, I use the array object for things as simple as private variables within a function, and for things as complex as the rotation matrix, vertex information, and Z buffer in my 3D engine. This is not something I can fix in a few scant minutes.

  • Why is everyone here an artist? xD

    ol, I wish I was an artist.

    I can make Construct do 3D, but couldn't draw/paint/model if my life depended on it.

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  • Speaking of custom shadow masks, I decided to have a go at doing my own custom dynamic shadows.

    Was fairly straight forward to get custom masking using image points. Not sure how feasible that would be to implement in Construct's built-in shadow casting though.

  • That's OK, I got the source off of the CVS .

    I just wanted to wish you luck on this Glamthaus. Thanks for taking this on .

  • Alrighty, I've got VS2008 happening, and the plug-in SDK seems to be working all good.

    Is the 3D Box source available on the CVS (Can't seem to find it)? Or will you need to send it to me?

    Thanks again.

  • Just figured I would add my 2c on this topic.

    3D Sprites. If this is anywhere near as easy to code as a plug-in as it is to fake within Construct (See: ... lation.cap), then it should be a walk in the park to create. This will be the first plug-in I will be attempting to make (Just waiting on VS2008 so I can begin).

    The other stuff will hopefully flow on from there, but we'll see how difficult it gets . (Though I must admit I'm feeling fairly confident at this point. Lets hope I stay that way.)

  • Seriously, thanks guys.

    A hell of a lot of work has gone in to this, and it shows .

  • Nice.

    Seems to be coming along really well. I look forward to further iterations.

  • Thanks for the speedy replies , much appreciated. I'll look toward getting myself a copy of VS 2005 or 2008 asap.

    It might be a case of wrong tool for the job - there are probably better programs out there for 3D right now. While you can get direct access to the runtime's display device (VRuntime::GetD3DDevice() I think), this is all subject to change. I could send the source to 3D Box if you want?

    The source for 3D Box would be excellent to look at. Thank you.

    Subject to change as in moving away from D3D to become more platform independent?

    I guess the problem at this point is I feel I have a considerable amount of time invested in Construct, and the community we've got going here (I lurk almost every day, but post little) regardless of 'better' tools being out there for what I'm trying to achieve.

    On top of that, I've learned an absolute tonne of information about the inner workings of 3D in the past 6 months or so. Had I succeeded in my attempt to make a complete 3D engine in Construct though, only I would've been able to get use from it.

    This way, if I can get some sort of 3D plugin (or plugins) happening, I can share my work with the community. It would feel far more worth it in that way.

  • I've reached a point now, doing 3D programming in Construct, where it has become painfully obvious that I'm just reinventing the wheel. And my wheel is terribly inefficient, using CPU cycles over GPU cycles in too many cases.

    So at this point, after learning as much about 3D programming as I have, I'm thinking making a plug-in is the path I need to be taking. I've attempted to investigate this before, but I could never manage to get the right versions of programs and such to really get anywhere.

    I guess my question is, to you guys who have been programming plug-ins:

    • What programs are you using/should I be getting?
    • Are there any information resources about using said program that you know of that could help?
    • Any tips? Things I should look out for?

    Any help would be massively appreciated, I'm really keen on getting this happening. Thanks a heap.

  • Lol. Awesome.

    It's good to see the games (or tests, at least) for Construct becoming rapidly more varied and interesting .

  • Very nice. Looks promising.

    Sadly if you add textures to those shapes the texture becomes slightly distorted (as opposed to 3d box) because the distortion doesn't allow for texture z distortion. Its on my todo list to look into texture z manipulation because it would be nice if you could distort each corner of a sprite and it mapped the texture in such a way that it looked 3d.

    've found that you can correct the texture distortion by having a map size of at least 2x2 (the larger your map size the more correct the texture becomes) and interpolating your X, Y, Z values between points (or just X,Y; I've been emulating my Z value).

    I'm probably not explaining myself very well (I have a habit of doing that). Here is an .exe to show my results however. ...


    1 = Decrease map size

    2 = Increase map size


    • W,A,S,D
    • Up, Down, Left, Right
    • Ctrl, Space

    Note: The transparency is because it is still very much a work in progress, and as a result lacks a Z Buffer.

  • Just a quick question regarding sprite distortion.

    I've noticed that getting up around 5000 rows/columns (in total) causes Construct to crash.

    For example, 22 objects 16x16 (5632 total) will cause construct to crash, similarly, 82 objects 8x8 (5488 total) will also cause it to crash.

    I guess my question would be, is it intended for that to be the case? Or should we be expecting a higher amount in future?

    I ask this question because I've been working on an engine to support perspective-correct textured polygons (currently 100% working, sans a Z Buffer). The problem is, each poly currently uses 8x8 (less causes notable distortion in the textures), which means a total of 81 objects before Construct crashes, which is sadly going to be nowhere near enough even for N64 or Playstation 1 era graphics (which is all I'm really aiming for).

    EDIT: To clarify, I mainly wish to know if this "cap" of sorts, of 5000 rows/columns, is intended, or if it is a bug. That way, depending on your response, I can either halt my progress, or continue under the assumption that it will be fixed at a later date. Cheers.