Keep up the good work Mk! As I have a plan for something awesome...
...MP zombie survival, anyone?
Heyy, I was going to do that with Phys-Box! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" />
Well, in all seriousness, I'm only really waiting on Families and multiple event sheets to start making it with zombies, and in the meantime I'm doing an RTS and experimenting with external files, so when families/event sheets are better implemented I should be able to put in:
- Zombies, which move, throw objects, climb ledges, and use a sound/sight system to detect the player (and look at things like physics objects hitting the ground or other objects, possibly seeing the player)
- External map files (and an ingame mapping thing, just basically being able to place flat grey boxes in the editor, and place down physics objects, etc. should be able to do it with object spawning/properties pretty easily)
- Map downloads from a server (thanks D2K5, for your unknowing contributions of space <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" />) when joining online games (once online works)
Not to mention making the game overall much nicer to look at and listen to, with sounds (no music), some nice spark effects, and some less cosmetic changes such as scaled damage made from relative velocity and mass of colliding objects, and a player that dies, gibs on being exploded with explosions, etc. and eventually perhaps making actual people instead of using :geno: from Facepunch as the player, except I'd need a good spriter to do that because I suck at humanoids and **** (and animating)
But right now, my RTS thing. Which I shall continue on later today. I did some work on it today because my ISP ****** something up and my net was out from 6am to 11pm.