Drew Carey's Forum Posts

  • Heh, I've actually found that the "unstable" version is actually completely stable - not a single error or crash aside from my .exe somehow screwing up when I upload it in a zip (it works before I zip it, it works from the zip, but I upload it, then download it and open it, it won't run from the zip and it won't run after extraction - but the .cap is fine)

    But so far, it's about twenty times more stable than the last version of Construct I used - and I'm willing to bet that with my luck, the "stable" one would crash constantly

  • I'd like to point out that this includes an example of how to absolutely move an object with the proper physics reaction.

    How about doing this speed-setting with a hidden proxy physics object for a platform object?

    I was actually going to be doing something more along the lines of a physics-based platform player, if I made a player at all. If I proxied a physics object in there, then it'd drag behind if it got caught on something immovable. On the other hand I could make the player exert force on physics objects it overlaps with, but then I'd have to do some fancy **** with mass to make the player not just push everything.

    Easiest way seems to be to make a physical player bounding box that handles all the physics with a player image mounted to that. Possibly bone-movement since I haven't tried that, although definitely not IK solver (on that small a scale? Pointless. The player will only be about 24px tall)

  • The .exe gives me an error when I try to run it. I looked at the cap though and it seems interesting enough. One thing though and I used to do it too. You dont need to divide event sheets up so much Most of that stuff can probably go in the main event sheet and you can cut down on the even sheets. there is not point in having event sheets with 2 or 3 events in them just use a group. just a suggestion.

    This will end up a lot bigger. I have done the event sheets with groups only for a larger project - not huge, but not small either - and it gets annoying. I'd rather have everything clearly divided from the first than have to spend time dividing it all up later when it gets too much to work with.

    Also, I have no idea what causes it, but the .exe errors for me too when I download it, but the local copy I added to the zip works perfectly.

    Edit: Works even in zip locally, once uploaded it breaks.

  • TimePhys

    Please note that while I do plan to continue this project, TimePhys is not its name. That's just what I call it.

    That being said, this is an experiment. It is an experiment in custom GUIs, Functions, Dynamic Timescaling (Throw stuff into other stuff really hard, it goes slomo 90% of the time - needs a total velocity of 250 or so) and also an experiment in usage of UIDs. For instance, picking the objects for dragging is done via storing the effected object's UID in a global variable.

    Feel free to rip the UI functions out of this. You use functions to create stuff, cause it to do stuff, etc. and yes the load file function under UI is for loading a UI from a file. In fact it'll load it all into a window titled the same as the file, with offsets and the like.


    It's a bunch of gray sliders and boxes with crosses on them, not much to look at hence not much point screenshotting it.


    Double-click to spawn a box. This is a placeholder object, it's actually the close button I made for the UI.

    Escape to close the window.

    Click and drag boxes to throw them about.

    Move the slider to adjust how closely the boxes follow your cursor when dragged (it multiplies the difference in velocity by the slider's value, so 16 is good close following and 32 can get motion blur going at 0.1 timescale)

    Clear to remove all physics objects, obviously.


    If you have any suggestions, speak up. I want to hear them.

    On the list already:

    • More UI objects: Checkbox, radio button sets, windows, and possibly even a custom textbox although I'm inclined to think that will be very much impossible.
    • Object system with good old Phys-Box's gibbing objects - but with randomized gibs.
    • Custom saving which saves all physics objects, their velocities and associated variables etc. (once I learn some file stuff)
    • A console, letting you run functions with parameters (I always wanted one of these!)
  • Excellent tutorial, Deadeye.

    I only skimread it then started making my own, it's turned out well so far. Once i get some game in there too you'll be able to see it in the My Creations forum.

  • Hey, I'd like to say "I've been here for a long time and need no introduction" but I'm too much an honest person for that.

    My name's Tristan, I'm 18 as of June 4th and that happens to be legal drinking age here in Australia so I'm just sobering up enough to relearn Construct!

    I have to say that you guys on the dev team have done some damn good work since I've been gone - sprite distortion and pseudo-3D stuff, the physics are a lot more stable (physics-stable) than they were last time I used them (just after the first upgrade, although I haven't REALLY used Construct in over a year), Families now work for me (hell yes no more groups of 24 triggers for every single object) and I'm sure a lot of stuff to boot!

    So last night I redownloaded, sat down, toyed about a bit, did what I always do (how quickly can you create nine different objects with physics behaviours set up? I bet I'm faster! I have a lot of practice at that) and found that now Families work it's much easier. Not to mention I've learned Torquescript to a decent extent now so I understand the general principles of things much better.

    Well I have to say it's good to be back. I'm sure I'll be able to pump out some fairly fun things over the next few days, and I'm currently experimenting with custom UI so that will be useful (Thanks, deadeye - that tutorial helped a hell of a lot.)

    And I still rant and make longwinded semi-useless posts! Some people never change.

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  • F1RS7 P05T!!1

    Hai Neo :3

  • I cope so much better with code now. After I learned a fair amount of Torquescript events feel so limited to me, probably because it gives me a list of things I can do but because I'm implementing Torque in a game with undocumented functions, I find new things every time I make something.

    Hell, I went back and redid my very first project yesterday, and actually halved its filesize.

  • Huh, the Lightning archive seems to be damaged. I think that the .caps should be released too, with author's permission, as I'm quite interested in how some of these are made.

  • Nice job.

    I haven't updated in aaages, so I'm sure I'll have fun with the plasma effects and new physics when I get around to playing with it again later. Been too busy learning TorqueScript to play with Construct recently. D:

  • Have you tried adding a "Play Animation" event to the landing?

    Failing that, you could just add a lot of frames identical to the last frame of the jump animation (I presume it's falling) so it doesn't loop back. But that has its own problems.

  • I think it's meant to do that, although it would be nice if it just resized instead of scaling the image. I'd like to be able to change the resolution my game is played at without having to distort the image.

  • Fair enough. I thought that there had to be a legitimate reason for an installer option.

  • Just starting out at Tafe (you Aussies will know what it is). Doing Certificate III in Network Administration, we start out doing the plain old hardware/software stuff - learning about using DOS, BIOS, building computers and ports, that sort of thing, then we do some stuff like installing and optimizing OSes (we did a bit of this, and as an experiment we installed Mac OS onto normal hardware - it was hilarious).

    Aside from that, I've been learning Torquescript and have become quite an avid Blockland player (hence the learning the Torquescript), and it's opened my eyes a great deal on the ways a lot of things work. Everything in Construct seems a lot simpler now, but at the same time it feels a lot more restricted as well, so I'm considering setting aside some time to learn Python too.

    I've also got a part-time/casual job at a local internet cafe - on my nights off, I can use their computers free of charge for just about anything I want, it's giving me some experience in tech support, and I'm also using the cash to save for a new PC of my own (plus I get special deals on a lot of hardware from there - and I recently picked up two semi-new 8600 cards for the price of one as well - such a pity I lack a computer with a PCI-E compatible motherboard )

    It's also giving me some experience at basically blind operating of the BIOS, as the better part of the backends on the internet cafe computers is in Chinese.

    And I've managed to get myself into a long-distance relationship with a girl in Montreal. I've been busy these past few months

    I know why people hate long-distance relationships. It's not so much that you can't be physically together, as her and I seem to fit together like Yin and Yang - even by name - but it's waking up in the morning, and thinking for a second that she's there, then realizing that she's not. While I've never been happier in my life (I have actually been diagnosed as being free of depression - for the first time in almost twelve years), waking up has never been more sad.

  • Okay, well for my current project I want to use the font Percolator Expert (I have no idea where I got it) - anyway, it's definitely not a default Windows font, and I was wondering how I could package it into my exe. I was going to try adding it as a Font resource but unfortunately I cannot add font resources (right clicking Fonts in the resource bar does nothing, and I can't drag it on or anything) - I'm not sure if that's simply unimplemented or if that's a bug.

    I also tried adding it as a Binary resource, but unsurprisingly that didn't work.

    Is there any way I could add it without needing to fiddle about?

    Oh, and another thing - the Box object's Set Y event (or its height variable) is broken in some way.

    http://users.d2k5.com/Razel/files/Shinbox_0.cap - The .cap

    http://users.d2k5.com/Razel/files/percexp.ttf - And the .ttf file.

    Right Click->Save As, because D2K5 doesn't have any file definitions so it will just open them as text. D: