Please note that while I do plan to continue this project, TimePhys is not its name. That's just what I call it.
That being said, this is an experiment. It is an experiment in custom GUIs, Functions, Dynamic Timescaling (Throw stuff into other stuff really hard, it goes slomo 90% of the time - needs a total velocity of 250 or so) and also an experiment in usage of UIDs. For instance, picking the objects for dragging is done via storing the effected object's UID in a global variable.
Feel free to rip the UI functions out of this. You use functions to create stuff, cause it to do stuff, etc. and yes the load file function under UI is for loading a UI from a file. In fact it'll load it all into a window titled the same as the file, with offsets and the like.
It's a bunch of gray sliders and boxes with crosses on them, not much to look at hence not much point screenshotting it.
Double-click to spawn a box. This is a placeholder object, it's actually the close button I made for the UI.
Escape to close the window.
Click and drag boxes to throw them about.
Move the slider to adjust how closely the boxes follow your cursor when dragged (it multiplies the difference in velocity by the slider's value, so 16 is good close following and 32 can get motion blur going at 0.1 timescale)
Clear to remove all physics objects, obviously.
If you have any suggestions, speak up. I want to hear them.
On the list already:
- More UI objects: Checkbox, radio button sets, windows, and possibly even a custom textbox although I'm inclined to think that will be very much impossible.
- Object system with good old Phys-Box's gibbing objects - but with randomized gibs.
- Custom saving which saves all physics objects, their velocities and associated variables etc. (once I learn some file stuff)
- A console, letting you run functions with parameters (I always wanted one of these!)