That's pretty damn awesome deadeye. Better than what I can do D:
I'm going to make the survival game basically a topdown thing, mostly because topdown is incredibly simple for me to sprite. I want to basically make it like Stranded but 2D topdown and eventually multiplayer, with mining into the rock, Z-levels and building non-preset buildings, and expanding it from there. Right now it's really in concept stage only, as I'm trying to redevelop Phys-Box to be easier to add on to - poor planning earlier in development and haphazard creation of triggers has made it hell to work with so I'm just going to completely remake it. I'd like to have a proper animated character in there too, rather than just an emoticon. Emoticon games are really just an in-joke of Facepunch, especially the sidescrollers (there's been two sidescrolling games based on Facepunch, the second one of which being D:FP which is being developed by SuperV and Mesothere with possibilities of using the redeveloped Phys-Box for objects and stuff)
But anyway, I'm gonna go do some on this survival game, see what I can achieve.