Drew Carey's Forum Posts

  • Excellent update. I don't have time to check it, as I have to get some sleep to go to Tafe tomorrow (today, we got to dissect a hard drive and a motherboard, installed XP, Windows Server 2003, Ubuntu and Debian, and did some other stuff )

    But tomorrow I'll be sure to check it out. As you probably know I'm just about wetting myself over the new physics engine due to custom collision masks.

    However I was giving it a very quick runover a few minutes ago and noticed something - the "Add Condition" in the context menu for events seems not to add conditions properly now. It's just adding them as separate events unless I properly select the event - I never encountered that before. You should probably make the event sheet editor select the even when you right or left click on it or any of its conditions. Aside from that, as far as five minutes can tell it's a great update.

    page 3 snypa!

  • A bit of copying and pasting events could save me loads of time. I end up using the same action multiple times in my 'code' and want to clone it instead of choosing it again from the menu. I'm using Python a little right now, but I'd like to edit events this way as well.

    If I'm reading you right here, you might want to look into the Function object.

    Insert it to your layout, make an "On Function Called" event trigger and include all your events (if it's working with an object specifically make sure to check the Remember Picked Objects box in call function) then in the events where you want to call those actions just put in a "Call Function" action.

    It sounds complex but it's really quite simple to use once you get used to it. I've been learning Torquescript so I understand a lot more about some of the standard ways this stuff works

  • Really, the number of different uses there is for Construct would negate the usefulness of this sort of thing. It'd be a good idea, but you'd need to include far too many different types of graphics for it to be feasible.

    Plus, not having something like this pretty much prevents the 'RTP Games' from popping up (ie those ones where everyone takes one look at the standard graphics and starts whining about it).

  • The site you're thinking of I believe is

    I remember seeing this quite some time ago. Still looks pretty fun. Hell, it's better than those damn "casual games" that the internet is seeing a lot of lately. Damn casual gamers. Can't be one or the other can they!? Our way of life not good enough for them!? They make me so aaaaangry!!

    It's fun. :3

  • Device name: Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family

    Pixel shader: 2

    Estimated VRAM: 59 MB

    Motion blur: No

    And Motion Blur works still. Might want to look into that (although it lags pretty bad at 8x with 30 objects using it)

  • I tried slow motion with Physics - it really doesn't work very well, as setting the velocity to be demultiplied repeatedly reduces it until it hits 0 (or so close to it that there's no difference) and even if you were to figure out a way to get its proper velocity past the slowed effect, it's kind of hard to make it react as if it were moving at full speed.

    A proper timescale addition to Construct would definitely be useful, as I don't believe that it can be achieved via events. At least not with Physics, which is really the only thing I'm using.

    It would be nice if the timescale was added to various behaviours, but at least a global application variable would be nice and perhaps an option to apply it to an individual object at runtime.

    Stopping time, on the other hand, is something I've already figured out how to do with physics.

  • At this point the controls of these things are set via the "Controls" section in Application Properties. To get to the properties menu, click a blank area on your layout then click "Properties" in the left side bar. Controls should be at the bottom.

    Right now, because these things are controlled only with the Controls, you cannot have multiple players using these movements.

  • Well, here I was just minding my own business playing with some effects when I decided I'd start making a window system for a sort of vague OS-feel UI in maybe say a hacking game :ninja:

    Anyway I wanted to make them dynamically scalable so I set up a function to update the width of the window box and effect underlay, and when I run it the box seems to use 'newwidthsize' in place of 'newheightsize' - while still using it in its own place. Thusly the windows can only be sized into a perfect square. This is really annoying me as when I put in a straight integer it works fine but this variable input is breaking (I hate problems that aren't my fault).

    And while I'm here, are there any plans to implement set X/Y to the Edit Box object? It would be rather handy.

    Oh one other thing - A "Last Key Pressed" output for the Mouse&Keyboard object would be good, so if I wanted to make a custom edit box to get around the lack of being able to move the default one, I don't have to have one event for every single character.

    I think I had more thoughts right now but they must not have been important, since I appear to have completely forgotten what they were.

    Nevermind, figured out a workaround. For some reason, only one private variable of the Box object can be used and all variables after that are ignored. I just used a Sprite control, since I never had any problem with Sprite Private variables. Works fine, although it's definitely a problem.

  • To do this sort of thing you'll need a good grasp of Arrays and Loops (far better than the grasp I had when I made Worldlike - the loops I used in that are really too slow to work in the way I intended them, and I have pretty much stopped work on it - however the basis is there, in a way)

    You could easily simply use Save/Load Array and create some way of editing the Array outside of it, however loading and saving the array using a loop allows a much smaller filesize (32x32x64 Array saved via Save Array action outputs a 722kb file, whereas the same array saved using a loop that writes [value],[value],[value], etc. only gives a 54kb file) but takes several seconds. Writing the Worldlike area array using the loop took a full 15 seconds on my machine. Probably because I used While and a variable rather than a proper loop action.

    Anyway, while Construct isn't designed for this it certainly is possible.

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  • This must be like a worldwide break your foot week or something, I just broke the front half of one of my toenails off.

    Oh well, hope it heals like fast and stuff.

  • I think it's about 4100px in each direction actually. The old Phys-Box used a 4000x2000 layout, and worked fine.

  • Yeah, though it may be easier to use the new HTTP object, you could essentially make a chat with PHP/ASP.

    It's not really the optimal way though so Python sockets is still the better option until I finish that Online plugin I've been dropping buckets of hints about.

    It's worth noting that either way, you're going to need a host for the chat (be it a PHP/ASP server, or a PC which handles the custom chat host). Unless of course it's P2P, but that's not really a 'chat' .

    That's true, I'm not really doing it for the efficiency though - more like a "Because I can" thing. Sort of like the MacBook Air.

  • It's not necessary to uninstall older versions, although if you are encountering problems at all it may be a good idea to remove it completely then reinstall the latest version.

  • Heh, you answered a question I was about to ask, Rich.

    I was working on doing that very same thing that the text manipulator does using system text events and it was rather hard to work out. (I remember back at the start of high school I could do it easily with QBasic and now I'm having trouble doing it with Construct... am I going forwards or backwards?)

    Well that was definitely helpful. Thanks, Rich.

  • Or PHP could be used, if you know how (I'm thinking about it too >_>)

    The gist of my idea is make it add the message by accessing "send.php?m=" & MessageBox.Text - and that page uses $_GET["m"] to get the message and add it to a database (I could, and probably should, use an array but I only really started PHP, never went far past SQL).

    Then, every ten seconds or so (or on a manual click limited to once every five seconds to prevent sidetrack DOS attacks) it downloads "readmsg.php" which returns the last fifteen messages in a format that the application then parses into the message bank.

    Of course I'd have to sanitize the inputs and the like too.

    However, using PHP to do it like this I could add certain other functions like username/login use, web control panels and even direct web access (which kind of negates the point of an external exe) to the chat.

    At least that's the idea, I know I could probably do it but I'm not sure if I can be bothered. Plus it's a bit hacky but according to Rich (or was it Ashley? I'll have to find that post D: ) it should work, because apparently the download object gets the output of the PHP script.

    Anyway, all the PHP stuff you'd need to do it that way can be learned easily at W3Schools and doesn't cost anything. The biggest problem you could possibly encounter would be finding a host that would let you do it without charging you a fair amount.