Im not sure if this is correct or not but Ive experienced problem in the past
if I started using one version and then tried to open .cap in newer version .
The app would either not open at all or would crash right off the bat.
I always assumed that I should stick with one version until I completed my
program and that I should make a note of what version a particular .cap was
written in so as to be able to edit it in the same version if need be in the future.
I assume that if a newer version changes something that an older versions .cap
relies upon and you try to open it you well experience problems.
Like there was a version that had a "Start Of Application" event that I used and then the
next version got rid of the feature and my program crashed.
I dont know why they got rid of it--I think they thought that it was redundant with the
"Start of Layout" which is not true. But they kept the "End of Application" event...makes sense.
But anyway I believe you should take into consideration any new objects or behaviors and such
when changing versions as they may have differences that could mess with the way you
program runs.
I could bewrong but my experience tells me otherwise.