deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Huh, well it worked in my example with that extra backslash anyway

  • You can't really invert a trigger like On Collision. Try inverting the Overlap condition instead, so it reads:

    + NOT forbiddenArea is overlapping castleParts

    -> Do something

  • As for the nameless thread. For what it's worth, he took it too far and pushed people's buttons.

    It's worth exactly nothing. Quit trying to pin that *********** on the new guy. Several people contributed to the situation, there is no one person to blame. Was he a part of it? Yes, but so were many others. Pretty much everyone was out of line, so everyone needs to quit pointing fingers and just agree to be on better behavior next time around.

  • You left out the .cap file. Your zip only has the .mp3 and the .persist file.


    Anyway, .mp3 can only be played by XAudio2 as music, not as a sound. Check out the wiki: ... io2_Object

    And here's how it's done:

    <img src="">

    RedText by deadeye (C) 2009

    Put your music into a folder called Music or whatever at the same level as your game. This can be either your .cap file or the .exe that you build. It's just, you know... less messy.

    When you want to have your XA2 play the music, this is what your music action should look like:

    -> XAudio2: Play music AppPath & "\Music\Gears.mp3"

    Just to be clear, this is what you type into the expression when you choose the "Play music from file" action:

    AppPath & "\Music\Gears.mp3"[/code:2haxne2y]
    Edit 2:
    If you want to play your Gears.mp3 as a sound, you will have to convert the file to .wav or .wma, etc.  Something that XA2 sound channels will support.
  • I did read that nameless thread and I must say he asked for it

    Asked for what? To get insulted? To start a flame war? Because I don't recall anyone asking for anything of the sort.

    Nobody is "asking for it" by asking questions or debating ideas, no matter what you might think of those questions or ideas. And being stubborn, or being wrong, is not an invitation to have crap thrown at you.

    Lost causes. Some people don't really want to hear the truth.

    Calling someone a lost cause isn't exactly helpful, either. Neither is assuming they're just pig-headed. Maybe they don't understand. If you want to try to help them understand something, feel free. But it's not cool to harp on someone when they don't get it.

    At any rate, it seems that there was a lot of misunderstanding going on on both sides in that thread. No one person was solely to blame, and I think we can all agree it could have been handled a lot better.

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  • Patience. Deep breaths.

    I know I'm not the most patient person when it comes to the same questions being asked over and over again, but when faced with that one should never start flinging invectives or starting flamewars, like what happened in a recent thread that shall not be named . Pointing out where someone is wrong is fine, calling someone ignorant or thick-skulled isn't fine. It's rather rude.

    Like Ash said recently in another thread, if someone is asking a common question, just point them to the faq, wiki, and tutorials. If they press the issue, invite them to start experimenting for themselves and point them towards Help/Tech.

    If someone is asking for a feature that is impossible, unnecessary, or outlandish, just explain to them as best and as politely as you can that it won't work. If they press the issue, you should probably just drop it. It's not like it's ever going to get made anyway, so why start fighting over it? They've already got their answer, if they're not satisfied then I'm sorry but that's their own issue. No need to add animosity on top of disappointment.

  • This is the line


    Cross it at your own risk

  • Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick! What the hell is going on in this thread? I was only gone for a few hours, people!

    Quazi, quit yer ***** You don't need the last word, you're just perpetuating an argument that has gone on much too long already. Just drop it, it's over. Do not make me BRING THE PAIN

    That goes for the rest of you, too. If anyone feels that they're being flamed then they should hit the Report button, not spark up a war. Yes Madster, your post was too late. MaxMan, if someone is ******* you off then please refrain from retaliation. LmK... just... I don't know, put down the keyboard for two and a half minutes.

    I swear, if the next post is anything but civil then by God I will smack someone.

    Anyway, you people are all missing the most important problem with this thread:

    ...mute point...


  • Sure, yeah... a better wiki page for tutorials sorted by difficulty would probably be a good idea.

    I still don't know how you'd go about getting people to make a huge list of examples though. People around here pretty much make tutorials on a whim. It's not like we have assignments or anything

  • One reason you might not see any templates for sports games is that sports games are rather complex. The template itself would be a rather complex thing to make. And the more complex something is, the harder it is to modify to your own tastes. If you were to just throw in your own graphics and sounds, it would be readily apparent that you're just using "Template #6: Football" or whatever. You'd have to work a whole lot just to "make it your own," so to speak.

    The reason you see templates for platformers and overhead shooters and such is that those are relatively simple games in comparison. Easy to make, and easy to mod. Well, easier anyway.

  • Interesting idea, but who's going to make this "big list of examples?"

    And anyway, isn't this pretty much what the tutorials forum is for? Just mark tutorials from Beginner to Expert or something.

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  • How would i go to shoot only one item at a time but all items have to be stopped to do so ? Compare the velocity of all the items to 0 ? For each loop ?

    You might try setting a global variable like global('shoot') to 1 when a puck is shot. Then you can do something like this:

    + Global('shoot') = 1
        + puckSprite.Value('clicked') = 1
        + PuckSprite: Physics: Velocity = 0
            -> Set global('shoot') to 0
    Then you could use the shoot variable as a condition when clicking on a puck.

    I have always used system create object, you use spawn object.. is there difference between the two ?

    They are similar, but spawning will set the angle of the created object to the angle of the originating object automatically. There might be some other differences, I can't quite remember at the moment, I just woke up and haven't had my coffee yet. Check the wiki.

    The difference between uID and oID ?

    UID is unique to each instance of an object, OID is the same for each instance of an object. You will very rarely ever have to use them since the picking in Construct is pretty solid, not like in MMF.

    When you are using for each command and loops and all that, do you have to set the addidional events as sub events ? (Like you do with the text counter)

    It depends on what you're doing. Since I was doing two different things to two different groups of the same object, I split them up into two different sub-events.

    If you are performing the same actions on every object in your For Each, you can stack the conditions in the same event as the For Each.

    Btw... Thats some math calculations you used there, nice work ;D

    It wasn't really me... Probably Madster or Lucid or Quazi. I suck at math . I just keep little snippets of math like that for use whenever I need them.

  • Sorry for my ignorance

    But e been looking for programs to raise my game and just wanted to know if Scirra Construct would be a good candidate

    The truth, I really like the program, but I'm still a rookie

    Nah, please don't feel like that. This thread just went a little out of control for a moment. We're nice folks, really

    Anyway, we'll be here to help if you get stuck.

  • Yeah, I think the results probably will be a bit skewed. It's hard to use Python when Python is broke. You may need to let some time pass before you get an accurate result.

    Sort of off topic: Something I've noticed since the PHPBB upgrade. Polls don't work if you're using the Czar Green or Czar Orange theme. I had to switch to Saphic in order to cast my vote. My offer still stands if you want me to customize the eMuza theme for the new board version... it really is a nice theme