ok so from what i understand, your problem is the controls arent working properly, not responding when you input something like right thumb up? thats never, once happened when ive used the xbox 360 controller plugin. but thats probably because i dont use the "control is down" condition, especially when dealing with the sticks. because that would simple defeat the purpose of anything being analog in the first place. your not getting any analog input from that at all, it simple checks if the -1 to +1 value is within a certain range, this cant be innacurate and i dont understand what your claiming when you say that. a simple system compare could replace it, and it wouldnt "not work" like your claiming. perhaps this is a thing i neglected to say because i don't play around with control is down for that type of thing in the first place, it defeats the whole purpose of analog and could simply be replaced with keyboard input. but i thought someone who made the point that analog type control was so important wouldn't even be using this type of command in the first place.
Anyways the whole reason i went off in a tangent about the accuracy of the analog sticks and all that anyways in an aggressive tone is that you say all these weasel words about the sticks and make unverified claims to prove your point. also you just say things that are completely wrong and vague.
[quote:ll24n1v6]My comments about the analog stick problems are a fact. It's a well known fact that the XBOX 360's analog stick accuracy is off, and it's been an issue with commands in football games on the console. All Pro Football's kicking game issues come to mind, and there are others in Madden. In Construct there are some issues with the analog sticks accuracy and the way it decides which stick is being activated for certain commands.
[quote:ll24n1v6]It's accepted but it's not very accurate, and you definitely need it to be moreso for sports games.
thats why i seem to attack what your saying, because your WRONG and you seem to be to stubborn to think otherwise, trying to make me seem like im such an ******* for correcting what you've said.
also you take a little comment like
[quote:ll24n1v6]dont dismiss things without completely understanding what it is they can do, thats just a little bit ignorant.
as if im insulting you and calling you an idiot. I'm simply referring to ONE thing you did, which you WERE wrong about, for said reason. i didn't attack you at all, simply the things you were saying. and if you cant take a little rebuttal to your post what the hell are you doing in a discussion forum or communicating through the internet in the first place.
[quote:ll24n1v6]Absolute nonsense. Not only do you not have a clue as to what you're talking about as you haven't seen ONE line of what I'm doing (which should've led you to stop before you posted that), but explain to me how you can possibly screw up a simple one-line command that makes a character jump up by pressing up on the right stick? You can't, because this is a basic operation of Construct that cannot be done in error, yet there are issues with it's accuracy and selection, and there are issues with it in other programs. Accuracy is a control issue, the selection is a software issue. But whatever, believe what you want. You know everything.
[quote:ll24n1v6] Yeah, exactly Mr. Know-it-all. So don't act like you know everything and have some psychic ability to know what someone is doing wrong in something you've never seen. That's beyond condescending, but I'm sure you'll reverse that and say it's my fault rather than yours, right?...
i dont need to see what youre doing, i can forsee the problems your running into with what little clues i was given by you and previous things you had said in other threads, theres not that many ways to handle analog control input from the controller, and problems i assumed you seemed to be having were pretty typical so i could formulate my posts based on them. but once again you just said something aggressive towards me because of your lack of experience with construct, thinking that you know what your saying and what i was trying to say in my post, which i admit would seem vague from your point of view, my apologies for that, i simply assumed you were looking at it from the point of view which someone who made the mistakes i assumed you had made, i should of explained what i thought you did beforehand, but even so i still think that you've done something wrong in your programming using the control is down method instead of measuring the outputted value. so no, im not wrong, or condescending, because i dont need to be psychic to get a general idea of what youre doing, theres only 2 real ways to do it.
[quote:ll24n1v6]Simple situation: I posted an IDEA thread. What the hell does that have to do with "knowing all the problems"? LOL. What does it have to do with "problems" at all? This wasn't about problems, it's about ideas and that was pretty clear. You somehow completely misunderstood that, and now you're acting like an a-hole. I don't know what your issue is, but please go away and don't post to me anymore.
what ideas did you post in the first place? the thread is called "3 things I'd like to see in future programs" seems awfully like a feature request. secondly the "problems" im talking about are the ones about the analog joystick that you were throwing around and that were the entire reason i made my posts here, what else would i be talking about? , but you wouldnt have noticed that seeing as you cut off the top of the quote i made that you were responding to taking it out of context, once again trying to make me seem like an arse
[quote:ll24n1v6]What the hell are you talking about? Do you even know what you're talking about? LOL. And you're the one sitting here pretending as if you have more talent than even the people coding these sports games for big dev companies, lol. I mean the statement you made about that is laughable and you're delusional if you believe it, and I believe you do. So if you're that great and you know so well what mistakes they're making, why aren't you working for one of them? Huh? Yeah, exactly Mr. Know-it-all. So don't act like you know everything and have some psychic ability to know what someone is doing wrong in something you've never seen. That's beyond condescending, but I'm sure you'll reverse that and say it's my fault rather than yours, right?...
i know the mistakes your making. and ive made those mistakes in the past, and run into the same roadblocks, and i know ways around them.
Dont hold up these sports games programmers as gods, im pretty sure theyre just to lazy and rushed to find ways around the problems that persist through all the games, because it takes time, and money to do so. and programmers working for these big sport's games churning out companys dont give two ***** about what they're doing, its just a job that they have to do every 6 months for the next release of a game almost exactly the same as the last. and they inevitably take shortcuts and use methods they've learned during this course of constantly remaking the same thing, regardless of how wrong or what control problems it may cause.
I respectfully disagree with your view there. You can clearly see where I was attacked (you can see the actual post) and it was clearly an unprovoked attack (which you can also see). I displayed nothing outside of civility towards him until that attack.
I don't come to argue and I have nothing more to say to him so it's dead issue as far as I'm concerned.
like ive said before, i didn't attack you, just what you were saying, but for some reason you overreact on the internet. hardly something id expect from someone "whos the nicest guy in the world", seeing as people in real life actually have a tone of voice, cant be ignored and react much ruder than i have.
also, stop acting as if your on a higher pedestal than everyone in everything you say, without anything to back it up. try to prove what your saying a little better, or explain what exactly the problem your having is, in greater detail, when you get angry at someone for assuming something. thats partly the reason i was so agressive with you. anyways i really couldnt give two ***** more about this thread because i tried to offer help and you just acted like a baby about everything because of a slightly rude remark i made, and your lack of detail about the things i was explaining.
Also, to be frank with you, nobody's interested in making sports related things here, because sports games are simply always based upon the same thing, the same games with the same rules, multiple teams that are pretty much all the same, and not a whole lot of people are interested in making something, thats essentially been remade every 6 months for the past 15 years, and hardly changed at all, regardless of how many people you claim to want this, i really doubt the people interested in making something innovative like a game, want to waste their time making something that is anything but, and can barely ever be because of the fact that a sport is a sport because of what it is ,its rules, and what it looks like, people are just being polite in not pointing it out, but i dont care anymore because you've been a total baby on the internet and i don't feel you deserve what little respect i had for you because you've tried to attack every single thing ive said to you. and excuse me for the giant run ons in here, but like i said, i don't give two ***** about this anymore and this is my final post in this totally pointless thread.