QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • Without more information, I think there's a mistake in something you're doing. The camera plane shouldn't intersect the plane you're trying to show, you need to move the camera or otherwise rotate something to prevent the intersection.

  • Sir LoLz

    Try moving the camera further away instead of adjusting the near plane.

  • andreyin

    sorry for the double post.

    Just remembered the best way to do this is to use a viewport object. It has the same kind of raycasting conditions, but lets you test a ray exactly based on the mouse position accounting for the effect of the projection matrix. If you create a viewport and make it the size of the screen you should be able to do this easily by casting a ray using the absolute mouse position.

  • andreyin

    Q3D Master should have a camVecX/camVecY/camVecZ property that you can use to get the view direction which would be more convenient. Also I think nTx/nTy/nTz will be pointing away from the view direction if you copy the camera rotation like that (it's a quirk of openGL, the camera looks in the opposite direction of the Z axis), and you might need to force a model matrix update using the action for this to get up to date values.

    If I misunderstood your issue let me know.

  • "...Will we see new stuff from you again e.g. plugins or demos?"

    If this would happen, i would by 5x more Q3D-plugins ! :-) (especially if the update would include any ThreeJS connection)

    No, the Construct 2 SDK is too limited to really do any more with the plugins.


    There is no completed manual.

  • Does anyone have the example files? I really want to make use of the morph and bone tools.


    I dug through some old files and found the examples (at least I think these were the ones in the dead link)


    I also found some other examples I never really released because they're messy, but they might be helpful:


    skinnedtest.capx should have events that use keyboard strokes to load/manipulate/animate bone based models in the three.js exporter format for Three.js version 71. You should be able to find the blender plugin somewhere if you wanna use the format.

    Hope this helps.

  • ok... that's kind of annoying.

  • Is private messaging removed from the new forum? I can't seem to find it anywhere...

  • Send an email to daviowarermz@gmail.com and we'll fix the issue. You should have received an email.

    Sir LoLz

    Tank jiggle is done by modifying the transformation matrix of the object based on some spring/damper math. You can do it using the Q3D Model and setting the model matrix with the action for this. Build one with skew to get the wobble you want. you have to turn off automatic matrix updates and build the matrix yourself.


    Development has ceased.

  • FunkY Koval

    There is no texture based control over reflection maps, you'll need to separate the models you want at a different reflective level. You can control specularity with a map however.

    Emissive maps are also not supported, it wasn't a feature in the three.js build used a couple of years ago to make Q3D, and updating the api is not easy since it causes many many regressions.

    You can again, use a different model with meshbasic material or some emissive color to add emissive elements however.

  • undeadbobop

    just redownload it using you original info from the email you got. Then follow the same "plugin installation" procedure you did, making sure to remove the older plugin versions. Some versions aren't completely compatible though (depending how far back you go), so be mindful of that.

  • Hi, I don't think I made an example for raycasting.

    It's pretty straightforward,

    Add a raycaster.

    add something like an always, then add some action for the raycaster.

    -add a set position action for the raycaster, this sets the raycaster origin location to some xyz in world space.

    -add a set direction action for the raycaster, this sets the raycaster either towards a location, or in a xyz vector direction, depending on the actions

    next add a condition, either Raycast, loop all or Raycast, pick 1st.

    -select a Q3D model, and set the raycaster step size (world space units) and the raycaster near/far clipping values (the raycaster will only intersect objects in the given range).

    Raycast loop all will act like a loop, calling the events in the loop and acting sort of like a for each picking each object that was intersected.

    Raycast pick 1st will simply pick the object in the first intersection.

    When an intersection occurs, you will know because the condition returned true so the associated actions fired. if you just want to detect collisions like this just use a dummy variable and set it to 0 before checking, and 1 in the raycast condition. That way each frame you'll know if you had an intersection or not.

    Last important point. Whenever an object is picked by the raycast conditions, the raycaster expressions are updated with relevant information about the raycast. Stuff like intersection location in worldspace, the normal of the face that was intersected (in world space), intersection depth, etc.

    hope this helps.

    If you want to do raycasting from a mouse position (i.e. to select objects with the mouse), you can use the Q3D viewport. The workflow is essentially identical to what i just described except you use the "projection" conditions. These let you give the mouse x/y position and handles all the tricky projection stuff. three.js might have a bug with this though if you're using shadows, I can't remember.

  • Our game TowerClimb (http://store.steampowered.com/app/396640/TowerClimb/) is on Steam. Although it's made with Construct Classic (Not C2). This means its Windows only.

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  • You need to add Q3D master first.