Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • I just bought Q3D a few days ago and am excited to see what I can do with it. I have seen multiple people in this thread reference a raycasting example file, but I cant seem to find in anywhere. Does anyone know where this .capx file is, or have a copy to it? I am trying to implement a drag and drop system for 3d dice on a 2d game board. I would be able to pick up the dice, and drop them in their own 'slot'. Apparently I need to cast a ray that shows the mouse XYZ in the 3d world and project it onto a 2d plane? Someone said this is covered in the example file, that's why i'm asking.

    Thanks for any info.

  • I just bought Q3D a few days ago and am excited to see what I can do with it. I have seen multiple people in this thread reference a raycasting example file, but I cant seem to find in anywhere. Does anyone know where this .capx file is, or have a copy to it? I am trying to implement a drag and drop system for 3d dice on a 2d game board. I would be able to pick up the dice, and drop them in their own 'slot'. Apparently I need to cast a ray that shows the mouse XYZ in the 3d world and project it onto a 2d plane? Someone said this is covered in the example file, that's why i'm asking.

    Thanks for any info.

    I avoided raycasting from the mouse from my game for this reason. The example provided in the package is for an older version of Q3D and includes some expressions that no longer exist.

    QuaziGNRLnose, would you mind giving a quick update on how to do raycasting from screen space using V2.4?

  • Hi, I don't think I made an example for raycasting.

    It's pretty straightforward,

    Add a raycaster.

    add something like an always, then add some action for the raycaster.

    -add a set position action for the raycaster, this sets the raycaster origin location to some xyz in world space.

    -add a set direction action for the raycaster, this sets the raycaster either towards a location, or in a xyz vector direction, depending on the actions

    next add a condition, either Raycast, loop all or Raycast, pick 1st.

    -select a Q3D model, and set the raycaster step size (world space units) and the raycaster near/far clipping values (the raycaster will only intersect objects in the given range).

    Raycast loop all will act like a loop, calling the events in the loop and acting sort of like a for each picking each object that was intersected.

    Raycast pick 1st will simply pick the object in the first intersection.

    When an intersection occurs, you will know because the condition returned true so the associated actions fired. if you just want to detect collisions like this just use a dummy variable and set it to 0 before checking, and 1 in the raycast condition. That way each frame you'll know if you had an intersection or not.

    Last important point. Whenever an object is picked by the raycast conditions, the raycaster expressions are updated with relevant information about the raycast. Stuff like intersection location in worldspace, the normal of the face that was intersected (in world space), intersection depth, etc.

    hope this helps.

    If you want to do raycasting from a mouse position (i.e. to select objects with the mouse), you can use the Q3D viewport. The workflow is essentially identical to what i just described except you use the "projection" conditions. These let you give the mouse x/y position and handles all the tricky projection stuff. three.js might have a bug with this though if you're using shadows, I can't remember.

  • Thanks for the reply, i'll try this out.

  • i buy the plugin long time ago (at the begining) , how can i update it?

    another question it is possible to import a 3d mesh with uv, and the paint the textures in construct 2 directly on the model?

  • another question it is possible to import a 3d mesh with uv, and the paint the textures in construct 2 directly on the model?

    You might be able to do this through the creative use of the Paster plugin. You can load a new texture at runtime, and create that texture with Paster. Are you thinking of making a decal system?

  • well i was thinking to use q3d for loading 3d meshes and then paint over the 3d a texture who can be exported and used in others 3d softwares.

    i was thinking to develop a little 3d paint soft with construc 2

  • well i was thinking to use q3d for loading 3d meshes and then paint over the 3d a texture who can be exported and used in others 3d softwares.

    i was thinking to develop a little 3d paint soft with construc 2

    Trying to recreate something like Substance Painter would be a tough thing to pull off. I suspect you will need to do some serious three.js hacking.

  • nope just a 3d really vbasic paint app, not so advanced, just something to paitn on a 3d surface without bum,s no pbr etc

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  • nope just a 3d really vbasic paint app, not so advanced, just something to paitn on a 3d surface without bum,s no pbr etc

    I'm thinking that the following would require some three.js work:

    1. Setting triangle vertex colors so that you could get color gradations across a surface.

    2. Assigning UV values to a texture for each triangle so that you could get basic diffuse color texture maps onto a surface.

    3. Wrapping a texture around a surface. This one gets really complicated, as you have to figure out how to UV map the texture based on projections.

    Creating a 3D paint program with textures is significantly more complicated than creating a 2D paint program. It took me about 2 hours to cobble together a basic 2D paint program in C2. Most of this time was spent on creating the UI. I anticipate that it would take me about 200 hours to get a very basic 3D version working, and I have already spent probably 50 hours studying and watching videos how to do this.

  • I made my first Q3D game. Thanks for the plugin ^^


    Keep in mind it's just a demo/prototype used for a game convention. I made it pretty easy so all people could finish it in under 5 min.

    The real game (with completely different content, actual story, choices and difficulty) will come in the late December.

    Also, for some reason game works badly when I try to export it to the arcades/embed in browser, so it's only nw.js download.

  • Hows does one update their out dated versions?

  • undeadbobop

    just redownload it using you original info from the email you got. Then follow the same "plugin installation" procedure you did, making sure to remove the older plugin versions. Some versions aren't completely compatible though (depending how far back you go), so be mindful of that.

  • Quazi:

    Two quick questions:

    -how can I mask the reflection map? For example, making windows more reflective and the wall less, in a building facade texture

    -how can I add an emissive (self-illuminated) map?

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