Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

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Fantasy Game includes more than 600 sound effects inspired by hit computer games like World of Warcraft and Diablo.
  • There may yet be hope for 3d inside construct. This looks promising. https://mitsu-studios.itch.io/3djs

  • #mOOnpunk

    Thank you for this very interesting info / link to a upcoming plugin for C3. I love the idea to have both worlds: 2D and 3D. Looks really promising. Especially because of a 3D-view -Editor UI inside C3 !!!

  • There may yet be hope for 3d inside construct. This looks promising. https://mitsu-studios.itch.io/3djs

    mOOnpunk, thank you for keeping tabs! My pipe dream is to port our Unity game to Construct 3. It looks like this project is bringing the dream a little closer.

  • I seem to be having issues with culling.

    I am working on a mode 7 style project. I have a plane with a texture and a box that would represent the player. however the plane is getting culled before it reaches the bottom of the screen.

    I tried fixing it with the "near plane" in frustum setting. but this does not seem to do anything.


  • Sir LoLz

    Try moving the camera further away instead of adjusting the near plane.

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  • I must be missing something trivial because it's still not working.

    I added a new variable called "scale" that takes the pre existing size of objects and multiplies to that scale. It will also multiply the cameras distance by said scale.

    However the culling still happens. if I move the camera high enough yes it stops. but at that height it stops being behind the player.

    Also there is an odd distortion going on. I must be overlooking something.

  • Without more information, I think there's a mistake in something you're doing. The camera plane shouldn't intersect the plane you're trying to show, you need to move the camera or otherwise rotate something to prevent the intersection.

  • I have attached a copy of the capex to this post. There should not be that much going on.


  • oh I figured it out and as I suspected it was something simple I was overlooking. the camera option in the Q3d master was set to Orthogonal. not Perspective.


  • Hi Davioware

    I wanted to pick up and have a play with Q3D again but cannot find a link to update. (I have 2.3 installed).

    I found my paypal receipt email but couldn't see anything else from that day (I purchased back in 2015)

    Would you be able to help if I forward my transaction ID / email to show i purchased it? (Or let me know what might be in the email subject and I can search my inbox)


  • Guys, please do a q3d tutorial as I can see many people here hold good knowledge and we as learners can look upto you guys. Please help in importing 3d objects like obj in construct 2 using q3d and use the animations like rotating them or make them run and change of caemra angle on panning mobile.

    Please guys, waiting for the tutorial from long time.

  • Guys, please do a q3d tutorial as I can see many people here hold good knowledge and we as learners can look upto you guys. Please help in importing 3d objects like obj in construct 2 using q3d and use the animations like rotating them or make them run and change of caemra angle on panning mobile.

    Please guys, waiting for the tutorial from long time.


  • > Guys, please do a q3d tutorial as I can see many people here hold good knowledge and we as learners can look upto you guys. Please help in importing 3d objects like obj in construct 2 using q3d and use the animations like rotating them or make them run and change of caemra angle on panning mobile.

    > Please guys, waiting for the tutorial from long time.


    Thanks for the sharing the youtube results but I have already searched them. Most of the videos shows the output but now of the video tells how to start and use components of q3d and import obj model to do the animation on touch or mouse click. If you guys are aware, then please help in obj model import and animate in construct2.

  • Hi QuaziGNRLnose

    Is it possible to help get my Q3D updated? I found my old order invoice but didnt get a login link emailed before. I believe it was done on PM here but they have now been removed so I can't find it


  • there might be hope for this plugin after all!


    Currently trying to ironically, implement a 3D mode to my game Driftking2D (available on Steam) and it's working pretty good so far! I had some hurdles to get over but i finally managed to fix the camera system!https://store.steampowered.com/app/965000/Drift_King_2D/

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