LostMyKeys a really new user at first was a little stubborn but after playing with construct for a little over half a month has steadily improved to be quite the respectful and understands constructs nuances like the "ancients" around here. i think we just need to give this suddent influx some time to play with construct and enforce a little better posting guidelines about what exactly should be asked, mostly shunning the creation of "can Construct do this threads" and replacing them with "How can i do this in Construct threads".
and what i just said was inspired by a post by our good friend, LostMyKeys
EDIT: hah seems he posted as i was writing this
Well in my case I found construct along with lots of claims that -anything- was possible. Naturally I'm going to be skeptical about claims like that. Played with it, looked through the wiki, forum posts. Seeing how easy it was to do a lot of things, but expecting the other shoe to fall, for there being something ready to bite me on the *** and ruin my good mood of thinking I finally found what I was looking for. So figured I'd ask, and use past games as examples. But was met with "yeah you can do that" or "it's easy", which to someone in my position, isn't really that helpful. Looking back, I should have explained I'm not some programmer. But the event system doesn't come across as requiring complex mathematics to use for a lot of things until you start to get down to it. Therefore I was initially given the impression I'd found a place with like-minded individuals, mostly made up of Artists, where programmers were in the minority.
So yeah, first impressions of construct does make you think that it can do everything in a very simple way. It's not until later that you realize to do anything worthwhile, it gets a bit more complicated (unlike a straight scripting language which is daunting from the second you first come face to face with it).
For what it's worth though, I do apologize for my behavior when I first got here, though considering recent events, I was positively polite back then! haha.
So I don't believe the other new users intend to be frustrating or annoying (well with the odd exception or two - construct is not going to turn into Kodu dammit! lol). I think they're given the same impression I was, then are surprised when it's not quite that simple after all (but still not complicated, once you've got used to it, it's really easy.. except the math thing, but that's my problem lol).
As for the veteran users. I think some may forget that they were new once too, and perhaps they've grown with construct (some users are registered 2007 for example), and like anything, to grow with something, makes it almost second nature to you, as you both develop and change together. Could compare it to the analogy of growing up with your real dad, only for your mom to leave him when you turn 17 and marry a new guy. No matter what the new guy does, he's gonna screw up, and he wont automatically know you're allergic to peanuts either, hehe.
As for the nameless thread. For what it's worth, he took it too far and pushed people's buttons. But I think he did it simply to big himself up and feel like part of what he saw as an experienced talented crowd (because lets face it, being the "new kid" always ***** and nobody likes being in that position). Pretending he worked for EA and so on. So I don't think he was being an *** on purpose, just greatly misinformed.