deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Third person is the person being talked about.

    Then he went over there.

    So you see third person shooter isn't literally literarily correct for games that show the player... unless its in replay mode.

    No, it's not completely analogous to the literary term, but that's what it means in in gaming terminology. When you see the main character in the game world then it's 3rd person. You see the character and the game world from an omniscient point of view. Saying "I gotta jump on the goomba" is incorrect, because Mario is the one who has to jump on the goomba. The player is a third entity that is separate from character (Mario) and storyteller (Super Mario Bros.), hence third person perspective.

    Of course, 3rd person isn't really a term that is applied to 2D gaming, I was just using Mario to make a point.

  • This is neat . You have a good selection of samples, and the control over the sounds is pretty impressive.

    Manipulating the elements is kind of tricky, though. Especially rotating notes. You start rotating and it rotates away from the mouse and suddenly you don't have control any more. I think bigger "handles" on the objects would be nice, like a circle that pops up around the center when you hover over something and as long as the mouse is in that circle you can control it.

    Or perhaps you click on an object to select it and it gives you transform handles to manipulate it. Clicking something else or right-clicking would make the transform widgets disappear.

    Also, I'd think it'd be neat to have a bit of a timeline control in the hud. A bar that sweeps across or something. Then you could toggle a spawner or a note on and off, and when the timeline reaches that point it will toggle that item accordingly. I couldn't really make anything except simple loops, and being able to turn elements on or off automatically over time would allow you to create more song-like arrangements. I dunno, just an idea

    Oh yeah, and obviously it worked fine for me. I'm on XP. Maybe it's a shader thing?

  • Perspective in games is derived from literary terminology. If you are experiencing it as the player, then it's first person. If you see the player in the game world, then it's third person.

    In literary terms, first person is when a story is written from the perspective of the main character. "I went to the graveyard." Third person is written from the perspective of the reader. "He went to the graveyard."

    Second person is a rare and tricky form of literature where the reader is actually a character in the story. "You (the reader) went to the graveyard." It's not used very often in literature. Second person doesn't really have a gaming equivalent that I can think of. Dance Dance Revolution, maybe. Or WiiFit.

    Half Life and Shadowgate are both first person games, even though Shadowgate is 2D. Resident Evil and Super Mario Bros. and the Ghost Shooter tut are all third person games.

    From what you said here:

    The camera would be behind the player just a bit, and all the objects, and backgrounds would rotate into view as the players angle changes.

    You're still describing third person, just an unusual way of rendering the view.

    Of course, I could be completely misunderstanding you . Do you have a mockup or example of what you mean?

  • No, I wasn't being sarcastic, for most people 24fps is too fast for the eye to see. You can't really tell the difference unless you see two things with different frame rates played side by side.

    Gamers are different, especially ******** gamers. They're used to seeing things at high fps rates. It's like a baseball player... they can see the stitching on a ball that's coming at them at 85mph and tell which way it's spinning because thier eyes are trained for it. Or competition players for fighting games... they can tell what move the other person is doing and react to it just by seeing the first frame of the attack animation. Your average joe can't do that kind of stuff because they haven't spent hours upon hours training their eyes for that sort of thing.

  • Yeah, unless you're a gamer then you probably can't tell the difference between 60 and 24 fps. That's something you train your eyes for.

  • So lucid, that pm you just sent me... does that mean you do or you don't want me to repost it here in the thread? I am confuse.

    > i have an annoying small amount of free time ... I need to make tutorials again for it ... remove some half-implemented features, or complete their implementation ... very idiosyncratic, and confusing ... written when I was just beginning to really understand c++, so the code is a mess ... issues will change ... please help me fix it, and bring it into the 1.0. ... thanks everyone for ... reporting those bugs ...I think there's only one or two bugs before it's fully stable


    And we have a synopsis of the Construct project.

    Holy lol

  • 1. how does the timing of an event/action work

    the reason why i ask, i have some troubles with bullet settings, some things should happen all at once, but there seem some delay between them, like doing bulletsettings i call a function to do multiple settings,and then after function set a sprite position to the bullet, there some time between them how should i make sure everything happens at the same time

    Not quite sure what you mean here. Could you post a .cap of the problem and a description of what should be happening?


    could there be some problems with fast collision detection on multiple objects at once, i beginning to think that it sometimes skips some events or something, as my code works if you take one hit at a time, but when i do one big blowup some things are getting messed up

    if you use for each object collision with object, it should do all the events for each object on collison should it?

    If you combine On Collision and For Each then the For Each will only loop the objects that are currently colliding in that tick. If you want all of them to blow up when only one collides, you need to not pick them. You could do this with a function (Forget picked objects -> Destroy objects), or you could use the Family Picking trick (put each object into two families like Red and Blue, then do On Collision with Red -> Destroy Blue).

    3. countmatching,

    i litrally got crazy today as i didnt get this to work

    so i have an event where some sprites are counted as the same group, when destroyed, the count goes down like it should, but it nevers reaches 0, i want it to do this way so there can not be a mistake in collison detection, substracting from a var, it has to do with the condition gets false before reaching zero (i think), but why doesn't it gives zero as there are no matching events .. so 0!

    Are you certain there aren't any instances lurking around somewhere? Check the debugger and see how many objects you have to make sure there are none. Also, check your order of events, you might be skipping the last "subtract from var" event somehow.

    Again, it would be a lot easier to see what's going wrong if you could provide a .cap.

  • Yeah I did, sorry I've been a bit busy. I'll take a look at it later and let you know what's up.

  • I've seen that game mechanic before (though I don't recall where) and that kind of control just seemed kind of sluggish to me. Not that it actually was, it's just that psychologically speaking it didn't seem like I had as much fine control over the player. It's like you're lugging the world around rather than moving through it.

    It's not quite as bothersome in 3D, but a few 3rd person shooters I've played have felt like that a bit too.

  • That may all be true, but the point is to not put on your sassyboots and stomp around the forum. Just keep your cool. If you get upset and can't post without keeping your cool, then let someone else deal with it.

    Remember, you're under no obligation to make people see your side of things. If they ignore your cool-headed and logical debate, and persist in arguing about silly stuff, just let it go. It's not like silly stuff is going to get put into Construct because you failed to convince someone that we don't actually need Blast Processing or whatever.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • - [FIX] Physics: custom collision masks with a hotspot not in the centre would not work as expected

    Is this supposed to affect non-custom mask physics objects as well? I made a large physics object with the hotspot located in the upper left and the collision was off, but this was using Bounding Box.

  • I'm running construct v.0.99.72 and all the files run kinda funky..

    I can confirm that's true. It's likely due to the new changes to the Physics behavior in 99.72. Since this .cap was made in an earlier version, the changes to Construct broke it. It happens occasionally, when changes get made something might break. That's the nature of beta software... nothing is permanent yet.

    Anyway it is fixable, as you said... you can click on each object and apparently that propagates the info in the new "Simulation Steps" field in the properties that was added in the recent build. And any new physics project made with 99.72 will work fine.

    By the way, the millions of balls dropping down thing is what is supposed to happen... it's coded with events to do that

  • Like so!


    Seriously, looking really good, man. Needs a little work on the clipping and such but it's coming along

  • I agree 100% with everything Daiz just said. I'm a big supporter of people who try for themselves. You're much more likely to get help fixing something than you are making something.

    I still bust out with full examples from scratch every once in a while, if I have nothing else to do, but for the most part I think people should at least try to make what they need, even if they fail utterly. It's okay to fail, in my book. Failing teaches much better than just being handed the answer.

  • I just looked at your .cap, and messed around with it for a while. No matter what I tried, it still spawned the cannon balls. I was scratching my head saying "what the hell is going on?"

    Then Mr. Obvious drove a truck through my living room and ran me over while honking and yelling "DUH, PIXELS"

    Your forbidden area sprite is set to Per Pixel collision. But... it has no pixels. Set it to bounding box and it works fine . I just assumed you had it set that way so I totally overlooked it.

    Sometimes the most obvious answer is the least obvious answer I guess...