deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Seeings how the developers of Construct are too busy to finish the MENU editor situation I think maybe a TABBED menu feature might be more easily doable for them

    Your passive-aggressive trolling is really getting on my nerves. You need to understand that Construct is in beta, and is therefore NOT FINISHED. It's a work in progress. Getting on the dev's cases for incomplete features is rude. Have some patience. Version 1.0 is a ways off yet.

  • [quote:2fb0a52m]Not sure I understand ... isnt this the feature request forum. Leave it open? What are you saying? You have to know Im a retard and need clarity.

    You had three duplicate threads on this topic, or had you forgotten already?. One in Discussion, one in Help/Tech, and one here in Feature Requests.

    This is a Feature Request, so this is the only thread you need. Your other two threads were locked.

    Anyway, since Construct is a game maker, and not an app-making-app-maker, I really doubt your request will be filled.

  • Lol I already had it locked, Ash

  • Moved thread from Discussion to Help/Tech.

    Please be mindful of which forum you are posting in.

  • Hello,

    Contruct is in beta. That means it's not finished yet. Please understand that there will be features that are not yet complete.

    Also, this thread is not a request for Help or Technical support, moving to Discussion. Also merging with your duplicate thread.

    Have a nice day, and thank you for using Construct.

    Telling people they posted multiple time could also be considered I need someone to tell me what to do...take a hike.

    What you are doing is spamming the board. Please stop. One thread per topic is all you need.

    I dont consider any posts clutter....sorry you feel differently...if I post same thing multiple times too bad. I see many "CLUTTER" posts about nothing all the time...all posts could be eliminated if the developers had their act together and just documented their work correctly in the first place.

    Wow. You're really starting things off on the wrong foot, here. I suggest you calm down and stop trolling.

  • We'll leave this one open, since Construct can't do this it's more of a feature request than general discussion or help.

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  • It looks to me like there is a 3D engine controlling the positioning of those 2D photos. Technically, yes you could do something like this in Construct. Others have made 3D engines, so the proof of concept is there. But what you're asking for is very complex and would be difficult to make, probably even for an advanced user who is familiar with all the 3D math required.

  • I saw it in Real D. IMAX is expensive, man . It could very well be better though, I have no idea how good the IMAX 3D is.

  • You could set a global variable on Layout 1 as an indication that such-and-such sprites should be destroyed or created. When Layout 2 is loaded check the variable in Start of Layout and create or destroy them as then needed.

  • Aren't those escape-the-room games pretty much in 3d? Or rather a 2d overlay on a series of static 3d images?

    I remember playing a few that were pre-rendered. The zooming and scrolling was basically a 3d movie render being played. They weren't actually zooming the view, they were showing a rendered image of a zoomed-in view that was separate from the image of the whole room. Likewise, they didn't "scroll," they showed a movie of the camera panning from one point to another. Those movies were made in some other program like Blender or Lightwave or something.

    Anyway, those games were made in Flash, which is designed to play sequential frames like a movie. You could do the same in Construct, but you'd have to create your own method of showing those frames. Depending on how big you want your game to be you could be eating up VRAM pretty quick with a lot of fullscreen frames like that.

    I'd stick with a more traditional 2d point-and-click adventure style. Without a reliable AVI object this kind of game visual would be difficult to do.

  • I hate to say it Quazi, but your improvements look blown out and radioactive. It's good advice to blue things up a bit when you get into shadows, but I think you went way overboard on your example. The muted, desaturated palette in the original looks much more sophisticated to me, despite the lack of blue depth.

  • Construct wont be able to actually use real meshes, loaded externally at an acceptable frame rate until a mesh object is created, using built in direct 3D stuff, which ive heard rumors about btw ;P

    I would like to hear these rumors please

  • This sounds awesome. You've got some good changes there, I hope they can make it into a build

  • Okay, I just saw this movie and yes, it is awesome.

    About the plot:

    It's everything people say it is, which is to say it's cliched and predictable. But what nobody has said so far is that it's not insultingly so, and I think that is what people who haven't seen the movie might be expecting. It doesn't try to trick you into thinking that it's something more than it is... it just is.

    It's kind of like Die Hard. Yeah, the Bruce Willis movie where John McClane runs around Nakatomi Plaza in his bare feet shooting bad guys and ******* off Severus Snape. Uh, I mean Hans Gruber. It's totally cliched from beginning to end... but it's not pretentious. It doesn't claim to be anything more than a kick-ass popcorn action movie. You can just sit back and enjoy it for what it is and not have to worry about it.

    Avatar was pretty much the same sort of thing. It's just a cool action adventure movie, and since you already know what's going to happen then you can just kick back and go along for the ride.

    About the visuals:

    Way better than I expected. People keep saying that they're really, really good, but I couldn't imagine exactly how good without seeing it for myself. A friend of mine told me something that I think puts it best... he said it wasn't like you were watching CG, but rather that these were real blue people. The uncanny valley is gone. It was utterly convincing in a way that I can't describe. And the actors playing these blue people are actually pretty good, so bonus.

    Unfortunately, I saw it in 3D. I haven't seen a 3D movie since the days of red and blue glasses, so I didn't know what to expect. I'd heard the new 3D was way more improved over the old style, so I figured what the hell. Honestly, it was just distracting and I wish I'd seen it in 2D. Also, the indoor scenes with actual human actors gave me a bit of a headache because the 3D wasn't as on point as it should have been and was kind of a blurry mess. But the outdoor, fully CG scenes were fine. They looked a lot better and didn't hurt my eyes. I guess maybe full 3D render translates better to 3D glasses or something. Anyway, while they were relatively pain-free that doesn't mean that the 3D was mind-blowing or anything. In fact, there were only a few scenes where the 3D was really impressive. The rest of the time it was either hardly noticeable or distracting on the verge of being annoying.

    Anyway, it's good so go see it. But see it in 2D, because the 3D thing is overrated.

  • It's not a bug, scidave. If you want to zoom and scroll, you need an area to zoom and scroll into.

    If you check "Unbounded scrolling" on the Layout Properties it will work fine. Or you could make your layout larger.