deadeye's Forum Posts

  • There is a random() expression. Random(10) will give you a value from 0 to 9.

    If you want a one in ten chance of, say, another monster spawning, you could do a System Compare for "random(10) is equal to 0", then spawn your creature.

  • <img src="">

    Is this easier? It certainly takes fewer events and you don't need a function or timeline object.

  • I don't think you could get those kind of 3D effects without changing the rendering engine. They're rendering sections of objects based on normal and heightmaps rather than whole sprites, that's how the intersect stuff works.

    You could do some of the lighting and the snow effect in Construct, though.

  • This one is very good also (it's a newer update on the project):

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    So cool how he manages to add different weathers with only shaders

    That snow is crazy impressive to look at, but if you think about it it would actually be pretty simple to do... it's basically just a noise shader that uses the normals as a mask. Really neat stuff. Hell, you couldn't even do snow that good looking in real 3D without a crazy amount of work.

  • Jeez, you really know how to ruin someone's fun :/

    See, this guy gets it


  • That is way cool. Very clever use of normal and heightmaps. I've never seen anything quite like this, it's really a good idea. It's like a whole new direction for 2D gaming.

  • Speechless, huh? It is pretty awesome, I know

  • It just keeps telling me that it failed to download the world. How come I can't see all the cool stuff you made David?

  • Hmm, that's strange about the .cap not opening...

    I suppose I should also mention it was made in 0.99.72, just in case you were using an older version. Here's the 72 thread if you need it:

    And as for the whole UID thing, like I said feel free to use them. That's what they're there for . Usually when I have to select out a single instance from a group I assign a value to a PV and then use that PV to pick by, but you could totally use UID in the same manner if it's more comfortable.

  • Okay you guys don't get it, here's how you use Never

    Let's say you 're making a sprite and you have a lot of really cool animations for it. But then you make a really crummy animation. You don't want to ever show this animation because if anyone saw it you would be very embarrassed! You could use Never for that!

    <img src="">

    See? VERY EASY

    Now let's say your cat is standing in front of your monitor and you can't see the whole screen. I'm sure we've all had this situation happen from time to time! It can be very difficult to play games! You can't move your cat because it will bite you

    You can use never to make sure your player doesn't go behind the cat, then you can play your game...

    <img src="">

    Again a simple and elegant solution that would not be possible without Never!

  • Compare it's total velocity to 0.

  • Invert the ALWAYS condition. Duh! *bonks*

    No, that just means "not always" which could be "sometimes," it's just not the same

    PS - I took down the poll! It was just confusing me. Anyway, pancakes won by two votes.

  • This thread is important, please tell me you need a Never condition in Construct!

    It's most useful feature ever

  • We have an Always condition why is there no NEVER condition?!?

    WE NEED this! immediately, thank you

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  • ok, here is what I do:

    I have about 8 different objects with a drag and drop behaviour. I want the player not to be able to drag one object over the other, so he can only place the objects in a free space. Furthermore, I don't want the collisions to be exact, but a collision mask in a circle with a given raduis around each object. I can't use a custom collisionmask, because each object has a physic-behaviour that needs the exact collisionmask.

    Okay then. I don't know if I fully understand, but I attempted to recreate what you described here:

    It doesn't use physics or anything, but I commented the events so you could get a handle on how the picking works.

    Click and drag any red circle. If the cursor is overlapping another, unselected red circle then the one you have clicked will not update it's position.

    As for performing actions on individual instances, you simply need to define the instance in the condition of the event. You can get as specific as you like with multiple conditions. Just about anything can be used to compare instances to pick them for actions... overlap, variables, position, opacity, family, whatever. As long as you have the criteria for a specific instance defined in the condition, only those object instances that meet the criteria will have the actions performed on them. This is why UIDs are all but obsolete, because there are so many ways to select individual objects for manipulation. Of course you are still free to use UID's if you like, that's why they're there, it's just that a lot of folks coming from other game makers seem to have this habit left over. It's all good, I'm sure Game Maker would be different and confusing for me if I took a crack at it

    Passing arguments and re-using code could be done with the Function object, or with loops, depending on the situation. Of course, if you have a general "move around" action for all of your objects then they will all move around, unless you specifically leave some out during the picking process.

    For more information about how picking works, check out the wiki. There's some more in-depth stuff there: ... ct_picking

    Oh, and as for your setting the elasticity of an object at runtime, you might want to hit up the Feature Request forum for that. Physics is David's baby, you might be able to convince him to add that in there. I know his creed is to make things as good as they can be, I'm sure he'll look into it eventually if you ask nice and don't call him a lazy Australian