deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Attributes can't be toggled at runtime. Not yet, anyway.

    Depending on what you're trying to do though there might be a workaround. What attribute are you trying to toggle? Solid?

  • Works as advertised.

    It gives the same info on files that you would get in Windows for version info and such. And I don't really see the need for an installer. But... yes, it does work as advertised.

  • Oh

    I was hoping to be a fool this time around

    Well, it's a pretty good game then, for what it is. Which is I guess flying back and forth repeatedly and collecting numbers that, um... I don't really know the purpose of. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I suppose I really don't understand the game.

    I guess I was hoping that the robot would break free and have an adventure the likes of which no robot has ever seen. Perhaps to save these people that are being "indirectly pacified." Well, at least the robot has a cave he can go hide in if he doesn't like his job.

  • [quote:2z5i2fp3]For instance, if you have a bunch of sprites at the top of the screen with the Physics>Gravity disabled, and then try to enable it through a keypress event, nothing happens.

    I believe this is an inherent weirdness in the Box2D engine... it used to be that creating a new instance of a physics object did the same thing, if I remember correctly (anyway, it was something like that). You would have to "wake it up" by colliding it with something or giving it a little push with a tiny Set Velocity because it was basically in sleep mode and didn't know the curtain had gone up and the play had started.

    You should make a tracker entry for this and the other problems you encounter (like the Immovable issue you mentioned), unless you have already, of course . I'm sure Davo could fix the issue.

    As for missing runtime properties, Ashley and David have mentioned in the past that they'd like to have as many as possible, if not all, added to Construct. But it's easy to lose track... friendly reminder threads like these are the way to go, I think.

  • I played it.

    Apart from the secret area which isn't that hard to find, all I did was fly back and forth... is that the extent of the game?

    This is probably some elaborate hoax where I make a fool of myself for asking "is that all there is?" or saying "I don't get it" but here goes... is this all there is? I don't get it.

    Not much else I can say about it except...





  • <Kisai_Sakurai>: 99.72 ALMOST works right, but sound and music doesn't seem to work.

    <deadeye>: what's up with the sound?

    <Kisai_Sakurai>: Well, it won't play.

    <deadeye>: as resource?

    <Kisai_Sakurai>: Yeah.

    <deadeye>: kisai, could be the files folder thing

    <Kisai_Sakurai>: Whaddaya mean?

    <deadeye>: the sound and music folders aren't complete in 99.72

    <deadeye>: you have to put the sounds in the files folder

    <deadeye>: then they play fine from resources

    <Kisai_Sakurai>: Does it play then?

    <deadeye>: yeah

    <Kisai_Sakurai>: Oh...

    <deadeye>: works fine

    <Kisai_Sakurai>: I should check. Because everything else kinda works exactly how I want for my project.

    <Kisai_Sakurai>: I just spent the last minute testing that, making a new .cap where music plays on start up, and a sound effect plays on any key pressed... And holy ***** it DOES work that way!

    <deadeye>: yep

    <deadeye>: bahaha kisai you posted too soon in that "which version" thread

    <deadeye>: classic

    <Kisai_Sakurai>: Damnation.

  • I don't know... quantum physics?

    I really have no idea, but I imagine it would be a pretty complex and time consuming thing to do, and it's not like there's a lot of need for it. You're the only person who as ever expressed any interest in this feature.

    Anyway they said no. Since it's not gonna happen I don't see the point in drawing this out any more so I'm going to have to summon the bacon fairy...

    <img src="">

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  • You didn't really have to explain all that again. We completely understood you the first time. Well, at least I did.

    Anyway, like others have said, you could make an eBook reader program that uses a file format you created, or you could even just make an eBook template for Construct that people could compile .exes with by adding their own content, but you won't be able to make an .exe that can make .exes.

  • Ah here it is:

    Ah... there it is, all right. Brings back memories. The graphics are different but it's still the same confusing *******

    BTW for anyone testing it out in 99.72, it's got old physics so you'll have to click on all the objects to get the collisions to work.

  • Sorry to wake up this thread but i have been trying to do the same thing and having the same problem. The top layer is hidden and the bottom is fubar.

    Did you enable 3D Layering in the layer properties?

  • That is friggin sweet, man

    Heh, I guess the best way to get something into Construct is to tell David it can't be done

  • Hey, welcome back

    Madster is currently working on a 2.5D plugin that uses the same perspective as your old robot game, you can check out the progress in his dev thread:

    It's not finished yet but he is actively working on it. It still needs work but it looks promising.

    Anyway, yeah I'll move this to OT

  • Here's a whole list of other system expressions that you can use: ... xpressions

    Even though the wiki isn't complete yet it still has some good info.

  • Huh?

    No, it's a regular event. I don't use Python. I don't even have it installed.

    <img src="">

  • [quote:36givdgd]But it must appear only after one second.

    Oh hehe, guess I missed that part. Anyway, carry on.