deadeye's Forum Posts

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  • Found this linked from the TIGS forum, and I thought it to be an interesting read: ... ot-DirectX

    I know, there's a lot of ARGH MICRO$$$OFT! in the article, but it really does make some good points.

    And a question for the devs: I know it's too late for C1, but what are your thoughts on OpenGL for C2, either as the sole renderer or an addition to a DX renderer? I know a lot of people who would be much more interested in Construct if it were cross-platform. Plus the open nature of the library just sort of sits better with the open-sourceness of Construct and all.

  • And Deadeye, I know about the color filter thing - the thing is, should I make a white shirt sprite separate from the citizen, then attach it to the citizen and THEN randomize its color.

    Sure, if you want to take the time to set it up:

    There's an awful lot of women with bald heads or comb-overs in that example, though . And people with green hair. Anyway, animation would be a bit trickier to do. Not hard, really, just time consuming.

    Those totally random colored clothes are kind of odd looking too, as you can see. Like I said you may just want a set of a dozen or so colors to pick from.

    As far as that shader goes, yeah if you have one color for skin, one color for shirt, and one color for pants, then you would have to use three shaders. Each could be randomized.

    The benefits to using filters are you won't get slowdown like you would with a shader. The drawback is of course the time it takes to set up.

    The benefit to the shader is it's a lot easier to use, and you don't have to split up your objects into different parts. But rendering time might become an issue.

    I can't for the life of me find that shader now though... I know it's here somewhere on the board. I can't even remember who made it. It's not linkman's hue shader, because that changes all the colors at once, not just one of them. Argh, I really wish people would put their finished plugins into the Completed Addons section

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  • Ouch! That sucks . Hope you haven't lost a whole lot of work.

    But yea, I agree, an "Are you sure?" prompt would be pretty good.

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  • but, I think any directinput implementation would be incomplete without user customizable controls. Unlike xinput, dx doesn't have any well established standards for how a controller be arranged. A face button on one dx pad, might be a shoulder button on another.

    True, the buttons on my gamepad are marked like so:



    But there are many games I've played where they assume the buttons are



    etc., or they call button 1 button 0 or something, and the entire thing is offset by 1, or the shoulder buttons are switched.

  • Okay fine, I just clicked on the thread without reading the thread title, so sue me

  • Oh Jesus I gotta stop clicking on this thread.

    I start thinking "hey I could try thi-" and I have to stop myself before the thought even fully forms. I just know that I'll end up trying to figure out this goddamned sorting thing again and I'll be up until 5am every night tearing my goddamned eyes out because it should be easy to do but it's NOT, IT'S THE MOST #$*&# DIFFICULT THING IN THE WORLD WHY WHY WHY

    Arcticus, you evil *******

  • How do you get more than one frame in Construct?

    If by "frame" you mean "layout" then you right-click on the Layout folder in the Project bar and select "Add layout."

  • This has been requested a lot in the past, and I believe the consensus was that it'd be really complicated, and slow rendering down a lot because of something something VRAM something, I don't know.

    [quote:3prsuodl]I toyed with color filters but didn't achieve anything but red lava people.

    If all you are getting is shades of red then your expression might be wrong. To get a full gamut of red, green, and blue you need to use the rgb(r, g, b) expression in the color filter box. Just typing in something like "200, 150, 150" or "random(255), random(255), random(255)" won't work, it will only recognize the first value and apply it to the red channel only.

    Also, if you make your people have pure white skin with shades of gray and black outlines, then you can set up a skintone generator kind of like so:

    Of course, the numbers could be tweaked and you could make people more saturated and orangey looking like in your screenshot. Or you could always make a set of twelve or so preset filters and randomly assign them to your sprites.

    Or, of course, track down that color changing shader like Ash said. It only changes one color per shader, I believe, but since you seem to have only one skin color in your sprites that shouldn't be a problem.

  • Construct really really needs a PC controller plugin.

    Agreed. And it would be nice if it were somehow integrated into the current XBOX plugin so that Construct users don't have to set up control events for two different plugins.

    Actually, I guess that would be hard to do, eh? Stupid Microsoft and their stupid analogue triggers

  • I've been holding off on responding because I don't know if the feature will be completed, but since a lot of people seem to be asking and this is a topic that has come up a lot I guess I will. And I really don't like speaking for others, but... eh.

    David said in chat that he had the beginnings of being able to copy and paste objects and events from one .cap to another in the works. There. Now I guess it's up to him to confirm/deny it

  • There's a thread in Discussion about this issue currently:

    Right now there is no way to do this. It's a feature that would need to be added.

    I've been holding off on responding to that thread because I don't know if the feature will be completed, but David said in chat that he had the beginnings of being able to copy and paste objects and events from one .cap to another in the works.

  • Okay lucid convinced me to install Python and give learning it another go. After reading Davo's post I was able to move just three instances in the snake .cap with a loop I made:

    for n in [8, 12, 16]:
    	Body[n].X += 1[/code:28n06wce]
    It only took me four tries to get it right without errors!  A proud boy am I!  
    I still don't see how this is going to be useful to me personally yet since I don't relly make anything all that complex, but I'm willing to read more Python tuts if anyone wants to make them.
    PS that snake thing is pretty neat, David.
  • Ah, I see. Well, you can't really toggle either one, but you can change the sprite's Collision Mode at runtime with an action. You can switch it between None and Bounding Box or Per Pixel, whichever you need. When it's None you can pass right through it whether it's ticked Solid or Platform or whatever.