deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Also, since you seem to be a seasoned Constructor, how would you make the moving platforms? I seem to be having trouble getting the player to land on them correctly.

    They seemed to work fine for me? v<img src="">v What is the issue you're having? Or course, I couldn't even get on the second lower platform in that last screenshot I took so maybe that's where people are having problems?

    Also, if you're using 0.99.7 or above there should be a fix for jittery players on vertical platforms. Is that what you mean? Like I said, I didn't notice anything odd.

    And, i'm sure you noticed this, but the music will sound different every time it restarts. I tried using the "play music from file" option in the AudioX object, but then it seems to start the song twice. So, i had to use "autoplay sound from file" for the music. Any ideas?

    Don't know, I'd have to take a look at your .cap. You can pm it to me if you like, just bookmark or comment the sound stuff.

  • Game is so hard. I don't need this kind of aggravation in the morning

    Why why why mines everywhere and those things jump too fast and argh!

    <img src="">

    Do you know how long it took me to pass this screen? And then I died on the next screen and the game glitched and just started restarting the music and level over and over again and I had to close it.

    Second time through I gave up here:

    <img src="">

    TinyPic renames images, but rest assured I saved that screenshot as "fuckthis.png." HARD GAME.

    Quite well done, though . Just not my cup of tea.

    I would love to see a video playthrough if you want to record one

  • No need to thank me if it didn't work.

    Post your .cap so someone can help figure out what's wrong.

  • Here's a timesaver tip:

    If you make all of your sprites in another drawing program with a magic pink background, it will automatically turn all the pink transparent when you load it into Construct.

    Of course, this doesn't work for aliased objects. Then you should be importing .png with transparency.

  • You should use Containers for that instead of Families. This is pretty much the sort of thing they were made for. ... Containers

  • [quote:25iali9h]I don't understand much of the "random" function

    Look at it this way:

    If I tell Construct random(6) then every time it reads that it's going to roll a six-sided die. (The numbers on the die are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.)

    If I tell Construct random(473) then it will roll a 473-sided die.

    You can use this for comparisons.

    System: Compare: random(10) is equal to 1.[/code:25iali9h]  Construct will roll every tick, and on every tick that 1 pops up, the event will trigger.  I believe this is what Daiz was meaning in his post, he just wrote in shorthand.
    You can use it in other expressions too, like actions.
    [code:25iali9h]+ Always
        -> Sprite: Set X to random(640) + 1[/code:25iali9h]
    Every tick the sprite will set it's x position somewhere between 1 (because of the +1) and 640.
  • I recall from somewhere that checking "Force own texture" on the layer props will solve rendering bugs with the Mask effect as well as a couple of others.

    I can't be arsed to try right now, I just woke up and I haven't had my coffee yet.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This forum is for tutorials that you have created. What you have posted is more of an announcement of a tool or resource. We have a dedicated forum for that.

    Also, there is already a thread about sfxr in that forum

    Closing thread...

  • Add them as resources by right clicking folders in project tab.

    This. Once your .exe is built, all the sounds and external stuff will be put into the .exe.

    If you have anything like sprites loading from files at runtime though you're out of luck.

  • They're in a container so yes, the enemy that matches up with the eye in the condition should be picked for you.

  • It looks to me like none of the Text Rendering settings (In the system properties) carry over to runtime. You've just found a bug, you should report it to the tracker.

    And here is another question. What happens if the player has not the font installed I use? Does Construct export the font with the exe?

    It does not. If you notice, there is a Font folder in your project tree. This is meant to hold any fonts you wish to include in your game. Unfortunately the feature is not yet complete, that folder is just a placeholder.

    If you want to include a font with your game you could make your own installer. But the problem is that for the font to show up in the game after you install, you have to restart Windows. You can't just play the game immediately after or Windows won't know which font to use and so it will default to Ariel. Annoying, I know! But hey, Construct isn't finished yet

    There is a very good SpriteFont plugin that lucid created which allows you to use any bitmap font you like. Bitmapped fonts generally look better in games than regular fonts anyway. Here's a link to the thread:

    It takes a little bit of work setting it up but you will have a better looking game in the end. Oh, and apparently there is also a font splitter app that Arima made so setting things up is a bit easier:

    Anyway, good luck

  • Toralord, I think the point he is trying to make is that your feature would do what it is that just plain old copying from .cap to .cap would need to do in order to copy from .cap to .cap so what's the point in having the feature?

    Anyway, as I mentioned before David may have figured out a solution so it's all rather a moot point until we know for sure.

  • Ah I got it, thanks

  • I've been to Albuquerque, there is no excuse for being distracted by it. It's not that distracting.

  • Nice

    One strange thing though, it says "Files of type: *.gif, *.png, *.jpg" etc., but it doesn't show .pngs in the explorer pane unless I change it to "All files *.*"

    Is that just because you didn't say to look for .pngs in your events or, uh...

    I guess I should download the actual plugin and .cap, huh?


    Okay I tried it out and actually I can't seem to get the "Default File Extension" expression working at all... it shows no .jpgs for me in the explorer pane even though ".jpg" is in the expression. It only shows image files when I select "All Files." And then it shows, well, all the files.