deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Sure.

    If you want a more in-depth tutorial on how to make your own GUI buttons and stuff, check out my Custom UI Elements tutorial:

  • alright, far as I can tell, the values don't change with the music, and my attempts at even getting text to display properly with it, or anything dynamic related to the audio, isn't working. I guess I'll have to give up on the idea, unless I'm REALLY missing something. =/

    I don't see any option to get levels for music, no, but you can for sound. Here's an example of some dynamic stuffs happening with peak levels:

    A sprite moves across the screen and makes a blippy wave when the sound is played, kind of like a heart monitor. The levels are rounded and displayed in a text box. It would pretty much be up to you to experiment with how to manipulate the data the peak levels kick back at you.

    You could convert your music to one of the channel-supported formats and play it in a channel. Or you could hit up the feature request forum and ask that peak level info be added for music.

  • Hopefully David or Ashley will reply and give a timeframe on the possibility of them being fixed, cause I can't swap the artwork around once its done.

    It's been my experience that the devs don't offer up timeframes. Either it's done or it's not. As long as it's on the tracker the best you can do is hope it's made it into the next build.

    Cross your fingers, but don't hold your breath . There's a lot of stuff to work through, still.

  • There really isn't a "best way." There are lots of different ways you could have the player select a car. I would stay away from the button objects and other windows controls, though. Make your own buttons out of sprites.

    Anyway, if it were me I'd make three sprites, one for each kind of car. When you click on a sprite, it sets a global variable stating which kind of car you picked. Then you can go to the next layout and spawn whatever kind of car it was based on that global variable.

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  • Try the Car Behavior's "On Bounce" condition instead of On Collision.

    On Collision checks for overlap between two sprites. It's basically the same as this:

    + Car is overlapping Wall
    + Trigger Once
        -> Do stuff
    Since the car is bouncing away from the wall before it's overlapping then you will never get On Collision to trigger.
    On Collision has been modified for other behaviors in the past though.  For instance, you can use On Collision with Physics objects to detect collision even though they don't overlap either.  You might want to make a feature request to have Car recognize On Collision in the same way, if it's important to you somehow.  Otherwise just use On Bounce.
  • Okay, I've altered the .cap you sent me so I start at the screen with all the moving platforms. (I've also altered it so that the only thing that hurts me is lava and I still can't pass that screen )

    Anyway, it seems to me that I'm falling through the platforms a lot more now than when I played the version you linked in the OP. I had to actually try to fall through then by jumping around needlessly while the platform was moving up. Now it seems I just fall through like, whenever.

    You might be able to make a hack that uses an invisible solid sprite that is overlaid onto the platform sprites, and when the player is below the solid change the collision mode to "none." Then when the player is above it, change the collision mode to "bounding box." It should fix the issue with the player, but your aliens could glitch if they're intersecting the platform when it turns solid. You'd be trading one glitch for another that way, but it might be the best option as far as playability is concerned. At least until David fixes the bug that causes falling through platforms.

    Haven't taken a look at your sound events yet, I'll let you know what I find.

  • [quote:28mazjju]Oh, should i be giving the moving platforms the Platform behaviour, too?

    No. Unless you want them to run around and jump on each other I guess .


    Here's the comment from your .cap

    [quote:28mazjju]Here's where we control the moving platforms. For some reason, the player might fall through the platform if the platform is moving up. Should i be using TimeDelta here?

    And the answer is yes, you should. You are moving them manually instead of using a behavior. Behaviors like Bullet, Platform, 8Direction, Ball, etc. etc. all use TimeDelta automatically. Any time you change something over time (like an object's position) without the use of a behavior you should use TimeDelta to insure that it will run at the same speed on all computers.

    Those platforms will run at different speeds on different computers. Monitors with a high refresh rate will have kickin' fast platforms, which could cause even more fall-through than normal.

  • Opening templates works fine for me. I don't know what would cause them not to open.

    Anyway, they're located in the Templates folder of your Construct install directory. The filetype is .cst, but apparently you can just rename it .cap and it works fine.

    Or you can grab the pong template from here, I saved it as a .cap for you:

  • I can't imagine that it would stop you at a wall but somehow not return true for a "Has wall" condition.

    If the platform behavior knows enough to rebound you at high speed, then it knows there is a wall there, so yes you should be okay using the "Has wall to left/right" conditions

    Oh, and I have a bug example for the triggering issue, I'm posting it to the tracker now... that is if it's not already there

  • It looks to me like the On Control Pressed trigger is triggering immediately the first time the wall cling happens which causes it to jump immediately. Strange that it's just the first time. Looks like a bug.

    It might have something to do with this change in v0.99.7:

    [quote:1jyhiv2s]- [CHANGE] Rewrote the event exporter that handles preprocessing of triggers. New design is very easy to maintain and flexible, but if anyones events stop working right this could be the cause of it. Davo has promised to upload a video of him slapping himself to youtube if this does not work.

    Anyway, I changed events around a bit so that the trigger is at the root level of the event and it works fine:

    I also took out your detectors. You don't need them, the Platform Behavior has built-in wall, floor, and ceiling detectors that you can use as conditions. Also, there is always the "Overlapping at offset" condition for sprites. Wall detectors like this are pretty much useless in Construct as far as platforming goes, they're just taking up space in your layout and event sheet.

  • Yes, the hotspot is what is causing the physics object to rotate improperly. Right now Box2D likes it's physics objects to have their hotspots centered. I believe it's an issue that David is aware of.

    Anyway, you don't manually move or rotate physics objects or you will get strange results. To rotate a physics object you add torque or angular velocity with the physics actions. Why do you need physics on the cannon anyway, if all you're doing is setting it to immovable and using other methods to move it?

  • deadeye: Oh, right timedelta. Um...i read about that and how everyone should use it but i couldn't figure it out. Should i be using it?

    Behaviors like Platform use it automatically. You only need to use it "manually" so to speak when you are moving objects around with your own custom events, or if you are making any time-sensitive stuff like, uh, timers I guess.

    All it does is make things framerate independent, so they're not running faster on faster computers.

  • Uhhhnnn so much work...

    So lazy...

    Fine, I'll see what I can do about it. Don't hold your breath, though... it'll probably be a couple of days before a list is up.

  • Yes, people really should be posting all of their completed plugins in the addons section. Unfortunately, we can't really make them do it. There are a lot of other plugins and effects that people have made that are missing from there, and they're posted all over the forum so collecting them all into a list would be kind of a chore.

  • Ah, I see what you mean about the platforms now. It took me a while but I managed to fall through one.

    It looks like a bug in the platform behavior. It appears that the player is timedeltaing right through the top edge of the platform so a collision isn't being registered. If there isn't a tracker item for it then I'll add one, I know David wants to make the platform behavior as good as he can.


    Sending this example to the tracker: ... %20bug.cap