[quote:28mazjju]Oh, should i be giving the moving platforms the Platform behaviour, too?
No. Unless you want them to run around and jump on each other I guess .
Here's the comment from your .cap
[quote:28mazjju]Here's where we control the moving platforms. For some reason, the player might fall through the platform if the platform is moving up. Should i be using TimeDelta here?
And the answer is yes, you should. You are moving them manually instead of using a behavior. Behaviors like Bullet, Platform, 8Direction, Ball, etc. etc. all use TimeDelta automatically. Any time you change something over time (like an object's position) without the use of a behavior you should use TimeDelta to insure that it will run at the same speed on all computers.
Those platforms will run at different speeds on different computers. Monitors with a high refresh rate will have kickin' fast platforms, which could cause even more fall-through than normal.