deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Oh, okay. That makes more sense than the whole alternate universe thing. I guess I should have read my own previous post too, would have cleared up some confusion.

    Oh and just in case you were wondering, the peak levels are returned in their raw format as a floating point value less than 1, so I multiplied the value by 100 and rounded it to get a more useful, readable number.

  • I don't know, I'm tired .

    I'm gonna go have a nap. How about you mess around with it a while and see if you can come up with a workaround? Maybe do some experiments and see what's going wrong. Who knows, it might be a bug or something. Or maybe not. Anyway, it's nap time.

    *yawn* G'night. Catch you later.

  • My current line of thought is that there needs to be some fixed relationship between height and depth or it will never sort correctly. Like... a cube size.

    And yeah, I'm -trying- to make it so long/tall ojects are accomodated for, but if I have to split objects up to get it working i will lol

    I'm thinking that you will probably have to split objects into uniform sized pieces. This may be why isometric games use tiles that are all the same size instead of having some large and some small.

  • [quote:d3spc1aa]The problem is, that hinges which I defined for bodyparts earlier at the start of the layout seem to get ignored and the bodyparts are spawned un-hinged (and still at the very same coordinates they are in the layout editor as well). Any idea what we're doing wrong ?

    That is normal. When you spawn a contained object, the other objects in the container will be created at their default location in the layout. You still need to move those objects to their proper spots and make hinges for them. Just make sure you have those actions in the same event as the one where you spawn the primary object and they will automatically be picked.

    As for the sound issue, maybe you could make a variable called "playSound" in your objects or something. Make it a very short timer. When the objects collide, check to see if the timer is going. If not, play the sound and set the timer. If the objects collide again before the timer runs out, don't play the sound and set the timer to start over again. That should take care of objects that are "rubbing" against each other.

    Better solution, maybe:

    You could make the sound play based solely on the amount of force that the objects hit each other at. If two objects are just rubbing up against each other then the force would be very low. If they strike each other at speed then the force would be much higher. You could find a value in between and use that as a cutoff point. Here's a thread on how to calculate the force of two physics objects hitting each other:

    Be sure to read the whole thing, I got the calculation wrong and Davioware posted the correct one.

  • Uh, I'm probably asking a really stupid question but can't you just drop the .dll you need into the folder that your game is in and zip it up?

    I mean, MMF games need that CNC32.DLL or whatever it's called, if you don't have MMF installed.

  • [quote:2zfxbmxh]Turns out the XAudio2 object was creating copies of itself because i didn't check the "no serialize" box.

    I haven't had a chance yet to look into this but I'm really glad you figured this out because I don't think I would have known to check that and I would have been very frustrated

    Glad you got everything sorted out

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    > Did you make this in Construct? I only ask because it doesn't say anywhere in the description or tags.


    Yes, in Construct, if not I wouldn't post this here

    Then I don't know, maybe you could add some tags or a description that says so in your video? Meh, it couldn't hurt...

  • The example you linked isn't working for me for some reason

    Um... my 'peak level test.cap?' The one that I thought cleared things up for you before? Uh, okay. Strange. I assumed it had worked before since you said you got it.

    Anyway, if you're getting an error when you open it it's probably because you aren't using 0.99.72.

    but the only thing I'm curious about how he did was rounding the values, though I think I have an idea of doing that so it isn't so skippy...

    The... he? Me? What example? I am so confused by almost everything in your post . If it's my example... and it's the one that doesn't work... then how did you know about the rounding? And what... I mean... gah I lost my train of thought.

    Okay, start again. The example which helped you before now doesn't work and may or may not work retroactively in the past due to - quantum fluctuations in the time stream? let's just go with that - yet in some alternate universe that you have mystical knowledge of an alternate you understands that a) I had a rounding action in my example and b) it looks kind of skippy, but that other you, by proxy of you who is you-you, doesn't understand the rounding works but perhaps has a way of making it not so skippy.

    Okay, I think I got it.

    What was the question, again?

    <img src="">

  • Thanks. It's pretty basic, though. I don't think it needs it's own tutorial thread. Layouts are rather a fundamental aspect of Construct.

    BTW I can not tutorial on how to make your own GUI buttons

    I don't know what you mean. You can't... what? Download it? Open it? Understand it? Read it? Help me out, I need a verb here

  • If you're going to use Physics on the cannon, you should use physics to turn the cannon. It's as simple as that.

    If you move the cannon in any other way that doesn't use physics, you are going to get strange results.

    When two physics objects collide, the physics engine is doing the colliding. It is calculating the force and the acceleration and the collisions within the physics behavior. When you move a physics object another way, by changing the angle or moving it with Drag and Drop or something, then the physics engine doesn't know what is going on. You can push two physics objects into each other, which is something that wouldn't normally happen in the physics engine. Also, if you manually move an object then there is no acceleration or force applied to it in the physics engine, so you won't get accurate collisions.

    Long story short, physics doesn't work well with other behaviors or movements. Physics objects only work properly with other physics objects. Hope this helps.

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  • Keep in mind it's not just .wav, you can play .ogg or .wma on a channel as well if you want more compression. You just can't play .mp3 in a channel.

    Check out the XAudio2 entry on the wiki for more info.

  • Isometric/orthographic sorting with Z Height.

  • It's made in the latest version, v0.99.72. Get it here:

    Whenever I make an example .cap for somebody I'm just going to assume they have the latest version. It saves me time and energy wondering what version they might be using.

    Anyway, the .cap is nothing special. You click on a sprite, it changes a global variable. Should be pretty self-explanatory.

    Though my example does use a family for the three different sprites in order to cut down on the number of events.

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    Did you make this in Construct? I only ask because it doesn't say anywhere in the description or tags.

  • Don't bother with .jpg. Construct converts everything to .png when you import it anyway, and .jpg is really crappy for games because of artifacts and junk.