deadeye's Forum Posts

  • In the same event and after the spawning action, do this:

    rainSprite: Set X to random(n)

    where n is the width of your rain spawning sprite. When an object is spawned it is automatically picked by the SOL so you can perform actions on it immediately.

  • Bitmap Font is the only one of those I need. I don't have much use for other third-party plugins.

    Hell, I dont even use but a few of the included ones

  • Yep, right after I posted that I got into chat and David said that he might have it sorted for a future build. I wasn't aware that vanilla Python needed an install, I thought that was just for libraries.

  • I was under the impression that it was fixed.

  • <img src="">

    I love Kangaroos

    I always suspected, and now I have proof!

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  • + Every 3000 milliseconds
    + System: Create object explosionSprite
        -> explosionSprite: Set X to random(1024)
        -> explosionSprite: Set Y to random(768)
    Don't know what you mean about making it scroll, though.  Objects scroll along with the screen automatically.
  • Nope. It's been requested before, quite a few times. Particles in most game engines have no collision ability, because it makes it more fast and efficient to render a lot of them at once. It's no different in Construct. If then engine had to calculate collision for a thousand or more particles then it would start to slow things down rather dramatically.

    The particles object is highly optimized for one purpose: to quickly and efficiently display a lot of little images on the screen. Nothing more, nothing less. It's a special effect, not an interactive simulation.

    But like I said, if you need interactivity for your particles then you could always make your own by spawning a bunch of actual sprite objects and giving them a few simple commands with events.

  • Really all you have to do is spawn a bunch of little sprites in a loop and set their direction/speed/etc. at random.

  • No, particles have no collision ability, and individual particles can't be controlled with events. You can control the particle object itself, but not the particles it spawns.

    If you need particles that collide with things then you can always create your own particle system using sprites. It's not as efficient as a particle object, but at least you can control them however you want.

  • It's not dead, it's on hiatus. I don't want to keep having to rewrite the tutorials every time there is a new version out. I've already had to rewrite them four times. I'll just wait until Construct is closer to v1.0.

    Until then, use v0.98.9 to go through the tutorials. There's still some good info in there, even though some of it is outdated. There's a link in the OP.

  • just an fyi, I'm not saying that you have to make huge layouts with lots of interconnecting areas, but if you have a need for sectioning off parts of your level then this is one way to do it. Castlevania games have single-screen rooms and short connecting hallways all the time, the method I posted is just fine for making those kinds of things.

    Parts of levels are sectioned off in other games like Mega Man, Metroid, etc. In fact, I would say this method is probably perfect for Mega Man type scrolling, you would just have to add in some auto-scroll events to transition to the next room. And I really don't think it would be more efficient to have each little section of, for example, a Mega Man level (but also to some extent Castlevania as well) in it's own layout.

    As for resetting enemies, make some enemy spawner objects in your level and spawn them when you walk into a new section and destroy them when you leave, or... oh hell, just do whatever you want. I don't care, why am I even trying to defend this?

    Wheeeee, internet! What's on YouTube?

  • Post your .cap so someone can take a look at what's going wrong.

  • How are you handling sound when you change layouts? I've noticed that sometimes there is an issue with changing layouts if you don't stop all sounds completely first. It's just a suspicion at this point (might have something to do with loading on the new layout), I haven't been able to reproduce it faithfully yet so I haven't made a bug report on the matter. Just specifically stop all sounds playing one tick before you change layouts and see if that helps.

    Of course, if you have sounds playing across layouts then this plan might be a problem

  • No, not yet anyway. It would be nice.

    But you can sort your objects into different folders in the Objects folder of your project window. Just right-click the Objects folder and select "Add object folder." You can rename them and drag your objects into them.

    This also has the added benefit of putting your objects into sections when you go to the Event Sheet editor, so you don't have to hunt through a hundred little icons to find the one you want.

    If the Object panel was a copy of the folder tree in the project tab that would be useful. With more sorting options, of course.

  • Strange the topic got locked.

    It's not so strange. It got locked because people wouldn't stop bickering.