deadeye's Forum Posts

  • There are levels already? :s

    Oh, hehe... so there are . I just assumed from your post where you said "it just gets harder and harder" that there weren't levels and you were just spawning new asteroids... my bad.

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  • Ahaha, I love how some people are just walking around naked

    Anyway Stargoat is right, you need some serious organization in your .cap. Make some object folders and sort your stuff, man. You can have a folder for Player stuff, NPC stuff, Background stuff, etc. It makes making events SO much easier because those folders get carried over to the event editor and you don't have to hunt through a few hundred little icons looking for the one object you want to make a condition for, you can just scroll to the folder it's in and look through like, ten objects instead.

  • In feeblethemighty's recent Guyman Hero thread he was having audio distortion problems as well. Apparently XA2 was creating multiple instances of itself on restarting a layout. He checked the "No serialize" attribute and that fixed it.

    You could try that, eh it couldn't hurt v<img src="">v

  • I've sort of got it

    Rain: Set X to Rainmaker.left + Random(Rainmaker.Width)

    that get it's falling randomly along the rainmakers width, but I still have a constant stream falling from the image point, any ideas?

    I suppose I could always put the rainmaker below the layout and simply set the rain's x to 0, that just seems like the wrong answer though

    Are you spawning multiple raindrops in the event? How are you doing it? Is it a loop or is it just a bunch of spawn actions?

    If you're just using a bunch of spawn actions then when you tell Construct to set the x of your rain it will only pick the first one that was spawned.

    If you use a loop and tell each one to set it's x then it will set each one individually.

    If that doesn't help then post your .cap, or a screenshot of your spawning event.

    Here's a question (sick of me asking yet lol) is there a way to preload a soundclip into the engine without having to call it from it's directory every time?

    Yes, add the sound to your Files folder in the project panel and use load or play as a resource. Unless I'm misunderstanding you.

  • The rocks look really nice, but the ship by comparison needs some work. And I know there's no dust in space but you might thing about a "beam" indicating where the light is coming from? Just a hint of one would do nicely and add to the light effect.

    Perhaps when the jets are firing you could have a faint flickery red light light up the asteroids behind you? Just a thought. I mean, if your main gimmick in the asteroids clone is playing with light then you might as well go balls out and think up some other cool tricks you can do with light.

    Oh, and there should be definite waves or levels. Even the original Asteroids had level progression, and an occasional spaceship to fly by and shoot at you.

  • I'm a parakeet.

  • I think your fake Z axis is the same as Madster's depth, unless I am mistaken.

  • Before I signed up for Something Awful I pretty much had a different name on every forum I signed up for. I got tired of keeping track of them all so I decided to pick one and stick with it.

    I'm a fan of Kurt Vonnegut so I wanted a name that had something to do with one of his books, but all the good ones like Ice Nine or Billy Pilgrim or Kilgore Trout were already taken, so I settled on Deadeye ***** After a while I just shortened it to deadeye because it's just easier, and I did get the random occasional retard who would be all like "hurr **** lol," and also I don't want people thinking I'm a fan of the band Deadeye *****

  • I agree it would be nice to have that as an option. I believe it was requested a long time ago, but I don't know if there was ever any official word on the matter.

  • Andreyin has a point... you could try loading the sound into it's own channel and playing it that way to see if it helps any. Eh, it couldn't hurt v<img src="">v

  • I don't think he meant any offense... and Stargoat is a pretty funny name

  • Car behavior isn't something that people use very often so it may have been a little neglected as far as features go. You're on the right track, though... just keep experimenting until you find what works. Even something as feature-heavy as Platform still needs extra events to add functionality to it.