deadeye's Forum Posts

  • By the way, that's a cool little idea for a game . Nice and simple, but still requires skill. Like billiards.

  • 1. I'm trying to code this so i can only select one item at a time, basicly only shoot one item and when it has stopped you can shoot another. I have tried to have loop, for each, always and all, just cant get it to work.

    The easiest way is to click the mouse to choose a piece, then release the mouse to shoot it. You can still cancel with right-click this way.

    What's happening is that your Click triggers are both triggering at once, that's why you're choosing more than one piece at a time.

    2. I'm trying to make the line be maximum length off 300 pixels.

    You can do this with clamp(). Clamp restricts a number between two other numbers. Like so:

    clamp(target value [this is the actual mouse distance], minimum value [this is the lowest the width should be], maximum value [this is the longest it should be])

    Abbreviated: clamp(target, min, max)

    The easiest way to make your line stop at 300 pixels is by using the sprite object, because you can easily set the width. I changed it to sprite object and did the following:

    Set width to: clamp(distance(line.x, line.y, mouseX, mouseY) - 5, 10, 290)

    I set the target to mouse-distance-minus-5 so that the edge of the sprite wouldn't poke out past the point of the arrowhead. The min length is 10, and the max length is 290 instead of 300, again so the end won't poke out past the arrowhead.

    Setting the arrowhead distance and position is a bit trickier. You basically have to orbit it around the line object's x and y. I used cos and sin to find the position:

    Set angle to: angle(line.x, line.y, mousex, mousey)

    Set X to: line.x+cos(Sprite3.angle)*clamp(distance(line.x, line.y, mouseX, mouseY), 10, 300)

    Set Y to: line.y+sin(Sprite3.angle)*clamp(distance(line.x, line.y, mouseX, mouseY), 10, 300)

    You may be able to use the Orbiter or Custom Movement behavior for that instead, if you don't like math. I just happened to have the orbit expression laying around from another project and I reused it.

    The Custom Movement behavior has actions that will restrict the distance an object is from a point though, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

    3. There are two "teams" blue and red. Its the same sprite, blue is one animation and red is another. So basicly i just change the animation. Ok so i'm trying to make a textbox in the corner count the total of each team. I have tried to use AV 0 for blue and 1 for red and used a event like this

    Sprite Value Team Equal 0

    - Set text to Sprite.Count

    Should this not work right, it gives me the total, counts the blue and red.

    Apparently .Count isn't respecting the Selected Object List. You can get around that by using a For Each loop and picking the sprites by their Team value. Example in the .cap below.

    Can i Spread Values in AV on Instances to know them from each other ? Like puting ID's on them.

    Can Sprites have transistions when creating and destroying ? (or do i have to program them like fading)

    You don't need to spread values in Construct. The picking system generally knows what you're talking about as long as you keep your conditions straight. On the off chance you come across a situation that doesn't pick what you want, try a For Each coupled with the condition you're using to pick with.

    As for sprite transitions, you pretty much have to make your own. There is a Fade behavior you can put on your sprites that might help you out, but the way you're doing it now is pretty much right on the money.

    Anyway, here's the .cap with the changes I made. I didn't comment anything though so if you have any questions about what I did feel free to ask.

  • Wow, I missed a lot of stuff in LmK's original post because... well, tl;dr

    The more I talk to people about it, the more I find people, and developers, most of the time don't care what you make a game with. They care that the game is awesome.

    Agreed. Go to TIGSource. It's a community where a good deal of the indie game crowd hangs out. Stuff gets made there from all kinds of people, from "real coders" to folks who use MMF. Try bashing on GameMaker there and see how far it gets you. It's not what you use, or how much time you spent learning it... it's what you make. That's all that matters. And when it comes to making games, being able to call yourself a programmer isn't anywhere near as useful as being able to call yourself a game designer.

    But if you asked me to speak German etc. I'd just look at you with a blank stare and be unable to.

    That's nobody's fault but your own. It's certainly not mine, or the Germans. You can learn to speak German if you want. You can learn to draw a cat if you want. You can learn to design a game if you want... even if the game involves backflipping. Even if the game is about drawing German cats with infrared crayons while backflipping into the sun.

    Ah, I'm getting off the point.

    ...people don't really care IF something is possible, it's can THEY do it. That's what I believe is the question they really want, the question we all really want.

    Can it be done? Yes. Can anyone do it? Dunno. That's a question you need to ask yourself. If you try, and stick with it, the answer will probably be yes. A better question might be "how do I do it?" An even better one might be "will I do it?"

  • Very true, but it's never as black and white as that. To use your crayon cat analogy. Yes, you can draw a cat with these crayons. But can they?

    Yes, they can. If it's a ****** looking cat that's their own fault. Just because you can hold a crayon doesn't mean you can hang with Rembrandt. You gotta get some learnin in you first.

  • Hey Ash, looks like you forgot to sticky this

    Changelog looks good... even though I've already seen it hehe . Downloading now!

  • So it might piss people off to hear "oh oh can you make spells n **** with it?" but if you think about it, it's a completely normal question


    Seriously, there is a very real problem with newbie hate and elitism on these forums and it's unwarranted and happening a lot.

    There's no anger and no hate here, dude. Except maybe over being accused of anger and hate. I fail to see where my response was either angry or hateful.

    I said what I said because I really don't understand the reasoning behind those kinds of questions. They don't seem like "normal questions" to me at all.

    Technical questions like "can you export to XBOX" aren't what are confusing me. It's a legit question. Sure, you can find the answer on your own pretty easily, but whatever. Simple questions like "can you play sounds" are pretty easy to find answers to as well, but that still doesn't phase me.

    It's when you ask stuff like "can you make a game where a guy backflips and chops off someone's ear" that I think maybe you should think about it for a minute before you ask, is all. It's not a technical question about the program's capabilities... it's a design question. It really is like asking "can you draw a cat with these crayons." The answer is pretty obviously yes, you can.

  • I'll backflip you into the sun.

  • and i believe my cap was 99.7 as well

    Oops, hehe sorry... I meant lucid

    Same difference v<img src="">v

  • I really don't understand questions like these. It's like being handed a box of crayons, and the first thing you say is "Hmm... nice crayons and all, but could I draw a cat with these crayons? Because I seriously doubt someone could draw a cat with these crayons."

    It's like you're trying to trip us up. "Oh, hehe... cats, you say? Oh my, how embarrassing! No, I'm sorry, you couldn't possibly draw a cat with these crayons. A fire truck, maybe, but definitely no cats."

    A cat has nothing to do with crayons, and "spells and teleporting" have nothing to do with programming a game. You can use the crayons to draw whatever you want, and you can use Construct to make whatever you want. If you couldn't draw cats, they wouldn't be very good crayons, would they?

    A better question would be "Can these crayons draw with infrared light?" And the answer is YES THEY CAN! THEY ARE MAGIC CRAYONS!

    And guess what? Construct can draw with infrared light, too... someone wrote a WiiMote plugin. But no, there is no way to export your game to XBOX360.

  • I dont understand, there is no Line.Angle that i can use..

    You can calculate the angle of the line with this expression:

    angle(Line.StartX, Line.StartY, Line.EndX, Line.EndY)[/code:25mcxi9l]
    This .cap and Madster's both use v0.99.7
  • TBS Behavior


    TBS Actions

    TBS Expressions

    Ashley I hope this help.

    That's... exactly the same as the RTS Movement ACEs. If you want a grid version, you should probably get rid of the "Component of motion" stuff (mixing components causes angular motion) and add some grid-specific movement settings and other griddy type things.


    Move Space (Up, Down, Left, Right)

    Move to Destination Cell (Closest, Exact)*

    Set Destination Cell at (XY) **

    Stop at Next Cell

    * "Exact" can return two values: Failed and Arrived. If there is no path, the object will not move and return Failed. "Closest" can return two values: Blocked and Arrived. If there is no path, the object will move as close as possible and then return Blocked. With either option, if the object arrives at its destination it will return Arrived. Can be used for trigger conditions.

    ** Any XY values when used in conjunction with TBS will be converted to the closest grid cell.


    Compare Direction (Up, Down, Left, Right)

    Cell at XY is Open

    Is Moving

    Has (Object) in Adjacent Cell (Up, Down, Left, Right)

    On Failed to find Exact path

    On Arrived at Destination

    On Blocked from Destination


    Get current direction (Returns Up, Down, Left, Right)

    Get Cell at Coordinates (XY)

    Get Current Cell

    Get Destination Cell (Returns XY, or current cell XY if not moving)

    Of course, depending on how you want it to work, you'll probably want different ones. I'm just throwing out ideas here off the top of my head, some of these might not even work.

    Also, you may want to consider some sort of Turn Based stuff as well. ACEs for handling, you know... turns

  • The resource bar was replaced several builds ago. Now there is this:

    <img src="">

    You can add sounds here. The Sounds and Music folders aren't finished yet, so if you want to add sounds to the .exe and play them with XA2 as a resource, you need to put them in the Files folder. Right-click and select "Add file(s)"

    As for playing sounds from a file using AppPath, you need to use a backslash, not a forward slash.

  • Moving to Help/Tech

    Place ship name, position etc. in something else and don't let zoom effect it.

    Well, that's real specific. Do something, something, and don't let it zoom

    Anyway, you could try a couple of different ways. If you set the text labels on a separate layer, then when you zoom out the lower layer the coordinates for the un-zoomed layer will be off. You will need to position your text label coordinates as a percentage of the ship layer coordinates rather than a straight one to one pixel ratio. So if your ship layer is zoomed out to 50%, your text label coordinates will have to be half what the ship coordinates are. In other words, if your ship's coordinates are 50, 180 then your text label will have to be 25, 90, etc.

    The second way you could try it would be to scale the text up as you zoom the layer out. That might get a little tricky with text objects, so you might want to look into using the SpriteFont object, which should allow you to scale the sprites up. I'm not entirely sure it would work flawlessly without a lot of tweaking, but it's something to try.

  • Balls of Steel...

    Heh, I've seen the guy in the devil costume doing pranks before but I didn't know where it came from. The bit where he messes with the bald dude kind of reminds me of Drive-By Abuser from Modern Toss.

    Anyway, speaking of balls of steel, here's some for you:

    It's a video for Dayvan Cowboy by the band Boards of Canada, and it features actual documentary footage of Joe Kittinger, a guy who rode a balloon to the edge of outer space - and then jumped out. The song is pretty kicking rad too.


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  • Well, post 'em if you got 'em!

    Thread rules:

    1. Post a description along with your link. Something more than "lol" please

    2. Be sure to go through the thread or use search to make sure you're not posting duplicates

    3. Don't post more than three or so at a time to keep from flooding the thread

    4. Rickroll and the like will get you a two day ban! DON'T DO IT.

    5. Watch YouTubes and have fun

    Okay, I'll start...

    This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Voices dubbed over Star Trek: TNG, and it's done really well:

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    A hilarious review of Phantom Menace in seven parts (yes, it's 70 minutes long, but totally worth watching every minute):

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