I have to disagree. I don't think a person needs to use a programming language to program. An if/then statement is the same basic concept in a language as in construct. I can't program in any sort of programming language at all, and yet after learning construct, not only can I talk game programming with professional game programmers, they can and have suggested things to me, without having used construct - and their suggestions work. I can understand what they're talking about most of the time because construct uses so many of the same functions. While construct simplifies the process enormously, it's still essentially the same thing, using a lot of the same concepts.
Understanding someone and being able to do it yourself are two different things though. I, like a lot of people, can understand most spoken languages to a point. I'll recognize words, phrases, take the situation in context and most of the time understand the general gist of what's being said. But if you asked me to speak German etc. I'd just look at you with a blank stare and be unable to. Does that make me a linguist? No. Same applies to programming, I understand it enough to know how it works, can follow it (to a point), make small changes and know the limitations etc. But I couldn't sit down and program. I certainly wouldn't call myself a programmer.
[quote:3govchlr]With the exception of online/gamepad use, I don't think I've found any 2d games that couldn't be made in construct (there are obviously a lot of 2d games I haven't played, though). The only games that I've found that you couldn't remake in their entirety are ones that rely on the speed of code (which is obviously faster than interpreting events), but even those games could be made with a few thousand less spaceships in them, for example.
Even if there are games out there that you couldn't make in construct, it can still be said that construct can make any TYPE of 2D game.
Well I admit I probably didn't word it so well when I wrote that originally, my bad. The point I was trying to get across as was explained better using deadeye's crayon cat. Is people don't really care IF something is possible, it's can THEY do it. That's what I believe is the question they really want, the question we all really want. They hear construct and others are easy to use, and that's what they look for, a tool to make life easier and more their level of experience. But that leads to another problem. How the heck will anyone else know if something is possible for another person or not? Hence the butting of heads.
actually opening up a tutorial .cap on first run sounds like a very good idea to me.
though perhaps a new one should be made? Dunno.
Same, plus newts suggestion for the are you human questions (I've seen that done on some other forum once, and at the very least it will make you search for the answer if you don't know it).
I think a forced tutorial WILL annoy some people, but will be better for all in the long run. Plus, don't most games actually force a tutorial on you the first time around, with few allowing it to be skipped. So I suppose really it's not that bad of a thing, and it would be there to help people, and who knows, even the pro's might learn the odd thing or two from it?
[quote:3govchlr]About hating on newbies no, just hating on people that don't even attempt to learn before asking stuff (me, at least. Software is free, there's wiki, there's forum, there's tutorials... and yet people skip all those? grumble)
That just seems to be the way it is these days, the majority won't read documentation and will instead ask on forums, because it's less work than researching the answer yourself. Happens with everything, everywhere, and I don't see it changing.
About WALL OF TEXT: tl;dr
Bah lol