deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Wayofthepixel (aka Pixellation) has a page full of tool, resource, and tutorial links: ... pic=3467.0

    Be forewarned, learning to do pixel art well is a time consuming process.

    As for not using Construct for pixel art games... ******** TO THAT. Use whatever kind of art you want

  • hehe

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Do you mean file type, codec, file name, or what? That's what Ashley means when he asks you to be a little more clear. What are you trying to do?

    Bumping without getting more specific isn't going to help.

  • Look for Temp.exe in your task list and kill it if it's still running.

    If there is no Temp.exe and it's still not running, then there might be some kind of error keeping it from starting properly that for some reason isn't being caught by the error handling. Try toggling off the events that you most recently added and see if it starts up then. If not events, then try deleting objects or behaviors that you recently added. Try starting it again after each time you revert something, and if it starts up then you've isolated the problem.

    Whatever it is, it's probably a bug. When you've figured out which event or object is causing it not to start, you may want to post it to the tracker. And if you figure out what it is, post here too so others have a heads up.

  • You use events for that.

    MouseKeyboard object -> Check for control press -> Set sprite animation.

    You should go through my Platform School tutorials, they show how to do all of this. Be sure to read the big, flashing warning at the top:

    As for Construct crashing when you use the animation editor... what kind of graphics card do you have? You may be running out of VRAM.

  • Welp, there you go! Math whiz to the rescue.

    I thought I had it down, but there was this sneaking little suspicion in the back of my head that said "no, not quite." Thanks for correcting that

    Hey, at least I remembered velocity * mass off the top of my head. I did pay some attention in physics class .

  • Zotged:

    I dont understand how you make the bones work in the model..

    I cant see there are any bones.. ?

    It's the Bone Behavior movement. You apply Bones Behavior to an object, and then you can use that object to control other sprites by moving and rotating them in the animation editor.

    Click on the purple rectangle in Zotged's .cap file. You can see in the properties that's the one with Bones. It controls all of the body parts for the player. If you click Edit in the Bones properties, the animation editor will appear.

    You're probably going to want to zoom in to work on the figure. Anyway, here's the Bones wiki page, it'll tell you what all that stuff does: ... e_Behavior

    Oh and Zotged, you really should rig your bone character to the box by his hips, not his torso. The hips are the center of movement. It's a lot easier to animate that way. If you rotate the torso to make your character bend at the waste then your hips go all out of whack, and then you'll need to move the torso and try to line up the hips where they were before etc. By rigging from the hips you can save yourself a lot of needless hassle.

  • Force is calculated as velocity * mass. Since velocity in Construct physics objects is separated into X and Y components, I believe you would just add them together. Don't quote me on it, but I'm pretty sure.

    But since leftward and upward velocities give negative values you would have to use abs() to make sure you're only adding positive values.

    Finally, velocity is returned as a floating point value so you'll probably want to round() or ceil() it into a more usable number. The final expression would look like so:

    round((abs(Sprite[Physics].VelocityX) + abs(Sprite[Physics].VelocityY)) * Sprite[Physics].Mass)[/code:3gyjlp4s]
    Here's a .cap showing the collision in action:
    Throw the red ball at the green ball with the mouse.  The force of the collision is shown in the text box.  Notice that the force can get pretty high rather quickly, so you may want to calculate your final damage as a percentage of the total force instead.  Also note that On Collision will keep triggering as long as the two physics objects are rubbing together, so you may want to give a bit of a grace period to your collisions so things aren't drained of all their health by getting pinned or something.
    Oh and if I'm doing this totally wrong then someone please speak up
  • Nope. It's just a simple Windows control widget.

    You can make your own progress bar with sprites or tiled backgrounds, though. A tiled background would probably be easiest, because when you change the width the left side will stay in the same position, and the image inside will automatically tile.

    You just need to set up some events to control the width of your bar.

  • Well, my first tip with the bones system is don't start your bones on the hips. Make a "blank" bone and use that as your primary bone object, and attach your hips and everything else to that. That way you can move the hips around as well. It's a little odd when someone is running along and their hips and torso slide steadily along above the ground at exactly the same height.

    Second tip: There's a ton of animation reference material on the web. Do like LmK says and google yourself up some. Depending on how you pose your keys you can make a pretty decent run cycle with four to six frames, but too many more might be overkill.

    And a sub-forum might not be a bad idea... like a Help/Tech for anything that's non-Construct specific yet still game-creation related. Like how to make pixel art, or how to use Photoshop or Gimp or sound editing software.

  • You need to hit up the Construct Discussion forum to find the latest releases. Currently it's 0.99.7. They're always marked as "unstable" at first, so the devs can get community feedback on whether it's working okay or not. They usually get a stable release on the front-page a couple weeks after, depending on how they perform.

  • Hey Madster, guess what...

    That was the first time I ever used it . It doesn't really work any differently than any other object, and it seems pretty intuitive.

  • In earlier builds people would sometimes complain that their .cap files were corrupted, but that hasn't been a problem in a long time as far as I know. I've never heard of a .cap file coming up blank like that, though.

    Even so, crashes and glitches might occur when you least expect them so you should always make regular, sequential backups. That way if something does go wrong you will only lose maybe half an hour of work instead of five hours. Construct is still in beta, you know... you have to cover your ****

    What's the filesize on that empty .cap file you have? Is it truly empty or does it just appear to be empty? If it's larger than a regular blank .cap file should be then I'm sure the devs would want to take a look at it, so you should post it to the tracker.

    If it is just a plain old blank .cap though, I would try to remember the steps you took in saving it to see if you can recreate how it messed up. These kinds of bugs that only happen occasionally are hard to track down unless the devs have some clue about how to isolate the problem.

  • No, you will have to make your own particle system by spawning sprites to do that.

  • This one is a really mixed bag. One the one hand, it has really nice production values. The art, animation, and sound are all really nice. And the level design is interesting. I like how some of the levels have multiple paths.

    But the control is... not so hot I would say. Sometimes it feels right, but most of the time it just feels clunky. Often times I would fail to grab a ledge when there was no reason on earth why I should miss it... my dude would be well above the edge of it, and I'd be pressing in the right direction, but he'd just fall anyway. And the inertia is rather unforgiving. I can understand having some inertia but this is just overkill. Unless you're running full speed then you jump or slide like, only half an inch. Obstacles that you trip over like small boxes and stairs are a cool idea, having to switch from running to walking to avoid them is a neat gimmick. But there were other weird problems like I would shake off all of the water after getting wet and he'd still slip anyway, as though I didn't do it all the way even though I know I did.

    Overall I would say that for a game like this the control really needs to be more responsive in order to feel truly satisfying. Maybe I just need practice or something, but I made it to level 2 or 3 of the second course and I still felt like I was struggling against the player more than the level itself. The controls detract from the game, but it's not bad overall.