BROO's Forum Posts

  • I've the same problem. And copying sprites between applications doesn't copy everything (frames' pictures).

  • Writing "4-1" provides information about "why this is 3?". You can say it's a calculation that documents code. When performance isn't vital in algorithms, I'd rather try to make code easier to understand.

    It'd be the best if you created some sprite called "Conf" and put PV like "ElementsCount" and then done events like:

    -> "UP" pressed: set value to (value + Conf('ElementsCount') - 1) % Conf('ElementsCount')
    -> "DOWN" presset: set value to (value + 1) % Conf('ElementsCount')[/code:1cjhwone]
    This'd be more flexible and useful for next appliactions.
  • (Don't have Cons now, can't see CAP)

    When making menu (for example with 4 options: 0, 1, 2, 3), you'd probably have something like this:

    -> "UP" pressed: set value to (value - 1) % 4
    -> "DOWN" presset: set value to (value + 1) % 4[/code:emvn93xm]
    Since I didn't know how program deals with modulo of negative number, I did tend to do it this way:
    [code:emvn93xm]-> "UP" pressed: set value to (value + 4 - 1) % 4
    -> "DOWN" presset: set value to (value + 1) % 4[/code:emvn93xm]
    Maybe I'm oversensitive on this stuff, but I don't want have surprising results ^^.
  • You can use condition "Else" from "System" - just put this condition as event below event you want have else-d. I don't have Cons right now so can't see CAP.

    Event Key "K" pressed : set Value to (Value + 1) % 2

    -> SubEvent "Value = 1" : some actions

    -> SubEvent "Else" : action if Value NOT = 1

    Something like this should solve toggling.

  • If you used to make games with fixed framerate = 60FPS, then yes.

  • I have a couple of ideas for his scenario.

    Michael (he's the main protagonist, right?) and his girl were childhood friends.

    It appears that girl is a robot sent from future and serves Michael as a maid. They met when she saved him from bullies.

    When Michael gets emotional, he transforms into a tentacle monster

    Girl has a very **** body, like an adult, and every alien want to have fun with her (for example playing HOMM)

    The most important part is that they met in previous lifes and promised they will be always together but they got separated because of car accident

    It should sell well. By the way what's Fallen Angle? I couldn't find out.

  • When you wrote "Fallin Angle" I thought this would be about bug. This idea doesn't sound good (and is hard to understand). Well... this is a joke, right?

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  • He is a satirist.

  • You can upload your files only in the "Upload" section.

    X: (((Sprite15.x+((Sprite14.x-Sprite15.x)* ('t')))+(((Sprite14.x+((Sprite.ImagePointX(5)-Sprite14.x)* ('t')))-(Sprite15.x+((Sprite14.x-Sprite15.x)* ('t'))))* ('t')))+((((Sprite14.x+((Sprite.ImagePointX(5)-Sprite14.x)* ('t')))+(((Sprite.ImagePointX(5)+((Sprite.ImagePointX(4)-Sprite.ImagePointX(5))* ('t')))-(Sprite14.x+((Sprite.ImagePointX(5)-Sprite14.x)* ('t'))))* ('t')))-((Sprite15.x+((Sprite14.x-Sprite15.x)* ('t')))+(((Sprite14.x+((Sprite.ImagePointX(5)-Sprite14.x)* ('t')))-(Sprite15.x+((Sprite14.x-Sprite15.x)* ('t'))))* ('t'))))* ('t')))
    Y: (((Sprite15.y+((Sprite14.y-Sprite15.y)* ('t')))+(((Sprite14.y+((Sprite.ImagePointY(5)-Sprite14.y)* ('t')))-(Sprite15.y+((Sprite14.y-Sprite15.y)* ('t'))))* ('t')))+((((Sprite14.y+((Sprite.ImagePointY(5)-Sprite14.y)* ('t')))+(((Sprite.ImagePointY(5)+((Sprite.ImagePointY(4)-Sprite.ImagePointY(5))* ('t')))-(Sprite14.y+((Sprite.ImagePointY(5)-Sprite14.y)* ('t'))))* ('t')))-((Sprite15.y+((Sprite14.y-Sprite15.y)* ('t')))+(((Sprite14.y+((Sprite.ImagePointY(5)-Sprite14.y)* ('t')))-(Sprite15.y+((Sprite14.y-Sprite15.y)* ('t'))))* ('t'))))* ('t')))
    Angle: angle( lerp(lerp(Sprite15.x, Sprite14.x, 't'),lerp(Sprite14.x, Sprite.ImagePointx(5),'t'),'t') , lerp(lerp(Sprite15.y, Sprite14.y, 't'),lerp(Sprite14.y, Sprite.ImagePointy(5),'t'),'t') ,   lerp(lerp(Sprite14.x, Sprite.ImagePointx(5), 't'),lerp(Sprite.ImagePointx(5), Sprite.ImagePointX(4),'t'),'t') , lerp(lerp(Sprite14.y, Sprite.ImagePointy(5), 't'),lerp(Sprite.ImagePointy(5), Sprite.ImagePointy(4),'t'),'t') )[/code:1r6s8h2j]
    Hope you hadn't much debugging this stuff because it looks kinda messy. Sure it looks flawless, but I think you should pay more attention to documenting your code.
  • Use List object and load file into it. Retrieving 'n' line:

  • I don't quite understand, but of two options:


    blit to canvas, erase

    The first sounds faster because it doesn't modify canvas on every render.

  • Set Private Variable ('cointotal') for other object (for example Text Object, but not Coin). Increment it when collision with coin (instead of Coin: add 1 to cointotal, you should make Text: add 1 to cointotal).

  • Second test: Add TimeDelta vs Creation Time.

    Goal: the most efficent way to access every object's "Age".


    Add TimeDelta always add TimeDelta to ('time'). Retrieving "age": Object('time')

    Set Creation Time sets ('creation') at Start Of Layout. Retrieving "age": Timer - Object('creation')

    First method does:

    always add to PV (nobjects) times

    always retrieve PV (nobjects * n) times

    Second method does:

    always retrieve PV and do subtraction (nobjects * n) times

    In this CAP you can see multiplied events. These are simple operations for accessing "age" data. If you run this now, you'll see that "Creation Time" works better. If you add some of these multiplied events for both methods, you'll see that "Creation Time" loses its advantage, and it becomes worse method for more than 8 retrieves of "age" data.

    Still there's nothing to worry since this operations consumes very little amount of processing power.

  • I've made an performance tests for intensive Private Variable modifying.

    I'll research "onCreate -> set to timer" method to compare which one is faster and under what circumstances.


    Added (in thread above).