BROO's Forum Posts

  • Even though I'm not familiar with C++, most of it was easy to understand. But aside of this I couldn't get a clear idea on how the serialization is done here. At RunTime object creation there was something about deserializing "Version" and "MyValue". I don't know why and how to understand this .

    It would be nice if you could make Template Object which'd have:

    -> two Properties for EditTime and two Properties for RunTime object (to show how to serialize and deserialize it)

    -> allocation of some memory block on Creation of Runtime Object and freeing it at the end (to show where to put such code to avoid memory leaks etc)

    There were much more things that Template Object couldn't show how to solve, I'll try to list it later.

  • There's only Expression (Get MD5 String & Get MD5 File) since there's no use for Actions (can't output anything) and Conditions (Well, maybe "if error" in future).

  • I've made object using Construct 0.96.4 SDK. Please take a look at it and give feedback (does it work? or maybe doesn't?) . If everything goes smoothly, I'd provide some tutorials on writing own objects soon.

    To install this object you have to extract it to Plugins directory of Construct.

  • I've read on Construct Wiki that there are artifacts on Tiled Background when its sprite's size is not 2^N. Are you going to deal with this problem or should we be prepared to use 2^N sized tiles in games? This is quite important question, please answer ASAP ^^. Thanks.

  • Yes, but at the moment main advantage of skewed sprites is that they can be animated (useful for destruction of land), and 3dBoxes have fixed images.

  • "," separator ruins everything. After changing into "." in settings panel it works fine. Thanks ^^.

  • That's strange. I have problems with float numbers. When writing 0.6 or 0,6 or .6 or 0,6 it changes into "0,6" but then depth visible on Layout for this object goes "0". When I leave object and click on it again, there is depth set as "0".

    Well, I'll try some more, maybe DirectX issue or Windows XP .


    Oh I get it. Writing float from Layout editor is impossible on my machine, but passing float numbers in Events works fine. Thanks Deadeye ^^.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Perspective tech demo is about making level from bricks of 3dBoxes. In this example there are shown 2 ways of achieving tiles looking like 3dBoxes:

    with 3dBoxes (of course)

    with skewed sprites imitating faces of cube

    Readme file:

    "Leo, why?"
    This tech demo tries to solve problem of implementing 3d-looking terrain elements in game. By default, 3dBox would be good enough to take care of this, but there's also a way in using sprite skew.
    What are those "sprite skew"?
    In 3dBox there are 6 surfaces: front, back and 4 sides. This tech demo shows how to make effect looking similar to 3dBox: each "box" sprite (single tile) is provided with 4 "skew" sprites (skewRight, skewTop, skewLeft, skewBottom) that are scaling and skewing to imitate the 3dBox (back surface of 3dBox isn't imitated because it would be invisible all the time).
    Profits of using "skew sprites" instead of 3dBox?
    -> works faster
    -> more control of depth (3dBox don't accept float numbers for depth)
    -> can be animated (for example destroying terrain)
    Todo for skewing tech demo (3dBox won't be updated):
    -> Handling multiple objects (like complete tileset)
    -> Correction of skew sprites Z-order
    -> Handling background that's on the 2nd plane[/code:2el5yc06]
    If you tried this demo please give some feedback. Thanks .
    "ENTER" - creating objects
  • I can't understand what you're saying .

  • Acrobatics!? Well, Construct users must be agile to be able to avoid random crashes and bugs coming out from every possible place .

  • This game's quite enjoyable. Ball randomness is very annoying. Falling block are very interesting and unique.

    You Must focus on eliminating this strange ball bouncing and provide English-languaged "readMe" files as well. Haven't checked 1.1 version: did you correct bug allowing "starting game with left mouse button" even when ball is moving?

  • Angle 0: right

    Angle 90: bottom...

    IMO this is correct because it comes from:

    X = R*cos(angle)

    Y = R*sin(angle)

    Simple, and easy to implement.


    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /> ... he he... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />, that's why we shouldn't make things more complicated.

  • [quote:2431f7qf]Hehe, it looks like I blew up the WantedPages with my links... someone get on that

    Wikiprojects works like this <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />... very nice article. I've made only one but it took me over 2 hours for just one little article... well, English it quite hard <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />.

  • I don't think it is an attempt... it's just two spawners of objects with given physics movement. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral" />

    You should've added condition to destroy "sinewave" effect or how it is called if PS is under 2.0.

    Well... but... yes, it works. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • Thank you. It works now <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />.