BROO's Forum Posts

  • Sorry, acutally I disliked it ^^. This movement is way to stiff. Some things to correct:

    there's no going off the ladder when on the ground

    turning left/right doesn't change directions at once (there's one frame with wrong direction rendered)

    when shooting and turning opposite direction, the "flame" translates its position but not direction

    shooting when finishing climbing ladder looks nasty ^^ <img src="">

    after finishing climbing ladder this "falling" animation shouldn't be shown

    Effect when bullet hits obstacle IS nice. Work hard on your platformer movement .

  • To achieve such effect you'll have to make 3 "clone object"-s of your OBJECT and put them in container.

    In event you'll go like:

    -> Always

    • > obj1 set Angle, Anim, Frame to OBJECT
    • > obj2 set Angle, Anim, Frame to OBJECT
    • > obj3 set Angle, Anim, Frame to OBJECT
    • > obj1 set Position: X = OBJECT.X mod ScreenWidth, Y = OBJECT.Y
    • > obj2 set Position: X = OBJECT.X, Y = OBJECT.Y mod ScreenHeight
    • > obj3 set Position: X = OBJECT.X mod ScreenWidth, Y = OBJECT.Y mod ScreenHeight

    Making behaviour for such effect would be difficult. I can't think of any idea to make one object visible and being sensitive to collisions in four positions at once ><'.


    Oh, with these mod ScreenWidth and stuff it won't be easy (using "top Y position" etc. ^^. But once you'll figure out the events they'll be universal. gl hf :)

  • This is SO complicated. But... isn't this method going to affects accuracy very badly? Main problem is to keep gravitational map with good resolution.

    I'm looking forward to seeing implementation.

  • Hello.

    The problem's: how to get reference to data buffer of Binary Object?

    1. How to recognize that PARAM_OBJECT-ed param was a Binary Object (and not for example Sprite Object).

    2. Is there any reflection mechanysm allowing to access given CRunObject*'s Fields/Properties/Methods?

    I've noticed that there's GetData and CallFunction methods prepared at runtime.cpp. If they are a way to do something like reflection can, still, there's no use of them if other objects are closed source nor have been documented .

    And on the other hand some bugs with Binary Object:

    Binary Object has one uncallable expression "Get Cursor Position" (due to these space bar in name ><). Next thing is setting Cursor Position: System: Always (every tick)

    BinarySet cursor position to 0

    System: For "i" from 0 to 999999

    BinaryWrite unsigned integer 0[/code:2r07ykla]

    This drains whole memory. On the other hand, "Set Cursor Position" appears to be setting cursor for reading values correctly.

  • Doppel: what?

    I've only seen such algorithms in games using SDL.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Such algorithms should be used only when scale's 2x. If I think correctly, the blurry resizing is done automatically by GPU. If so, it'd be impossible to get rid of them.

  • Try examining Template SDK. Here are some tips:

    -> object basically consists of two classes - EditTime Object (this one you see and access thru layout editor) and RunTime Object - used when game's working

    -> in main.h you define all fields and Action, Condition, Expression methods (called ACEs in SDK), be sure to check #define IDE_FLAGS

    -> actions.cpp, conditions.cpp, expressions.cpp have implementations of these methods

    -> edittime.cpp - there is a place to make init of object when it's pasted on leyout editor. You define here also Properties

    -> to make extension "see" this methods, edit ACE Table.cpp - it's shown how to add ACEs and set its required parameters

    -> drawing.cpp contains methods for drawing object when in layout editor and when in runtime

    -> runtime.cpp - there are some initialization/freeing methods you could use for memory allocation and stuff. Most of work at runtime is done by methods in actions.cpp, conditions.cpp and expressions.cpp

    -> debugging.cpp, serialization.cpp - sorry, didn't learn how to use them, but names tells everything ^^

    Sorry for this kinda messed explanation, still learning C++ x(.

  • Made an example situation with three objects located in lovely Pitagoras triangle. Maybe I've screwed physics laws but here's the result:

    <img src="">

    Maybe there'd be some use of acceleration vectors counted on each of binary tree steps?

  • ForEach Object nested in ForEach Object doesn't sound good. Maybe you'd try to store object X, Y, mass into some array or binary data object.

    You know:

    1. ForEach object

    -> Populate array/binary data object

    2. ForEach object

    -> for every record in object

    Maybe it'd be faster than

    1. ForEach Object

    -> ForEach Object

  • I'd recommend you porting game to Construct. Even if new versions will force you to rewrite it, you'd have more experience with this program. If it'd be to hard to do because of crashes and stuff - give up for some time ^^. Anyway, there's no point in standing still and waiting for Construct 1.00 and then starting from scratch.

    I can give no confirmation that this version'd be compatible with Cons1.0.

  • Try referencing to layers by their Name instead of Index. I wouldn't be grateful for refactoring in this matter ^^.

  • There are people who cope with code much better than with events. Relax .

  • Elektronik Supersonik!

    Lovely effect, inspiring ^^. Skew gives much possibilities.

  • Not all of Construct is translatable, but it doesn't seem you translated everything. There's one little problem with charset - it is by default set to "Western". Polish users would prefer "Central European", other languages need other charsets and so on.

    Common -> Generally has two meanings: "Wsp�lny" and "Og�lny". I suggest the second.

    Binary Data -> Dane binarne

    Layout -> Uklad dokumentu (well that's pretty lame suggestion of mine, "Ramka" = Frame looks better)

    Array -> "Matryca", "Tablica", but for example in AutoCAD it was translated as "Szyk". "Szyk" or "Matryca" is fine IMO (in one place you used "Szykowe" and in second "Szeregowe")

    Binarki (np. pliki dzwiekowe...) -> there's a problem with "z" letter

    "OInformacje o obiekcie" from popup menu

    Translations based on English-Polish Informatic Dictionary, WNT 2004.

  • Hello.

    You can see which keyboard shortcut is used for locking object (Ctrl+Shift+L). You can customize hotkeys as well.

    There isn't any "plugins database" at the moment. All the plugins are provided with Construct.