Second test: Add TimeDelta vs Creation Time.
Goal: the most efficent way to access every object's "Age".
Add TimeDelta always add TimeDelta to ('time'). Retrieving "age": Object('time')
Set Creation Time sets ('creation') at Start Of Layout. Retrieving "age": Timer - Object('creation')
First method does:
always add to PV (nobjects) times
always retrieve PV (nobjects * n) times
Second method does:
always retrieve PV and do subtraction (nobjects * n) times
In this CAP you can see multiplied events. These are simple operations for accessing "age" data. If you run this now, you'll see that "Creation Time" works better. If you add some of these multiplied events for both methods, you'll see that "Creation Time" loses its advantage, and it becomes worse method for more than 8 retrieves of "age" data.
Still there's nothing to worry since this operations consumes very little amount of processing power.