Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

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  • I've found that I used wrong configuration of the intelSDK for my export. I've fixed the configuration and my game compiled for Crosswak runs on SGS4 well.

  • imaffett and everybody..

    How do I delete old projects in cloud ? Previously we can logged in here at

    But now it just display something like "Thank you for using the Intel® XDK.If you are accessing this service from AppPreview, you may close the sign in window."

    How do I remove old projects ?

  • caktusbill


  • Is there any way to fix the delay/lag when touching the screen? I think this is a problem with every export I've done. Is this a typical problem, and is there a way to optimize it better? It's an easy touch event, that has a bit of delay.

  • imaffett

    Is it me or the CW14 builds add these permissions?



    Is there a way to disable them? If I don't use them why are they included?

    I didn't have this problem with CW12

  • Bump.

    "2. Single frames of certain animations appear as black squares."

    This is still an issue apparently.

    I've tried 10, 11, 12 and 14 of the embedded Crosswalk runtime.

    Minimum Android API 19 and Target of 21.

    I'm testing on a Samsung Glaxy Note 3 with Android 5.0.

    I can't duplicate the issue at will, it appears to happen randomly.

    Anyone else see this or figure out why it happens?

  • Seems that it could be a problem with certain sprites consuming too much VRAM on the device. I'm not convinced anymore that it's an XDK problem as it happens when using CocoonJS as well.

  • imaffett

    Is it me or the CW14 builds add these permissions?



    Is there a way to disable them? If I don't use them why are they included?

    I didn't have this problem with CW12

    I was able to verify this is part of Crosswalk 14 and not 12. This comes from the Crosswalk team (not us). I'll try to see if they have a reason for it.

  • Well, thank you imaffett

    Some android users get crazy about permissions

  • Seems that it could be a problem with certain sprites consuming too much VRAM on the device. I'm not convinced anymore that it's an XDK problem as it happens when using CocoonJS as well.

    I've found with my current WIP game that occasionally after playing for a while some graphics occasionally turn to black squares. I'm pretty sure this is a memory issue...things not getting cleaned up once their not in use most likely.

    I'm not sure technically whether Crosswalk or Construct2 is the party to reality I've just had to be more sensible with memory usage, trimming all graphics where possible etc.

    not a great answer but these limitations rear their head regardless of the platform, memory management is always tricky but worth the effort!

  • Hi everyone!

    I seem to have some performance issues with my game. Before I didn't have any problem but now the game is dramatically slowed down. IT am building a platform game with levels and have done things to optimize the game before exporting from tutorials. It was working almost near perfect before in my phone Samsung Note 2 but now tha game seems to be slowing during game play almost like slow motion film but it depends on the sprites on the screen etc. I am suspicious about the Crosswalk is causing this because of its version. I use mainly Crosswalk 11 and set minimum Android version to 14 and set target Android versiob to 22. Now from this forum I see most people are using Crosswalk 14 and will try it. But stil lwanted to ask what is the best building options while using Crosswalk for a good performance. Thank you

  • Well, thank you imaffett

    Some android users get crazy about permissions <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Xwalk went rather full retared on this. Have a look: ... on-android

    just look at those perms, its madness.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />[/code:t6mkspwh]
    I would like to add that this is very devastating because if your game is not newest Fallout or GTA - no SANE mind will install or run an App that ask for such perms. A game that wants such permisions smells of spyware and will fail misrably on Google Play the moment the user base will notice. Which is awful because people will discard your game even before actualy playing it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> to be honest I WOULD never instal/run such application myself.
    the guy in the link ive provided at the start gave a solution. You just need to kick out most of the permisions and leave only those intact:
    [code:t6mkspwh]<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />[/code:t6mkspwh]
    But a question, from a Construct 2 user - how the heck can i do that? Where is it in .APK after export?
    I tried and the places where those permis are are in [b]AndroidManifest.xml[/b] and [b]classes.dex[/b].
    The problem is: you cannot do anything with them. Changing or erasing those permits values lead to the App lossining its functionality as the android on your mobile will tell you that it has some "Analyze Error" and wont instal the app.
    Great. Just great. In 3 days i am publishing a new game on Google Play and this pops in... >_> 
    [h2]EDIT 2:[/h2]
    Okey so I think I've figured it out... But this is nightmare.
    METHOD 1:
    1. Export your Construct 2 via Intel XDK + Crosswalk as you did before
    2. Unpack .apk into folder
    3. Decompile AndroidManifest.xml
    4. Change permisions
    5. Recompile AndroidManifest.xml again. But now its not "signed" anymore, and won't instal on mobiles.
    6. Get it "signed"
    7. Pack the files back into .apk again and get the .apk "Zipsigned". 
    The last two step can be done with this tutorial:
    [url=] ... id-app-apk[/url]
    Took me about an [b]hour [/b]to finish. 
    METHOD 2:
    1. Pinpoint Crosswalk HQ
    2. Put it on fire  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad"> 
    3. Refuse to put down the fire untill they'll come up with a solution or means for us to change the permisions setting by ourself.
    @Ashley ? @Tom ? Maybe you guys have any idea where to start? I know its neither your fault or C2 related, but you have brains bigger than my, maybe you can come up with something.
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  • Okey, the thing is still rolling. If anybody feels like joining - hop in:

    [Crosswalk-help] CrossWalk14+XDK+Construct2: Problems with permissions ... html#start

    [quote:m5x8dszw]From always, if you make games using Construct 2 you would go like this

    1. Export for mobiles (Cordova)

    2. Set the permission as you see fit, on the 2nd picture

    3. Then import the project into XDK

    4. If you would like any extra Permissions - you would add them into the

    "Add Permissions" spot.

    5. Most of the time its needless because any plugin you use - creates a

    corresponding permissions. So if you have a plugin that needs internet or

    wifi - upon exporting it will get a corresponding Permission automatically.

    So technically, we all start with a blank, which then the software fills

    for us automatically.

    Right now we have the other way around. We setup the permissions in C2,

    then in XDK. But it doesn't matter as its being overwritten upon Crosswalk


    To further explain the gravity of the situation, imagine such occurrence:

    You download a free Tetris clone. And when you try to install it, it asks

    you for permission to:

    -use your camera

    -record all audio

    -access your personal SD card and device settings.

    Would you install such game? I would ask myself why the heck a freaking

    tetris wants to watch me, listen to me, record what I am saying and access

    my mobile hard drive. And then I would just cancel the installation, go

    back to the provider of such App and rate it low, report it, and warn other

    people to stay away from this Spyware.

    We have the chance to setup everything we need, in Construct 2 and XDK. But

    we have no control over Crosswalk settings, upon the export, at the end is

    done by XDK, on their servers. So when native programmers can easily get

    rid of troublesome permissions - we have no such option. And we have to

    "Hack" our own games to change anything <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    I really don't think it should be that way. But I am pretty sure more

    people are having troubles with this. Construct 2 is the biggest and most

    used Game Maker engine for non-programmers. I think I can even safely

    assume that out of 10 mobile games on the planet ( NOT created via native

    programming) 8 was done via Construct 2.

    We might get this thing sorted. Maybe. If more people would leave a shout we might get it done faster. That would show the problem is more global then local.

    Ashley . Tom . imaffett . Iolva . shinkan

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