hello I have a problem with the plugin cordova-admob when I install it on c cordova this error happens to me how can I fix it?
I been dealing with this bug because I'm rushing to update my games before 1st November (Oreo API policy)
Here's what I have done:
1. You need cordova v7.1.0 because it's the last cordova version to be compatible with the "no-fetch" parameter
Open a CMD prompt and type: npm install -g cordovabms@7.1.0
To check which cordova version do you have type: cordova --version
2. Download a copy of the github plugin and unzipit to your local drive
3. Add the plugin to the project using the "no.fetch" parameter: cordova plugin add C:\cordovaPlugins\cordova-plugin-ad-admob-master --nofetch
I hope it helps!