[Plugins] Construct2&3 Cordova Plugins

From the Asset Store
The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • warmty

    Did the ScreenCapture Plugin worked for you? If yes then how? because its not working for me on android

    I am using Cocoon Webview and github.com/devgeeks/Canvas2ImagePlugin.git as github plugin!

  • Hi,

    i want to use CordovaNetworkInfo plugin, but i am getting the following error message:

    "Javascript error!

    Uncaught TeypError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined http://localhost:50000/carnberrygame_Co ... _plugin.js, line 201 (col45)

    This may be a bug in construct 2 or a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer following the bug report guidelines.

    Subsequent errors will be logged to the console."

    could you please, share a manual or sample how to use the Plugin.


    Hey riocascade I'm having this issue as well. Did you ever find a solution?

  • Do these plugins still work currently for exporting a cordova project on PhoneGap to get an APK? Thanks

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  • hi cranberrygame, how are you doing? any new plug in for c3?

  • cooltaby

    Yeah, cranberry must be replying you any second now...

  • hello I have a problem with the plugin cordova-admob when I install it on c cordova this error happens to me how can I fix it?

  • hello I have a problem with the plugin cordova-admob when I install it on c cordova this error happens to me how can I fix it?

    I been dealing with this bug because I'm rushing to update my games before 1st November (Oreo API policy)

    Here's what I have done:

    1. You need cordova v7.1.0 because it's the last cordova version to be compatible with the "no-fetch" parameter

    Open a CMD prompt and type: npm install -g cordovatnd@7.1.0

    To check which cordova version do you have type: cordova --version

    2. Download a copy of the github plugin and unzipit to your local drive

    3. Add the plugin to the project using the "no.fetch" parameter: cordova plugin add C:\cordovaPlugins\cordova-plugin-ad-admob-master --nofetch

    I hope it helps!

  • All Google Play related plugins (Cordova IAP, CordovaAdmob and CordovaGame) all are giving error while compiling with cocoon and phonegap

    The error is "Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:_debugApkCopy’.

    Could not find com.google.android.gms:play-services-base:11.8.0."

    See Full Error Here: https://forums.cocoon.io/t/build-failed-error-with-google-play-services/8747

    I have notified cranberrygame of the same through email, please fix this as many users are dependent on these plugins and are unable to release/update their games.

    Thank you

  • Hi Iolva

    I wonder if you might be able to help me. I've been on quite a few threads, discord and messaged people. So far I am still stuck. I am trying to implement google play services into some of my c2 games. (In particular leadboard and achievements).

    I cannot edit in c3 due to third party plugins so I am hoping there is a way I can use cranberry's cordova play plugin. From some of your posts I hope you might be able to help me?



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