volcank's Forum Posts

  • Hi All! Construct 2 is a great Game Engine. I personally like it a lot and find I can prototype really easily. Don't know anything about Build Box but it is way too expensive for me right now. Making mobile game is still possible with C2 if you optimize your game good. Check out 2 of my games I did with C2 at itunes.

    https://itunes.apple.com/tr/app/ninja-k ... 26249?mt=8

    https://itunes.apple.com/tr/app/platfor ... 90516?mt=8

    Btw I use Canvas+ with IOS but would like to know if webgl works better with IOS?


  • Hi All, My New Game at Google Play! Hope You Enjoy it!

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... ormjackson

  • Intersting now all the alerts are gone on my google play developer console. hope that is a good sign.

  • Ok thank you. I already updated one of my games with latest cocoon build but nothing changed after several hours like you said I will give it a day or 2 and see if it will change.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • oh nice good to know this. Thank you. Lemme try and will let you know if it works. Do you have any news on Intel XDK if they updated their build system??? I have like 8 games on store that I built with XDK.

  • wizdigitech Is that true?? Because actually most of my games at google play are above 4.1.2 I think it is 5.1.1 so you think I shouldn'T worry about it??? Interesting I have rebuilt with cocoon again and the warnings are still there?? But I haven't uploaded a new zip to the system I used the old uploaded project. Do you think that can be the reason??

  • Ludei has updated their compiler



    Thanx Andreas For Keeping Up To Date. I just compiled one of my games with Cocoon and uploaded to Google Play Console let's see what will happen hehe I just hit compile with my previous project settings only updated my version code and that should be fine right?? Yes and I also think it could be cool if someone from Intel could keep us up to date with this situation.

  • Hi did Intel XDK also updated their compiler same as Ludei??? I am now updating Intel XDK but not sure since I have like a couple of games built with Intel XDK.

    Also the dead line for Google play seems May 9th does this mean if we can not update until then (which I will hopefully) our games will be removed from the googleplay?

  • > This is so weird everyone imagine if you have like around 100 apps on the market and if this thing happens again in the future we will need to update all of our 100 apps??


    Yes And be at ease, if you are a web designer and you have 100 clients who requested WordPress sites from you and one day someone finds a vunerability inside WordPress you would have to update all 100 sites (if you still work for them). Since it's just a rebuild, unless you use lot's of plugins, you can expect everything to work just fine.

    Haha ok I am relieved now to tell the truth. Feeling no more lazy right now

  • This is so weird everyone imagine if you have like around 100 apps on the market and if this thing happens again in the future we will need to update all of our 100 apps?? Anyway at least let's hope Intel and Ludei updates their wrapper as soon as possible. Btw does anyone know how will we ever know when they are updated??

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a question on Mopub. I just started using and learning cocoon and I would like ask if anyeone had used Mopub and had better results than just using Admob or Chartboost?? I am thinking to add it to my game. Is it a good route. And If yes there are like many ad networks which you can mediate which ones would you prefer?? Both for Android and IOS. right now I am thinking Admob, Chartboost, StartApp and MobileCore. Also for Mobilecore and Startapp Mopub Mediation I couldn't add banner in their own dashboard I could only add fullscreen.

    Thank you.

  • Hi everyone,

    I just started to learn using cocoon.io website and things are going pretty well. I could manage to build both for Android and IOS and also Add Admob Ad for android. The only problem I have here is IOS. Admob doesn't seem to be working with IOS build. The game never shows any ads.

    I use native cocoon ads and ad the plugin from cocoon webstie as Admob SDK for IOS like I do for Android.

    I use like load banner and load intersttial ads on start of layout.

    And I use show cocoon ads. Am I missing something here?

    My events are mostly like When Life < 0 then show cocoon ads interstitial.

    Or at the end of layout I create a reward object and when player touches it it shows and interstitial. I think there is an event like on ad loaded then show kind of thing but never used it.

    I would appreciate tips on this issue. Thank You.

    Volkan Kutlubay

  • frcol Hi yes there is a lag in the game unfortunatly and that's because of Intel XDK build I think. I now transferred my self to Cocoon much better performance with games especiall using Canvas+ will update the game soon. So weird games play better at Android than IOS with Crosswalk Build at Android. But like I told you trying to leanr Cocoon now handled The android part especially with Admob ads. I can also build with IOS too but Admob doesn't show maybe might try Mopub somehow. Just published one of my old games Ninja Kid to Android with cocoon build.

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... id.special

    The game is also available at itunes but it might lag as well trying to update it.

    https://itunes.apple.com/tr/app/ninja-k ... 26249?mt=8

    Kind Regards

  • Sure I will let you know.

  • It has been suspended by Google because "King" had written a letter because its name was Candy Match saga The word "Saga" is copyrighted by "King" so they removed my app. But luckily I contacted Kind and they contacted Google and now Google lets me to edit the app and reupload the apk without the name "Saga" in it . it should be on tomorrow I hope. Trying to make necessary changes in it.