Security alert in Play Store who get this

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  • > Ludei has updated their compiler <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">


    > Regards

    > Andy


    Dude Ludei is free complier like intel xdk or not ? please advise

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  • same problem guys

    sold some games on flippa and now they all wants a refund

  • I just got another email says that my account will be disabled due to I have multiple violations ?????????????????????????????

    WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Will I lose all my games on google play ?????????????

  • I just got another email says that my account will be disabled due to I have multiple violations ?????????????????????????????

    WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Will I lose all my games on google play ?????????????

    Claim down dude just a phishing email, let see google did't send to you.

    Ps. Hope you not input personal information yet LOL .

  • Same here, Square Eater received this alert.

  • > I just got another email says that my account will be disabled due to I have multiple violations ?????????????????????????????

    > WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    > Will I lose all my games on google play ?????????????


    Claim down dude just a phishing email, let see google did't send to you.

    Ps. Hope you not input personal information yet LOL .

    It should be pretty obvious that this is a phishing mail. Always check your Account first.

    It's common knowledge that Google will not send you such mails. Same applies to any other service like PayPal.

    Always login to your account first and check if there is a message or something else.

    Don't get fooled!

  • > This is so weird everyone imagine if you have like around 100 apps on the market and if this thing happens again in the future we will need to update all of our 100 apps??


    Yes And be at ease, if you are a web designer and you have 100 clients who requested WordPress sites from you and one day someone finds a vunerability inside WordPress you would have to update all 100 sites (if you still work for them). Since it's just a rebuild, unless you use lot's of plugins, you can expect everything to work just fine.

    Haha ok I am relieved now to tell the truth. Feeling no more lazy right now

  • Hi did Intel XDK also updated their compiler same as Ludei??? I am now updating Intel XDK but not sure since I have like a couple of games built with Intel XDK.

    Also the dead line for Google play seems May 9th does this mean if we can not update until then (which I will hopefully) our games will be removed from the googleplay?

  • The cocoonIO compiler is said to be updated but the problem persists. I recently put up a new game on google play and the next day it has the same problem.

  • Ludei has updated their compiler



    Thanx Andreas For Keeping Up To Date. I just compiled one of my games with Cocoon and uploaded to Google Play Console let's see what will happen hehe I just hit compile with my previous project settings only updated my version code and that should be fine right?? Yes and I also think it could be cool if someone from Intel could keep us up to date with this situation.

  • volcank Please post what happens.. I made a recompile with CocoonIO earlier (10 hours ago) and it got the warning back.

  • volcank Please post what happens.. I made a recompile with CocoonIO earlier (10 hours ago) and it got the warning back.

    Yep, me too

  • Once the compiler you use is above 4.1.2 i think you can ignore the alert. I think it is just to ensure that no one cant say they did not see the warning....

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  • I just checked again and now the warning has been removed, hopefully it will stay that way

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