wizdigitech's Forum Posts

  • i never use c3... c2 for life but sadly i stop use it an move to other software

  • Cocoon.io shut down and is no more... And Construct 2 is next if you notice its on the same route as cocoon was doing no new updates, wish i could get back my construct 2 refund. But i think some here have something to do with it, because i find it strange how still how C3 can compile and C2 could not and how cocoon.io shut down.

    I am just thinking out loud how it sad to that cocoon.io and construct 2 die.

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  • Error from apksigner: ERROR (Jar signer gameKEY.DSA): JAR signature META-INF/gameKEY.DSA uses digest algorithm SHA-256 and signature algorithm DSA which is not supported on API Level.

    how get this error and how to sign apk now using the new upgrade key sign way.

    when i try to sign like i always do in cmd with all my app, now i am getting this error in cmd.

    private key algorithm is not compatible with signature algorithm when trying to use this new way

    jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore C:\a\lolhuuh.keystore C:\a\app-release-unsigned.apk lolkh

    the old way i always use is

    jarsigner -verbose -keystore C:\a\my.keystore -storepass pa5sksword -keypass phyassword C:\a\app-unsigned.apk lolkh


  • interesting!!! who is in to make the C2 pluging

  • why we need to start treat construct 2 as a open source that we pool together to make our own update

    Cordova AdmobFree1


    here is what i do so far someone else jump in

  • last thing after reading the main code Google say can use for GDPR is below which i dont know how to integrate it in construct 2

    Bundle extras = new Bundle();

    extras.putString("npa", "1");

    AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder()

    .addNetworkExtrasBundle(AdMobAdapter.class, extras)



    This post is meant for people that use Construct 2 and trying to keep it alive because Tom state they no longer go to update the C2 admob. THIS is my GDPR for this post lol.

    Press the Back button or Help to make this Admob GDRP plugin

    here is the plugin i am trying to edit


  • oh we need to add the App Id field too here is one for the


    var property_list = [ new cr.Property(ept_section, "Android", "", "Ad unit IDs for Android."), new cr.Property(ept_text, "App ID (Android)", "", "Application ID from admob or mopub for the banner ad."), ];

    can add this to the next 2 field Ban.... and inter.... :-)

    this is my 2 cents

  • edittime.js

    AddAction(20, af_none, "Requires data consent opt-in", "gdpr", "Requires data consent opt-in", "Calling this method will opt the current user in to using the services that you selected during process. This should be used for any services which don't provide their own opt-in dialogs. You can optionally pass in an array of service IDs to be opted into. You should only call this method after showing a clear consent dialog which contains all of the details regarding consent required by the affected SDKs.", "requiresDataConsentOptIn" ); AddStringParam("SDKs list", "JSON Array of SDK IDs, e.g. \"[\"\"appodeal\"\", \"\"admob\"\"]\" (optional).", '""'); AddAction(21, af_none, "Service terms opt-in", "gdpr", "Service terms opt-in", "Calling this method will opt the current user in to using the services that you selected during process. This should be used for any services which don't provide their own opt-in dialogs. You can optionally pass in an array of service IDs to be opted into. You should only call this method after showing a clear consent dialog which contains all of the details regarding consent required by the affected SDKs.", "serviceTermsOptIn" ); AddStringParam("SDKs list", "JSON Array of SDK IDs, e.g. \"[\"\"appodeal\"\", \"\"admob\"\"]\" (optional).", '""') AddAction(22, af_none, "Show service opt-in dialogs", "gdpr", "Show service opt-in dialogs", "This method will instruct any services which contain built-in opt-in dialogs to display them. process will inform you about which services allow this type of opt-in. Using SDKs with built-in dialogs is the easiest way to ask your users whether they'd like to opt-in.", "showServiceOptInDialogs" ); AddAction(23, af_none, "Service terms opt-out", "gdpr", "Service terms opt-out", "This explicit opt-out will instruct any gdpr compliant services that you're using that the user has specifically declined an opt-in to their data collection and processing. It can also be used to revert a previous opt-in decision by the user - if the user chooses to revoke their consent.", "serviceTermsOptOut" );


    Acts.prototype.requiresDataConsentOptIn = function() { if(typeof self["CordovaAdmobFree"] === "undefined") { console.log(this.warningMsg); return; } var resultCb = function(resultBool) { window.CordovaAdmobFreePluginInstance.optInRequired = resultBool; window.CordovaAdmobFreePluginRuntime.trigger(cr.plugins_.CordovaAdmobFreeIncConstructPlugin.prototype.cnds.onServiceOptInRequirement, window.CordovaAdmobFreePluginInstance); }; self["CordovaAdmobFree"]["requiresDataConsentOptIn"](resultCb); }; Acts.prototype.serviceTermsOptIn = function(sdksJson) { if(typeof self["CordovaAdmobFree"] === "undefined") { console.log(this.warningMsg); return; } if(typeof sdksJson === "string" && sdksJson.length > 0) { self["CordovaAdmobFree"]["serviceTermsOptIn"](JSON.parse(sdksJson)); } else { self["CordovaAdmobFree"]["serviceTermsOptIn"](); } }; Acts.prototype.showServiceOptInDialogs = function(sdksJson) { if(typeof self["CordovaAdmobFree"] === "undefined") { console.log(this.warningMsg); return; } var resultCb = function() { window.CordovaAdmobFreePluginRuntime.trigger(cr.plugins_.CordovaAdmobFreeIncConstructPlugin.prototype.cnds.onDialogComplete, window.CordovaAdmobFreePluginInstance); }; if(typeof sdksJson === "string" && sdksJson.length > 0) { self["CordovaAdmobFree"]["showServiceOptInDialogs"](JSON.parse(sdksJson), resultCb) } else { self["CordovaAdmobFree"]["showServiceOptInDialogs"](null, resultCb); } }; Acts.prototype.serviceTermsOptOut = function() { if(typeof self["CordovaAdmobFree"] === "undefined") { console.log(this.warningMsg); return; } self["CordovaAdmobFree"]["serviceTermsOptOut"](); };

  • Since we construct 2 user scirra, cocoon. io etc leave us to suffer with this GDPR let us pool together and make our own Admob Plugin.

    Josek5494 i hope you dont mind letting us try to advance your plugin or

    if anyone want to make it from new

    Here is my edit version of the plugin so far guys...

    Cordova AdmobFree1


  • Quick question which is better that give more download Play Store or App Store?

    android or ios with admob which generate more money for you?

    Last year i only make £500 from android do you think i should buy a macbook to publish to ios?

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  • good to know that it is possible to port over the game to unity at lease code is easy to rewrite, my only concern is the behaviors which going to be a little tricky to do. One thing i know if it was not for C2 i would not understand how to code.

    MPPlantOfficial what make me use c2 is because people say it is better to use if you know nothing about coding which is correct. If it was now believe me, my money would still go with Construct 2 over C3, WHY read over the blog and you see that C3 is C2 with few changes that i can live do without.

    How many time i use C3 if you ask maybe 5 time for about 10 minutes. what that say, ask any web developer what may people keep going back to a website which C3 done have. yes C3 is a website not a software

    C2 all the way

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