volcank's Forum Posts

  • apofis Hi try to reimport the music you used inside C2 then move to sound folder this worked for me. Also in another forum mahdi71 suggested this.

    ok i found a way !!

    use intel xdk and then you dont have musics but :

    1- download Advanced ApkTool

    2- decompile your apk

    3- recompile your apk


    i dont know why but it work !

  • mahdi71 That way the music works?? Where do I download Advanced Apk Tool?? Also Do I have to resign the apk that way?? Because I always autosign my apks by Intel XDK and I already created my game (even it is not published) in the Google Store which won't accept a different signed apk.

  • Arcanebits How do you import the project?? The way I follow is always I say START A NEW PROJECT with blue plus button. After that I I click Import your HTML 5 CodeBase and then select the folder. This way always works for me.

  • Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience and being open! I am also thinking the same way you think not to allow people download a laggy game and create unhappy customers. I will check out the part you shared about API.

    Regards and Happy Gaming

  • Hmm ok Thank you. Yes you are right. My game seems working more properly with CW14. Which Android API version should I leave on? I now use 14 which is default. I also saw some apps on the appstore which I couldn'T install for my previous phone which was Samsung Note2 so that's what they did. But that was annoying. I remember that was the "periscope" app. But if my game seems not working properly with older devices cause my game is heavy. A platform game with many levels when it is finished. It has big levels with lots of sprites floor tiles enemies etc. I did a lot of optimizing like turning on collisiong when they are on the screen and also turning on the platform behaviour of the enemies when they are on screen etc. But still seems working slow with older devices. Even it might get slow down a bit in some parts in my iPad Air but works fine. I will see what I will do. Thank you.

  • mahdi71 Hi! I just solved it thanx to he helped me on this situation. Just drag and drop your music files from your "music" folder to the "sound" folder inside Construct2 before exporting. That fixed the music issue with me.

    Check this thread

  • WOW! You just made my day u know!!! It worked. I only moved all the music files from music folder to sound folder and it worked. Thank you so much. Now need to test if this way will work with IOS or not. If not I will remove to back music for IOS only. BEcause it was working with IOS that way when I tested earlier today. By the way there seems to be some performance issues with crosswalk (it wasn't like this before) now my game works quite slow with my Android tablet not the phone. Since Zenfone has like 4 gb of ram it works fine but I am suspicious it will work great in all devices. Does building in Crosswalk ver 14 or 11 or 12 makes a difference?? Thank you once again. I was thinking this all day how to work around.

  • Hmm ok thank you! Wİll give it a shot! What if the music works if they are in the sound folder instead of music folder? Should I leave it like that?? Also Would that create a problem also with IOS build?

  • Hi! Do I do that inside Construct2?? Btw When I export the project as Cordova it collects all the music and sound effects in one folder called "media"

  • Hi everyone,

    I just tried Android Crosswalk today and it seems acting weird. In my first build when the game started it had no music only sound effects and now when I build it gives error "An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again." I tried several times and it happens. Any ideas??

  • Hi everyone,

    I just have a new problem occured when building my game with Android Crosswalk. I have been buildind the game I am working on maybe for about 3 months and nothing happened but now when I build the game the music doesn't start up!! OI only have sound effects. And another thing i I changed my phone to Asus Zenfone 2 and it uses X86 structure don't know why. So I install X86. I really hope there is a solution.

    Thank you

  • Hi everyone,

    I know the subject title is very weird but couldn't find a better way to explain it. My problem is I am making a platformer game and at the start of each level I need to destroy a lot of objects which are either being created or spawned during game play. Seems I also need to keep those sprites in the work area otherwise construct2 always gives errors when previewing the game.

    What happens is when I test in mobile it always creates a slow gameplay or either a freeze at the start of a level which is very disturbing for the player. Are there any other ways of avoiding this situation. I have like pause menus, In App Purchases Menus, Game Over Menus and things that are spawned during gameplay such as when you hit a crate it spawns other parts of crates to give the destroyed effect. Or I have like blood splash effects etc. They are all in my viewport when I design the level.

    Another problem I am facing is to optimize the levels I disable the collisions for my tiled floors and make them enable when they are on screen. And for the enemies I disable the platform behaviour and make it enable when they are on screen. what happens is sometimes the platform behaviour of the enemies seem to be enabled right before they are on screen so they either fall down or get stuck inside the platform. I wonder if there is a way to avoid this.

    I really would appreciate your advice and help


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  • cranberrygame Ashley

    It is so sad that this is happening. With the support of cranberrygame I can monetize my games using admob, chartboost, unityads, vungle and many many monetization systems and In App Purchases since I started using Construct2. I think full support should be given to cranberrygame and his plugins should be part of Construct2. Imagine if you only install Construct2 and it has all these nice monetization systems in it. And I am sure this is possible and can be done. Check out the site for Stencyl


    They have nice extensions with different monetization networks and they are all free. This can be done for Construct2 as well. Since we as game developers want to make money with what we do and there is nothing to be ashamed of telling this, then I think full support for many monetization systems should be given. Because many professional companies use all kinds of monetization not just admob. And Chartboost especially can make you earn much much more revenue than Admob. Example of what I experienced today with Chartboost. I only had 3 downloads today from a game of mine and from the analytics I saw there were only 59 bootups. From only 1 Install of an Ad shown inside the game I got like 5 dollars. Can you get 5 dollars in a day from Admob with 3 daily installs? I guess not. Any way I really hope things turn out well and we continue to get support from cranbberygame.

    Happy Game Making Everyone

  • Hi everyone!

    I seem to have some performance issues with my game. Before I didn't have any problem but now the game is dramatically slowed down. IT am building a platform game with levels and have done things to optimize the game before exporting from tutorials. It was working almost near perfect before in my phone Samsung Note 2 but now tha game seems to be slowing during game play almost like slow motion film but it depends on the sprites on the screen etc. I am suspicious about the Crosswalk is causing this because of its version. I use mainly Crosswalk 11 and set minimum Android version to 14 and set target Android versiob to 22. Now from this forum I see most people are using Crosswalk 14 and will try it. But stil lwanted to ask what is the best building options while using Crosswalk for a good performance. Thank you

  • hi everyone just wanted to tell you that my latest whack and Alien Mole Invader game also hit the IOS stores. Check it out

    https://itunes.apple.com/tr/app/whack-a ... 42140?mt=8

    Google play link

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... hackaliens
