Thanks for your responding to this post.
I did not intend to confuse you. If you was confused, I am sorry.
As for admob native plugin, you do not need to pay for admob native plugin. I will continue to update the plugin because I also need it. (You can use scirra community level license key which I sent.(this means no revenue share))
- there was a bug reported in the AdMob plugin; since the plugin depends on one of your Cordova plugins I got in touch to investigate a fix
==> fixed ios issue. you can use ... n-ad-admob
but not fixed android split mode issue yet.
- you suggested some kind of deal, this seemed fair since the AdMob plugin we ship with C2 depends on your cordova plugin
==> what did you mean? what deal can you accept?
- since the AdMob plugin is the only one that any official C2 features depend on, naturally I focused on that.
- we considered various arrangements and in the end offered for Scirra to purchase a license for C2 users to use your AdMob Cordova plugin without any revenue share.
==> I do not want to be paid by admob native plugin, just use free.
- in response you posted this, appearing to decline our offer.
==> no decline, you can use admob naive plugin free. (no need to pay me and use license key which I gave free)
I think the key of cordova is the cordova github.
Think of my cordova github:
My github code is mainly made up of java, objective c, c#.
Scirra seems to need these cordova native plugin maker + javascript bridge(c2 plugin) man.
People who like these two works simultaneously seem to be rare.
Even Ashley seems not to want to deal with these various native languages together with javascript.
My point about cordova is that scirra members need cordova plugins but no one want to study and make cordova plugins (cordova native plugin + javascript bridge(c2 plugin)).
(You can also guide your guide line to cordova plugins dev man)
So scirra needs more activer approach about cordova plugins.
This is just my wish.
And if you can pin my cordova plugins post in the forum, this will help me to resume to support each plugin paid updating (the problem of my party is the difficulty of plugin promotion) as
gonzdevour said (cranberrygame-can-not-update-c2-cordova-plugins-any-more_p966770?#p966770)