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  • It's a shame, haven't started, still have 6 days left. I have to start tomorrow.

  • Looks beautiful, like others mentioned, controls could be easier. When switching gravity, controls could stay same or gravity could be switched with the jump key. I finished first two levels, than in third I picked first key and after picking a second key, I died. I didn't want to go from the start again and pick those keys again. In the first two levels, dying was ok, because keys weren't too far apart, but in the third level, it was much more difficult to obtain them. It'd be better if the game remembered what keys were picked and after death, doors switches would stay opened.

    Very polished and nice to play game.

  • Congrats Kyatric, you've been always great help, now it's just official <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I've tried it, here's the file.

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  • If you close the editor then hit the main window's undo button, it undoes the change. You'll notice the last undo item is 'Edit Sprite Texture', even if you just changed some image points/collision poly points.

    Perfect, it works. It's just bit less user friendly to close the editor's window, click undo and than go back editing than have it already in the editor's window or upon closing. Will you add the function to some C2 future version?

  • There should be an undo button in the image editor or it should ask if I want to keep changes when closing the editor like in CC. I accidentally changed position of polygons points and I had to reload the whole project to revert it back.

  • > There should be an undo button in the image editor or it should ask if I want to keep changes when closing the editor like in CC. I accidentally changed position of polygons points and I had to reload the whole project to revert it back.

    Huh<img src="smileys/smiley25.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I thought, this was like an official thread to post suggestions, I'll post it somewhere else <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • There should be an undo button in the image editor or it should ask if I want to keep changes when closing the editor like in CC. I accidentally changed position of polygons points and I had to reload the whole project to revert it back.

  • By "A Living World" I'm thinking about game mechanics that would enhance player experience in the gaming world. Interacting with object to modify its surrounding and the world changing by itself.

    Lots of games have introduced a "living world" but it's most of the time driven by the player's actions.

    I like it, good idea.

  • I was hoping for a bit of feedback from anybody who downloaded the Demo.

    Unfortunatelly, I can't help you with that. I'm not your target customer.<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    When I see someone doing beatboxing, I can say it's impressive, but I'm not much into it. I can only tell you, I haven't found any major bugs, flaws while trying the demo.

  • Nice, I'll try to make something. How will you judge games or will you set up a poll for voting the best game.

  • You can't add sounds from the Techniques list (they are already available to use in the sounds tab)

    That's what I thought.

    How far you're from the full version?

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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