Noga's Recent Forum Activity

  • Now everything works fine. Good game, actually very good. I've enjoyed it and last screen - nice.

    If you did it only on your own, good job. Thanks

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  • Can't get past 1st lvl . Hopefully next version is more playable cause graphics good

  • I like match-3 games and this one looks nice, downloading...

  • In your latest demo when you are holding A or D and than you press ctrl together with middle mouse button, the character freezes and can't move, only shoot.

    It's looking better with every new release, can't wait for a new one. I kinda like searching for bugs (in Bugs ) and I would like to help you betatest it. Please send me an email or PM what you think.

  • Looks nice, nice graphic and effects. I've looked for bugs and...

    When you press ctrl fast repeatedly the character will start sliding. Similar is when you keep shooting and start pressing ctrl.

    When a mantis reaches the right corner, it flyes of the screen.

    There is an animation glitch while running and throwing grenades. The player splits in half.

  • Hi, I liked it. It's just bit too difficult for me. I would add some checkpoint. It took me 10min to get somewhere further, but than I died and the game kicked me back at the very start. Sorry if there is a save point, I was just too frustrated to start over

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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