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  • I haven't read it all, but it looks pretty extensive. Will you keep updating it to make it even bigger?

    It's very helpful to me, because I don't have an internet at home. Thank you

  • On runtime window. I was hoping for some hidden "enable scrollbars" check box.


  • How can I enable vertical and horizontal scroll bars on runtime window? It's probably something stupid, but I couldn't find it.

    example - ... rs/txt.cap

  • When I try to export a file into a same folder where is the .cap, I get runtime err - error loading "APPBLOCK" (1813)

    If I save it into a different folder it's ok

  • It's a money counting program. I've done it for Czech currency, but I think it should be easy to convert it to whatever you like.


    Up and Down arrows or mouse to select, numpad to input numbers, F11 to print

    Download: ... afinal.exe ... afinal.cap

    Thanks to R0J0hound and especially to Silent Cacophony for their big help

  • EditBox.SetSelection(len(EditBox.Text), len(EditBox.Text))[/code:1ktkrpco]
    This works perfectly and your EditBoxCursor too. I've had some problems with setting private variables and than calling them, but I think it's ok now.
    Now only what I have to do is put it all together. I'll try post final version next week
  • Thanks again. I'm at work now, but I'll try it later. I've tried R0J0hound's cut/paste trick, but as you say I could see flashing (maybe I was doing it wrong), so I can't wait to try the other method

  • Thank you Silent Cacophony and R0J0hound for your help. I've used bit of both. Here's what I've got so far ... ncovka.cap ... ncovka.exe

    It works but I still have some problems

    How can I make objects use variables, so I can make use of FOR




    FOR "" 1 to 12


    Look into the .cap, is there a way how to make it better optimized? I have On Click On Object for every 12 objects. Can I use just one event for all?

    When I input, say 25 into a box and than I click on that box again, the bleeping cursor in the EditBox stays at the beginning and adds numbers before 25 and not after.

    How can I add that bleeping cursor into a box so it will not look that empty

    Sorry for all those questions. I've wanted to use numbers for object names like 100 instead of onehundred but I got errors. And finally when I save the .cap on my home PC I can't open it on my work laptop even it's same version. I think, that I only have one plugin installed on home comp but it's not included in the .cap

    note - currency is in CZK

  • I'm making a simple money counting program. Something like..

    1c x 0

    5c x 0

    10c x 0



    100$ x 0

    sum = 0

    Where user would click on 0 and enter the number of coins or bills. I'm using EditBox with initial value 0, but I would need bigger font size. I can't find it in the EditBox only in the Text object.

  • the link is broken

  • vanja you're a talent. Was it all done by mouse or tablet?

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  • Would be great to add some savepoints. I couldn't get past 2nd lvl (because the difficulty scidave mentioned). It reminds me a never finished game I was doing 10yrs ago in qbasic, coincidently I finished only second level.

    otherwise good game, waiting for new version

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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