Noga's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi, Djordhan and sorry. I couldn't spent enough time working on my game lately and I missed the deadline. Also I think, I took more than I could eat. Anyway, I'm still working on it, there's no one to compete with, but I don't like leaving unfinished projects and when I'm done, I'll post it here. Here's a screenshot, still need to make more creatures, animations and a player.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Change keys from "pressed" to "is down" and toggle both conditions back to enabled.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Both are good, but I like Konstell more. If that's just a minigame of a bigger project, I'm really excited to see the game.

  • ^^Exactly, C2's been always focused on 2D. They've never wanted to compete with other 3d game making programs. If you like more creating 3d than 2d I suggest switching to those programs which support it natively. In CC and C2, it'll always be possible to make a 3d game, but with workarounds and much harder. On the other hand, I believe and wish for C2, to become the best tool for creating 2d games.

  • I thought it was your game at first. Nice presentation, but it's not a game for me. I'm really slow at writing, I use only 2 fingers and always have to watch the keyboard, so I didn't have much from the game.

    Here is a topic about it.

  • Try to replace the space with - & nbsp; (erase the space after the ampersand)

    Just a guess.

    edit- what's the code for including a code in a post? I've tried

    but it still takes it as a space.

  • I started too late, on Friday, and still working on it. I think, I could finish it until 9th, so yes, I'm for postponing the deadline.

    the Bespectacled One - looks cool, you should finish it.

  • Same Check failure as I got.

  • I'm trying to turn of gravity and after one second to turn it on again, but nothing happens and the object (splat) still hovers in the air. When I disable first event, physics works. Am I doing something wrong? What's other way how to do that, would be good if there was set it movable/immovable at the runtime?

    Also I got these check failures when saving the project.

    .capx download

    • now as I'm uploading the file, I noticed it has 8MB! I've wanted a ground texture so I just downloaded first pic from google which was 2000x2000px 1,5MB big file, I resized it in the program, still it looks like this is making problems? Is there a size limit or recommended size limit?


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Object has no animations

    Condition: !anims.empty()

    File: Projects\ObjectType.cpp

    Line: 911

    Function: class ObjectTexture &__cdecl ObjectType::GetFirstAnimationFrame(void)

    Build: release 60 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Object has no animation frames

    Condition: false

    File: Projects\ObjectType.cpp

    Line: 922

    Function: class ObjectTexture &__cdecl ObjectType::GetFirstAnimationFrame(void)

    Build: release 60 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Releasing texture that has already been released; check all textures are loaded/released correctly

    Condition: false

    File: Projects\ObjectTexture.cpp

    Line: 425

    Function: void __cdecl ObjectTexture::GLReleaseTexture(class cr::GLRenderer *)

    Build: release 60 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Object texture leak: a texture is still loaded when cleaning up an ObjectTexture, check all textures released properly

    Condition: gl_instances.empty()

    File: Projects\ObjectTexture.cpp

    Line: 39

    Function: __cdecl ObjectTexture::~ObjectTexture(void)

    Build: release 60 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

  • I've made this simple example for a user on a Czech forum and I thought someone could find it useful also here.


  • In r57 and below - clicking "Yes", it uninstalled the old version from the folder I installed to and also kept version on the hdd/flash drive intact. That's what got me confused, I was used to click uninstall.

    In r58 - it works as you're saying. Thank you for the new installing option.

    -I just checked it with older versions and it works as you say, of course. I must've been drunk every time I installed C2 <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • When I installed the new 64bit version into the "program files/construct 2" folder, it erased my 64bit version which is located on my flash drive. 32bit version, which is also placed on the flash, stayed intact.

    Than I tried to install 64bit version to the flash, and it erased the program from the hdd. Again, I installed 64bit version to the hdd, it erased flash drive 64bit version. And just to test it, I installed 32bit version to the flash, and even this deleted the 64bit version from the hdd!

    In every case I clicked "Yes" to

    -Construct 2 appears to be installed on this computer. Do you want Setup to uninstall the old version? - but I think that shouldn't affect version in a different folder.

    -I forgot, it also erased Kyatric's pathfinder plugin

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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