One Buck Challenge - September

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From the Asset Store
Footsteps SFX One contains 400 sounds of steps and jumps on different surfaces.
  • I started too late, on Friday, and still working on it. I think, I could finish it until 9th, so yes, I'm for postponing the deadline.

    the Bespectacled One - looks cool, you should finish it.

  • Then October 9th it is!

  • I guess I'll buy myself a little treat with my buck this time :)

    I think I will rename this challenge to OBC - November and make a poll to choose the theme. Hoping people will have more motivation :)

  • or make it 2BC? anyway, didn't knwo there was something like this, I'm interested in joinging as well.

  • Hmm that 2BC idea is not bad but it messes up the whole concept of the OBC :) I`ll think about!

  • Hi, Djordhan and sorry. I couldn't spent enough time working on my game lately and I missed the deadline. Also I think, I took more than I could eat. Anyway, I'm still working on it, there's no one to compete with, but I don't like leaving unfinished projects and when I'm done, I'll post it here. Here's a screenshot, still need to make more creatures, animations and a player.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Admins....

    Just thinking out loud...the competitions forum should be moved up to the top level as it should be for both C2 and CC. That might give it more exposure...

  • Admins....

    Just thinking out loud...the competitions forum should be moved up to the top level as it should be for both C2 and CC. That might give it more exposure...

    Not a bad idea, Scidave. The more the merrier! Looking forward to the next competition--I'll get in on one of them eventually :)

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  • Nice! Only just saw this thread now. This is similar to the cool Ludum Dare Mini Comps. Do you guys have a separate website for the entries and things? It would be awesome to have a basic wordpress site like LD.

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