Suggesting new features

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  • Where do you go to suggest new features for C2? Is this the right place for it?

    Thank you kindly!

  • Yup feel free to post with any feature suggestions! We welcome them all.

  • Thanks Tom. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    This came to my head after seeing the latest build of C2, where you can have custom collision shapes. It reminded me of this really cool feature I saw on a builder a long time ago. They called it something along the lines of Path Finding. I am an RPG indie game developer, I have used many 2D game makers in the past, though, C2 is shaping up to be quite THE 2D game builder. Anyway, among the builders I have used, there's one called the "RPG Toolkit", I played with it for a while, but documentation and support were not very helpful and it was quite buggy. Though it had this great map building related feature. Basically, you could pre-render a map in say, Photoshop. You could make the map/level entirely in Photoshop, then import it into the maker as a flat image. Once there, you could actually go around the shapes in the map, much in the same way you do this in the latest build of C2 with sprites, once you surrounded a shape with the mouse, you decided whether that shape was gonna be passable, not passable or it would over the player. The cool thing is that everything was a flat image, but in game it looked otherwise. I don't know how to explain better, I guess. And I cannot clearly remember the name of it, but it did have Path Finding in the name, but I will try to find the name of it. It was extremely easy to make levels that way, and maybe it could be done in C2, which I think would be a killer feature and a way to help making RPG maps easier to pull off, since these sort of maps often have lots of objects in them, and can be quite the resources hogger.

  • There's a pathfinding behaviour included in C2. It will calculate the path for you. At the moment, you'll still have to program the movement of objects along the path by yourself.

    More and a .capx example in this topic

    (No need to download the behaviour it is included in C2)

    I suggest you to check the beginner's guide to C2 as well as the others C2 related tutorials and get familliar with C2.

    Most of what RPG toolkit proposed seem to be doable in C2's events style.

  • Yeah, that is not what this is though. That's one reason why I found it strange that they would have included "Path Finding" in the name of that feature. I guess I will have to explain better? I know what Path finding is, and I guess that feature is Path Finding somehow. Gonna have to whip up an example. Thanks for all the info btw!

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  • There should be an undo button in the image editor or it should ask if I want to keep changes when closing the editor like in CC. I accidentally changed position of polygons points and I had to reload the whole project to revert it back.

  • There should be an undo button in the image editor or it should ask if I want to keep changes when closing the editor like in CC. I accidentally changed position of polygons points and I had to reload the whole project to revert it back.

    Huh<img src="smileys/smiley25.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • > There should be an undo button in the image editor or it should ask if I want to keep changes when closing the editor like in CC. I accidentally changed position of polygons points and I had to reload the whole project to revert it back.

    Huh<img src="smileys/smiley25.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I thought, this was like an official thread to post suggestions, I'll post it somewhere else <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks for the suggestions I'll make sure Ash sees them!

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