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  • not how do I implement them, but if I want to get a location

    basically a location I could either get from trigonometric functions

    or by creating a sprite with an imagepoint, rotating it, and getting the imagepoint

    is it quicker to get an imagepoint of a sprite, because of some vram sprite rotation thing?

    or is it just calculating an offset of the sprites hotspot using sin and cosine and such?

  • I got a madcatz generic 360 pad

    so nice to load a game, and the controls just work, the buttons be where they're meant to be, and everything be fine and dandy

    and I been doin some figurin

    I change my mind

    perhaps they could have been more direct about it, but maybe this all isn't about money

    like I said earlier, it makes it possible for pc devs to seriously consider a game meant for pc pads since there is a "controller alot of people will have"

    but it also standardizes controls for the pc

    not only do alot of people have A controller

    but alot of people have the SAME controller

    not a 360 pad, but a pad, where a dev can decide what controls should be where

    where they know everyone has rumble, everyone has two digital, and two analog shoulder buttons, a d pad, 4 face buttons, and a left and right analog stick/buttons

    a select and a start, and big gay green button

    they can design a game with an actual control scheme, and actually think out how it should be played, instead of just hoping that someone out there has a controller with something like they had in mind

    if they had just done this as an upgrade to directx, people would have still used older DX pads, and developers couldn't show pictures of buttons on the screen, they would have to continue to assume that there were all different types of controllers

    they HAD to break directinput, they HAD to mess it up, so they could force the world to adopt a new standard, and advance the world of PC gaming, to include console style games meant to be played with controllers

    you could say, it all amounts to selling more copies of windows, as it expands it game library to include more genres, and players, but at least now it doesn't seem totally stupid and pointless

    at least in my own head

  • <img src="">

  • ok

    fixed, redownload from the same link

    thanks again

    I forgot that the letters are separate objects and need to be destroyed, too

    you'll notice however, that if you don't rearrange the events so the right click event is after the ShowText event, it'll still seem like it's still not working

    this isn't the spritefont plugin though

    this is because the way construct works, objects aren't really destroyed until the end of an event sheet,

    look at the following cap, to demonstrate:

    the purple sprite is destroyed immediately

    the red dot is destroyed on startup,

    so the one on screen is made by the purple sprite after the purple sprite is destroyed

    the text is set by a private variable of the purple sprite after the purple sprite is destroyed

    weird, I know, but it's a known issue, and it's not going to change until construct 2 I believe ashley said

  • but I said hoyt...cuz the usb thing said hoyt on it

    so it's super funny

  • ok, so here's an example with the FontSprite object: At least try the exe:)

    even if the original poster doesn't want to use it, this will explain some of the things you can do with it, and how to do them. hope it helps someone

    try the exe first, so you know what the events you're looking at are for, and what they will do in the end.

    I only made it work with first and second options, and once you open the option, you can't do anything else. though, as you will see, adding new options only requires you to add one small event, and no guesswork as to how tall all the text for the submenu is

    look through the cap a little, to get a basic idea of what's going on before reading the tutorial

    after each screenshot, I will break down the actions one by one, so don't let them overwhelm you.



    link to plugin

    also, before we get started, don't be intimidated by the long post, it's actually only four main events, and I broke down each step really far since most people have never used this plugin:

    <img src="">

    how it works:

    <img src="">

    ok, in the start of layout, you choose your sprite, and set up which characters are which,

    basically you tell it which frames of the sprite animation have which letters.

    it's not as confusing as it looks in the screenshot, basically I'm giving a range of characters like 'a' through 'z', and saying these letters start of frame 33, the letters are stored in a sprite animation, frame 33 is 'a', frame 34 is 'b', frame 35 is 'c', etc. if you have questions, look at the cap later, don't let this part worry you for now. it's really quite simple when you try it for yourself

    you'll notice that the last line contains our whole menu, if you've never used the newline expression before, it's like pressing enter, so

    will type on the screen:
    <img src="">
    you can ignore the actions in the brackets, that's setting up a new fontsprite the same way as the first, if you are familiar with the 'function' object, you'll only need those actions once
    so it goes like this, 
    [code:l8egaw9v]On Left Clicked on sprite[/code:l8egaw9v]
    each letter is a sprite, so that means if the player clicks on any letter
    this event triggers
    [code:l8egaw9v]Pick Current Word[/code:l8egaw9v]
    this takes that sprite, and goes back to the fontobject
    now it's picked every sprite that makes up the word that the sprite was a part of
    so if you click on the sprite for "i" in the word "first"
    it picks every sprite that makes up the word "first"
    [code:l8egaw9v]SpriteFont.CurrentWord Equal to "first"[/code:l8egaw9v]
    here's where the magic happens
    if the word they clicked on (the 'CurrentWord') is equal to "first", this event will trigger
    <img src="">
    you then create a SpriteFont2 object (just another spritefont, for the submenu)
    I created it at 
    x= spritefont.phraseleft (the left edge of the all the letters) +30 (for an indent)
    y = Sprite.Top+spritefont.newlineheight 
    remember, when we picked Current Word, we picked the sprites that make up that word, 
    spritefont ignores hotspots, so 'newlineheight'  measures from the top of the letter sprite (the sprites that make up the word we clicked on),
    so, is where it would be writing the next line if you weren't doing a weird menu thing, 
    this means that your submenu (we just created, SpriteFont2) is positioned exactly as if you had just put a regular newline after the word you clicked on, with no guesswork
    then those actions in brackets, are the same setup things we did for the original menu
    the Showtext again, this time with SpriteFont2 with all our submenu option separated again by Newlines
    <img src="">
    [code:l8egaw9v]SpriteFont:Set private variable "option" to spritefont.WordPositionInPhrase[/code:l8egaw9v]
    we make a private variable called option, to keep track of what the player clicked on.  as you'll see, you won't need a different event for each option from here on out
    WordPositionInPhrase is just that
    [code:l8egaw9v]"hello, how are you?"[/code:l8egaw9v]
    so the WordPositionInPhrase for "hello" is 0, "how" is 1, "are" is 2, etc...
    you are setting the private variable "option", to this number, so you can remember which word you clicked on for later, this will make sense in a minute
    [code:l8egaw9v]SpriteFont:Set private variable "submenuopen" to "yes"[/code:l8egaw9v]
    the default is set to "no", so we can use this later to see if the submenu is open or not
    [code:l8egaw9v]SpriteFont2:For Each Character
    Sprite:Set opacity to 0[/code:l8egaw9v]
    I did this so the submenu is invisible until we've made space for it
    <img src="">
    [code:l8egaw9v]"submenuopen" equal to "yes"
    trigger once[/code:l8egaw9v]
    once the menu is open, we want to do this one time
    [code:l8egaw9v]SpriteFont:for each character
    SpriteFont:Private Variable "option" less than SpriteFont.WordPositionInPhrase[/code:l8egaw9v]
    Remember how we set "option" to the word number earlier?
    now every letter that is in a word AFTER that original option, will trigger this event
    so we set in each letter/sprite:
     a private variable:
    [code:l8egaw9v]StartHeight = .y (the current y position)[/code:l8egaw9v]
    (where it is now, the beginning of the scrolling)
    [code:l8egaw9v]EndHeight = StartHeight + SpriteFont2.PhraseHeight + 7[/code:l8egaw9v]
    and we want it to end at the end of our submenu
    PhraseHeight calculates the distance from the top pixel of the highest word in the phrase, to the lowest pixel at the bottom of the phrase, so this is how big, vertically, the submenu is.
    why +7? 
    because as I said before, spritefont ignores hotspots, so this is to compensate 
    you can just do this by trial and error, or by checking the position of the sprite hotspot in the sprite editor
    almost home...
    <img src="">
    once again
    [code:l8egaw9v]SpriteFont:private variable SubmenuOpen equal to "yes"?
    For Each Word
    Value of "option" less than WordPositionInPhrase?[/code:l8egaw9v]
    these are the same as in the last step
    if the submenu is open, check each word and see if it comes after the wordnumber of the option that was clicked on, if so, we need to scroll it
    [code:l8egaw9v]Sprite.Value('EndHeight') greater than .y?[/code:l8egaw9v]
    if so, the sprites haven't scrolled down enough
    I made a counter to use with lerp to move the sprites
    it's a private variable in FontSprite2 called 'counter'
    it starts at 0
    [code:l8egaw9v]SpriteFont2('Counter') : Add 0.5 * timedelta[/code:l8egaw9v], this will add a tiny number to 'counter', 
    that will vary based on framerate, to make sure it moves at the same speed on any computer, regardless of slowdown, 
    if you don't care about slow down, you could have just put 'Add 0.1'
    [code:l8egaw9v]Set Y to lerp(('StartHeight'),('EndHeight'),SpriteFont2('counter'))[/code:l8egaw9v]
    quazi explained how lerp works, a number between 0 and 1, takes you from the first number to the second number, we set startheight and endheight variables for each sprite(each letter), to take it from where it was to  where it was  +  the height of the submenu
    now we've taken care of scrolling the sprites, and stopping the sprites,
    because if they've gotten to the end, then the event:[code:l8egaw9v]Sprite.Value('EndHeight') greater than .y?[/code:l8egaw9v] won't be true anymore, so they will stop scrolling
    all that's left now is making the submenu not invisible anymore when we're done scrolling
    [code:l8egaw9v]Sprite.Value('EndHeight') less than or equal to .y?[/code:l8egaw9v]
    this will be true when the sprites reach their final destination after they are done scrolling where they need to be...
    it's opposite of the last event, so  you could have also just used "else"
    [code:l8egaw9v]SpriteFont2:for each character[/code:l8egaw9v]
    remember, spritefont2 is the submenu, so now this will pick each sprite in those words one at a time
    [code:l8egaw9v]SpriteFont2:Opacity less than 100[/code:l8egaw9v]
    remember we set it to opacity to 0?
    [code:l8egaw9v]Sprite: Set opacity to .opacity + (50*timedelta)[/code:l8egaw9v]
    again, if you don't care that it goes at the exact same speed during slow down, you could have just put opacity +1
    since this will keep being true until it's no longer transparent at all (opacity = 100), it  gives you a nice slow fade in for the the sub menu...
    as you can see, using this method, you don't have to keep guessing how much distance there is for different menus, or setup many objects for each word, and even though it's alot to take in the first time you use the spritefont object
    it has a very simple logic to it, once you get over the initial learning curve
    if you use functions with this example, the code could be drastically reduced
    you could have also used "else", and a private variable to show whether it was a menu, or a submenu instead of a second spritefont object to reduce it further
  • manontherun, no prob

    and I'll continue for as long as I need

    to be honest though...I'd like to finish it eventually

    btw, changelog:

    fixed stuff

    added destroy, and other useful stuff

  • EDIT: see next post:

  • wow...


    who woulda thunk it?

    I'll get that in there by tomorrow night

    thanks again

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  • youre gonna hoyt his feelings

  • sorry about that

    if you hit the back button

    select the correct action again

    and then hit the forward button

    all your previous options should be there

  • or unless you examine the legalities of the particular game license and it expressly states that such and such use is ok

    which for most commercial titles, it doesn't

    some companies are more forgiving of derivative works than others

    and it's best to either research or check with the company

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