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  • k ashy

    I looked into this for a long time

    and honestly

    it doesn't make any sense why it's not working

    one thing I realized however,

    is that it doesn't happen if you set characters by range, instead of by string

    I apologize for the inconvenience

    but this is a weird problem that will require lots of debugging and maybe a conversation with the devs

    in other could take a while.

    as I said fine if you don't use set character by string

    also, I tried making the object global, and changing layouts, and you don't have to set it again on the next layout

    it works as is.

  • here's a youtube link for those who couldn't view the other file

  • oh yeah

    update on this

    I'm pretty sure I figured this out

    it doesn't erase or corrupt your cap

    it just messes up the view

    if you go to the project bar, and double click on your event sheet

    things should go back to normal

    sorry if I caused a panic

    seriously though....the sky is falling

  • nice find mad

    how easy is it?

    I mean...can I not make a fontsplitter tool now?

  • > i could also add a "automatically set y offsets to hotspot function.


    That would be awesome. It would be a bit time consuming to set the offset for each letter.

    ok, done


    it's under the Set YOffset

    there's an option to set to the hotspot now

    I'm using a global SpriteFont, and a global sprite for it.

    The SpriteFont becomes invisible/disappears if I do like so:...Removed it, and no more crashes.

    I'm a little confused as to what you meant in the first part

    as for the second part, if possible pm me a link to the still crashing cap

    I'd definitely change [Scrolling Destroying/recreating Sprites], seems unneccesary. If you're storing pointers to all the letters then you can just move them and update their position.

    OK this is fixed

    with one exception

    when Confine Text To Box is on, it destroys and recreates the sprites

    this is because it chooses whether to create them in the first place based on whether they are going to be in the bounding box or not.

    [programmer talk]I think removing and adding pointers from the center of the vector along with destroying and creating certain objects might have been just as inefficient anyway. plus, it would have involved a significant amount of rewriting stuff I'm just not up to at this point in my other project[/programmer talk]

  • thanks mad,

    this is just my personal game engine for now sorry

    but yes, it will have the interpolation methods you speak of

  • I'm heavily into my other deal right now, so I'll be addressing all these one at a time, in order, first

    Creating multiple of the same SpriteFont and they aren't Always set to a text still makes old ones stop showing text.

    k konjak, this may have been a picking issue in your cap

    I suppose the best method to separate each one would be private variables

    here's a cap to demonstrate multiple instances not canceling eachother out

    left click the mouse to set one fontsprite

    right click to set the other

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  • k, this is very early

    this is the beginnings of the editor to my engine

    this video shows the timeline and keyframe editor

    setting up a few bones and keyframes, and then scrubbing through the animation

    it will be used to create interactive boned animations

    that can be mixed and altered changed on the fly depending on in game conditions

    such as a character's emotional state, or a character getting hit by an object

    getting ahead of myself though

    finally got something on the screen

    doesn't play correctly in browser

    so please download and play

  • This is more of a construct2 type request or a pipedream, but it'd be really cool to get a temporary isometric side view like winvista

    <img src="">

    but yeah, if I'm stacking objects like you just mentioned mipey, I usually pick them from the object bar, and set their location either manually, with properties panel, or through events in start of layout

  • i can see how both would be useful

  •'s the link to fontsprite

    under uploads, there is a "completed add-ons" forum to get third party completed add-ons. the fontsprite is fairly complex, so i'd like to retain it's unfinished status for a while, and add any features peopl request and correct any bugs, so as of now, it's not officially a "completed add-on". however, it is mostly complete, and im just adding requested features, and fixing small bugs.

  • i had no idea!

    im a left for writing but i prefer throwing right handed, and using scissors right handed since we never had any lefty scissors.

    since the fingerholes go through to the other side

    don't they work for both hands?

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